Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 617 Filed 09/30/19 Page 1 of 24
`Pages 1-24
`FINJAN, INC., a Delaware
`Delaware Corporation,
`For Plaintiff:
`For Defendant:
`Transcription Service:
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, LLP
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, California 94025
`(650) 752-1700
`Irell & Manella, LLP
`1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900
`Los Angeles, California 90067-4276
`(310) 277-1010
`Peggy Schuerger
`Ad Hoc Reporting
`2220 Otay Lakes Road, Suite 502-85
`Chula Vista, California 91915
`(619) 236-9325
`Proceedings recorded by electronic sound recording; transcript
`produced by transcription service.
`) Case No. 17-cv-05659-WHA
`San Francisco, California
`Courtroom A, 15th Floor
`Wednesday, May 29, 2019
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 617 Filed 09/30/19 Page 2 of 24
`WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2019 2:03 P.M.
`(Call to order of the Court.)
`Okay, everyone.
`The Judge has taken the
`We are here in Civil Action 17-5659, Finjan, Inc. v.
`Juniper Networks, Inc.
`Counsel, please state your appearances.
`Let’s start with the Plaintiffs.
`MR. HANNAH: Good afternoon, Your Honor. This is James
`Hannah on behalf of Finjan.
`And with me on the call is Lisa
`THE COURT: Good afternoon.
`Good afternoon.
`MR. MITTLEMAN: Good afternoon, Your Honor. My name is
`Harry Mittleman. I’m with the Irell firm. I’m here for Juniper.
`I’m present on the call.
`THE COURT: Good afternoon. So what would you like to
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`This is
`Defendant -- this is Harry Mittleman and I’m the party that
`requested this teleconference.
`I’m hoping it will be brief.
`So the call concerns the setting for Mrs. Bey’s -- Ms. Bey’s
`I -- as you may remember, I argued last week on the
`motion to compel, and the Court issued an order that counsel for
`Bey, or they needed to produce all of her documents by Monday, May
`Obviously, Monday was a holiday weekend day, but that was
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`the order.
`And the order said that it was "to give Juniper a
`And what happened is that we did not get the full production
`on Monday as delivered.
`We got a production at 7:00 p.m. that
`night which we thought would be well after the hours when
`And then we got a second production the day
`after the first deadline.
`At a quarter to 5:00 p.m., another
`production came in which was both untimely in terms of the order
`as well as something that we could not practically begin to go
`through and review and make copies and then sit down for a
`deposition in Richmond.
`Now, that deposition was scheduled in Richmond for tomorrow.
`But we don’t have the materials and didn’t have the materials
`necessary for that.
`And, in addition, Your Honor, there’s one other issue, which
`is that I spoke with one of the partners at the Kramer Levin firm
`yesterday and explained that for the first time in I think about
`24 years where I’ve practiced law, I have a medical condition that
`has come up that makes it so I couldn’t get on the plane today.
`I went to -- without getting into the details (indiscernible), I
`spent hours at the emergency room urgent care yesterday.
`going back on Friday to see a cardiologist. And he prescribed a
`bunch of medications that are soporific in nature. And for all of
`these reasons -- because we didn’t get the documents on the Court-
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`ordered deadline, and I’m not in a position to be in Richmond
`tomorrow because of my medical issue, we thought could we set the
`date for a different date.
`We offered I believe 21 different
`dates in June and July.
`None of the dates apparently have been
`acceptable to counsel for Ms. Bey, although it appears that she is
`available on a number of those dates.
`And as a result, they are requesting that the deposition
`proceed without me and taking it tomorrow in Richmond. And it’s
`for that reason, because that’s (indiscernible), given the
`circumstances, and not consistent with the Court’s order, I
`reluctantly sought the Court’s intervention.
`I just wanted to take one of the 21 other dates that we’ve
`chosen and just move on and get this done.
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you for that explanation. Mr.
`Hannah, can I hear from your point of view?
`Your Honor, frankly, I’d like us to move
`on and go forward. So what we said was do the deposition by video
`conference or telephone.
`So we were not notified for this change in the deposition due
`to this medical emergency until we were already on the plane. I’m
`sitting here in Richmond, Virginia right now.
`And what happened was he called a partner -- he did call my
`partner and he said that he had, you know, this medical issue and
`that he didn’t want to have to travel because he wanted to move up
`a doctor’s appointment.
`My partner asked him, "Is it life-
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`Is there anything you’d like ..."
