Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 1 of 13
`Pages 1-13
`FINJAN, INC., a Delaware
`Delaware Corporation,
`For Plaintiff:
`For Defendant:
`Transcription Service:
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, LLP
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, California 94025
`(650) 752-1700
`Irell & Manella, LLP
`1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900
`Los Angeles, California 90067-4276
`(310) 277-1010
`Peggy Schuerger
`Ad Hoc Reporting
`2220 Otay Lakes Road, Suite 502-85
`Chula Vista, California 91915
`(619) 236-9325
`Proceedings recorded by electronic sound recording; transcript
`produced by transcription service.
`) Case No. 17-cv-05659-WHA
`San Francisco, California
`Courtroom A, 15th Floor
`Thursday, June 6, 2019
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 2 of 13
`THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2019 10:42 A.M.
`(Call to order of the Court.)
`This case is going to be 17-5659, Finjan,
`Inc. v. Juniper Networks, Inc.
`Counsel, please state your
`appearances for the record. Let’s start with Plaintiff.
`Good morning, Your Honor.
`This is Paul
`Andre for Finjan, Plaintiff.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`(Indiscernible) for the
`Good morning.
`We are here today on a
`discovery letter brief about Shlomo Touboul’s -- I’m probably
`mispronouncing the last name -- deposition, and Juniper has made
`an argument that Judge Alsup issued an order in December of 2018
`and it looked to me when I read the full context that what he was
`really doing was not allowing a deposition in a different lawsuit
`to be entered into evidence. And I didn’t see that as necessarily
`providing any indication concerning how Mr. Touboul’s deposition
`should proceed.
`Is there something that I misunderstood about that, Mr.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`I actually
`didn’t make my appearance yet.
`Another counsel did.
`This is
`Harry Mittleman for Juniper Networks. The context in which that
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 3 of 13
`stage arose -- this concerned depositions from another case -- we
`cited to it to address the point that Judge Alsup has already
`rejected the notion that Mr. Touboul has an excuse to remain in
`Israel and to testify via videotape because of his travel
`So that is the purpose that we were citing that
`exchange for.
`The grounds for the motion that we have brought are the
`The -- our opponent, Mr. Andre’s client, Finjan, has
`taken the position that it may take up to ten 30(b)(6) depositions
`so long as each one is one second shy of three hours -- three and
`a half hours.
`So that it depicts, in theory, 34 hours and 50
`seconds of 30(b)(6) depositions and that’s what Judge Alsup’s
`order permits. I submit that that is a preposterous position and
`totally inconsistent with the obvious purpose of the standing
`order, which is to set limits on how many times a person can
`depose different witnesses and contend that they’re all simply one
`corpus designation -- deposition.
`So we are here because Finjan’s taking the position that they
`should have carte blanche to take as many as they want as long as
`they stay one second under three and a half hours on the record.
`And I’ve looked at the standing order and that makes no sense and
`it cannot be squared with the language of the logic of the order.
`And the second issue that is dividing us with respect to Mr.
`Touboul is that Finjan contends that it has been given blanket
`permission by Judge Alsup to depose any of their own witnesses if
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 4 of 13
`they contend that those witnesses may have a trial conflict. And
`I’ve read the relevant exchange and the order from Judge Alsup,
`and Judge Alsup said that witnesses could testify via videotaped
`deposition if they have a trial conflict with the San Diego trial
`that starts on October 29th in -- in Judge McKeown’s courtroom.
`He didn’t say that Finjan has carte blanche simply to fly around
`the world deposing its own witnesses, which is highly unusual.
`And that brings us to the present dispute. Because we do not
`believe that any sensible reading of the standing order permits 35
`hours and -- 34 hours and 50 seconds of 30(b)(6) depositions --
`that cannot be right -- we calculate them as already exceeding --
`already hitting the limit such that if they wish to take Mr.
`Touboul’s deposition, they must make a showing of good cause to do
`so and no such showing has been made.
`And we dispute and reject the argument that there is no need
`for them to obtain leave to take Mr. Touboul’s deposition because
`they believe that as long as they keep a deposition one second
`under three and a half hours, they can take as many as they like.
`That just can’t be right.
`And we disagree that there is a blanket permission for them
`to fly around the country deposing their own witnesses, which is
`such a highly unusual thing. The order from Judge Alsup was very
`"If there is a showing of a trial conflict such that a
`Finjan witness cannot appear at the October 21st trial in this
`case because that witness has a trial conflict with the October
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 5 of 13
`29th trial in the San Diego case, then in that situation a witness
`may testify via videotape."
`But no such showing has been made.
`I have searched
`repeatedly and in vain for any representation that Mr. Touboul
`does in fact have a trial conflict.
`There is no representation
`that he is in fact going to travel to Southern California to be at
`the October 29th trial. There is no representation one way or the
`And I’d note that the trial in this case is on October
`21st, which is before the other trial, so no explanation has been
`given as to why Mr. Touboul has a conflict that prevents him from
`appearing in this case on the 21st because there is a later case
`beginning on the 29th, particularly when there is not any
`representation, let alone evidence, that Mr. Touboul is going to
`attend the other trial and thus has a conflict.
`And so what it appears to us to be is a situation where
`Finjan, for reasons of -- of convenience wishes to depose its own
`witness, which is highly unusual, and to require Juniper to send
`an attorney to Israel for the purpose of appearing at that
`And we think that that’s improper.
`If they wish to take a deposition in excess of the ten-
`deposition limit, they are certainly free to make a motion before
`the Judge.
`And if there is good cause for them to do it, I
`believe the Judge would give them permission. But at this point,
`no good cause has been shown. No leave has been obtained. And we
`calculate their time.
`The deposition that they wish to take of
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 6 of 13
`Mr. Touboul is clearly over the limit.
`And that is the crux of
`our dispute.
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you, Counsel. Mr. Andre, I’ll
`ask you to respond and specifically I’d like you to address the
`parties’ stipulation that depositions or party employees will
`occur within the Northern District of California.
`I understand
`your argument that Touboul might technically not be an employee.
`He’s a consultant and advisor, founder of the company, paid more
`than $200,000 annually. And my question is: Aren’t you engaging
`in a bit of technical hair-splitting in saying he’s not an
`So why don’t you speak to those issues.
`MR. ANDRE: Sure, Your Honor. This is Paul Andre. With
`respect to the employee issue, Mr. Touboul is a, as you noted, the
`founder of the company and acting as a consultant.
`But Mr.
`Touboul is not an employee under California law, straight and
`In his consulting agreement, it’s very specifically spelled
`out that he is not an employee and we don’t have control over him
`to that degree.
`And on the ABC test that was recently articulated by the
`California Supreme Court, all three of those factors would
`indicate that he is not an employee.
`We don’t have control.
`We’ve not made him come work at his will.
`He can simply, you
`know, choose or not to. He performs work outside of Finjan. He’s
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 7 of 13
`the CEO of another company that he founded. And he’s a consultant
`for several other companies. So we’re not even sure that we could
`get him to come over to trial one way or another. We just don’t
`know yet.
`So is it a technical hair-splitting?
`I don’t think it is,
`Your Honor, because if we can’t control a witness, if we don’t
`have the kind of power we have over employees, then he’s not an
`Were you able to bring him here for the
`December trial?
`No, Your Honor.
`Mr. Touboul has an issue
`of traveling long distances.
`He will come over to the United
`States on occasion, but it’s something he has planned much in
`advance and we were not able to get him here for the December
`We tried.
`He wouldn’t come.
`So we tried to play his
`testimony from a previous date and, as Your Honor correctly
`pointed out -- and I guess you read the transcript that we
`provided -- Judge Alsup was having none of it.
`We tried to
`explain his medical person, we couldn’t get him here in person.
`He said, "Too bad. You have to do without him." And that’s what
`we did.
`So we now have a situation where Judge Alsup -- and no
`disrespect to Judge Alsup at all -- but he has knowingly scheduled
`the Finjan trial that overlaps another Finjan trial. And he told
`us that Finjan’s not entitled to switch the calendar. And Finjan
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 8 of 13
`is not entitled to have its witnesses there live necessarily if
`there’s a conflict.
`So the remedy he gave us with the second
`issue regarding prejudice to our witnesses is, Take their
`He explicitly told us -- he goes, Take the
`I’m not moving the trial date.
`Get different
`And we’re trying to do that.
`So in spite of the fact that we’re not getting -- Finjan’s
`not getting switch of counsel, it’s being prejudiced by the fact
`that we can’t bring our witnesses live and we have to juggle our
`experts around, Juniper still wants to prejudice us further saying
`that we’re not even entitled to videotape depositions of the
`witnesses where they reside.
`There’s absolutely no reason why
`they would deny it.
`They came up with a second counting on the current
`depositions than when we counted that. That’s a bit of form over
`And what we’re trying to do here is make sure we’re
`not in the same situation we were in in December where if we tried
`to play the deposition testimony of Mr. Touboul, that it somehow
`would be precluded.
`We’re doing exactly what Judge Alsup ordered us to do.
`And, Your Honor, may I respond?
`THE COURT: Yeah, briefly, please.
`MR. MITTLEMAN: I shall. The order does not tell Finjan
`to go around and depose any person under its control on the
`prophylactic basis that that person might have a conflict. What
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 9 of 13
`the Court says and what the colloquy clearly says is that a
`witness who has a trial conflict with the trial in San Diego may
`testify by video. But there has been no showing that this witness
`has a trial conflict with the trial in San Diego.
`I would just ask: Is Counsel representing that Mr. Touboul
`is in fact traveling to California to testify at the October 29th
`trial? Is he in fact doing that? Because if he is not, then the
`entire basis for citing the trial conflict order evaporates.
`On the other hand, if they say that he will be traveling to
`California to attend the trial on October 29th, they fail to
`explain why he can’t appear at a trial that starts earlier, on
`October 21st.
`They have never explained, first, that this
`individual actually intends to be for the second trial and they’ve
`never explained why if he can travel for that trial, he can’t be
`out here for this trial.
`There is simply no showing of a
`conflict. And that -- and it’s the existence of a trial conflict
`that is the explicit linchpin of Judge Alsup’s order. And since
`there has been no showing -- I mean, I would ask: Does anyone --
`does anyone have any information that Mr. Touboul is in fact going
`to attend the October 29th trial in San Diego?
`I submit there’s no evidence of that. And the fact that they
`are suggesting that he might, that he may, is not good cause to
`send lawyers all -- halfway around the world to Israel next week.
`representation that he will in fact have such a conflict because
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 10 of 13
`he is coming to California, I would think is very telling. And if
`he is coming to California on the 29th, I don’t understand why he
`can’t come on the 21st. That has never been explained.
`And so the reference to Judge Alsup’s order is, in my view,
`respectfully a total red herring because the requisites within tha
`order have never been articulated, let alone shown.
`So that
`addresses, I believe, their first argument which is that they have
`permission just to depose anyone they want on their side as a
`prophylactic measure now in the possible event that such a person
`might have a conflict in the future with the San Diego trial.
`If and when we get closer to that trial and there’s a
`conflict, then of course we will meet and confer with them and be
`reasonable and discuss in good faith how we deal with that. But
`we are five months away.
`And what this appears to us to be is
`simply a tactic to drag us to Israel to take -- for them to take
`a deposition of their own witness -- very strange -- in some
`attempt to try to create a video record that they can play in
`trial whether there’s a conflict or not.
`And that is utterly
`inconsistent with Judge Alsup’s order.
`And the second point -- and I’ll end very briefly -- is that
`their argument that they are entitled to take as many 30(b)(6)
`depositions that they want, up to ten, as long as they stay one
`second shy of three and a half hours, so that they can take 34
`hours and 50 seconds of deposition and treat it as one deposition,
`is so preposterous that it cannot possibly be correct. And on any
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 11 of 13
`sensible reading of Judge Alsup’s standing order, it is not.
`And so what we are facing is a situation where sensible
`limits are imposed from Judge Alsup, much mischief will ensue and
`there will be tremendous burden and expense to Juniper.
`And the issue of the employee, I think Your Honor has it just
`We are really engaged in a hair-splitting form over
`substance discussion when we ask whether this individual is an
`employee under California law. First of all, the contract that he
`signed is governed by Israeli law and no one has told the Court
`what Israeli law is.
`But, in any event, when you read the
`contract, it says that he agrees that he will have to do
`international travel.
`And it also says that he has a highly
`fiduciary obligation to this company and is prohibited from
`competing with the company in any way.
`And Judge Alsup clearly saw and had said, He’s their guy.
`He’s standing to benefit from this.
`And the idea that he was
`somehow not within their control is utterly destroyed by the very
`terms of the agreement they cite.
`And there’s just been no
`showing why he can’t come here.
`I had a brief look on Google and have found multiple
`instances where this witness, Mr. Touboul, has traveled recently
`to the United States to give talks at conferences. And in their
`own papers, they describe his regular practice for flying to
`So this is an individual who frequently travels to
`the United States for promotional and conference purposes.
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 12 of 13
`frequently travels to the United States, according to Finjan’s own
`representation, and Judge Alsup has already rejected the argument
`that the travel issues that have been attributed to some blood
`clots that he has, a situation that has not been explained, is an
`excuse not to appear.
`And so our position is that they should seek leave from Judge
`Alsup if they want to take his deposition. If they have to travel
`to do so, then I’m sure they’ll get the leave.
`But they can’t
`just resort to self-help and point to that order and --
`Counsel, thank you.
`I think I understand
`your --
`-- furthermore, --
`Counsel, thank you.
`I understand your
`I’m going to take this under submission and an order
`will issue shortly.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE CLERK: Thank you, Counsel.
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`Signature of Approved Transcriber
`September 29, 2019
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 13 of 13
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 618 Filed 09/30/19 Page 13 of 13
`(Proceedings adjourned at 11:01 a.m.)
`I, Peggy Schuerger, certify that
`the foregoing is a
`correct transcript
`from the official electronic sound recording
`provided to me of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter.
`Pegay Schuerger
`Typed or Printed Name
`Ad Hoc Reporting
`Approved Transcription Provider
`for the U.S. District Court,
`Northern District of California

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