`From what I understand, he said to my partner, he said, "No,
`it’s not life-threatening."
`He said, "You know what?
`I can
`probably just tough it out."
`So we get to -- we thought that issue was resolved.
`So we
`get to Richmond and then we get a lengthy email from one of the
`associates that, given to this medical condition and there’s some
`-- at some point, there’s something about three entries of the
`privileged log had cut-off words, which we promptly told them was
`the words "with client" in those three entries, so I’m not sure we
`talked about any documents produced late.
`There was nothing that was produced late.
`There was
`something that -- I had a reformatting error that just had to work
`with -- with clients on there, and then there were four email
`chains that were not on the privileged log, and all of those were
`given to them today.
`And so we’re sitting here in Virginia and we said, Okay,
`we’ll let’s just move -- let’s just move on with the deposition
`and do it by video conference or phone, and he just never
`responded to that.
`That’s his typical practice.
`They can -- you know, they can email the documents to a court
`reporting service here.
`The court reporter takes the exhibits.
`They hand them to the witness as the deposition -- as I’m sure
`Your Honor has done depositions this way before -- and we move on
`with the deposition.
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`I mean, the fact of the matter is Juniper has shown no
`leniency at all with regards to the deposition.
`We asked them
`several times to make it combinations.
`First, we asked just to
`have the deposition in early. We said, Can we please have it in
`early ’cause we’re gonna -- everyone agrees we’re going to have to
`go forward with the deposition because we couldn’t work out dates
`on the 30th and it was to end by 4:00 p.m.
`They came back and said, No, due to jetlag, there’s no way
`we can start before 9:00 a.m.
`That’s what their associate told
`We said, Okay.
`Well, if they can’t end by 4:00 p.m. in
`Virginia -- in Richmond -- can you please move the deposition to
`Alexandria, you know, and then we can go as long as you want. We
`can start at 9:00 a.m., go as long as you want, which is not too
`cumbersome -- too cumbersome to move the deposition.
`And so the witness, myself has to take all of our friends,
`had to make sacrifices -- I have some family issues going on right
`now as well that -- I had to make it to come to the deposition
`The witness owns her own -- owns her own law firm. She’s a
`solo practitioner.
`She has someone that helps her out, but she
`runs the practice.
`She runs a charity.
`She’s on vacation in
`And we -- she cut out these two days.
`And we’ve prepped
`her today.
`She’s ready to go tomorrow.
`And so we just don’t
`understand why -- why we can’t do the deposition via video
`conference or by phone, as -- which is -- when these circumstances
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`come up, that is the natural thing -- the natural thing to do.
`So that’s where we’re left at because we don’t believe that
`this deposition, which has been ordered for tomorrow, should be
`unilaterally changed by Juniper.
`And with a note, Judge Alsup’s
`standing order, paragraph 26, specifically deals with this. And
`they -- his order specifically says that, "If counsel is -- that
`some counsel may be unavailable shall not, however, be grounds for
`(indiscernible) of the deposition if another attorney from the
`same firm who represents a party with similar interests is able to
`Irell is a big firm. They have other people that can attend
`this deposition by phone or video conference.
`They could have
`flown somebody out here yesterday and -- with the exhibits and
`handled the exhibits that they wanted to.
`And so, you know, the deposition is scheduled for tomorrow.
`It should go forward tomorrow.
`There should not be any further
`delay, especially given all of the expense and the sacrifice
`everyone’s had to make to make sure this goes because, you know,
`(indiscernible) accommodation.
`So that’s our position, Your Honor, is to have the deposition
`go forward and then everybody can go back home.
`Your Honor, may I briefly respond to
`that, please?
`You can, but first I have questions.
`Hannah, what is the volume of materials that were produced on May
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`MR. HANNAH: It was a privilege log -- oh, on May 28th?
`Oh, May 28th was a -- it was -- no documents were produced.
`documents were produced at all on May 28th. There was one invoice
`that had three entries cut off and it was -- so I have the full
`entry and then it says "communications" and then it went off to
`the next line, and the words cut off were "with client." There’s
`three entries on that invoice that had that. So we reproduced --
`so we reformatted it. We had to look at -- we reproduced that to
`them saying, Okay, here it is.
`It says "with client" because it
`was a formatting error.
`Absolutely no documents were produced
`late that they had to review.
`We gave them an updated privilege log that had four emails
`in them. And so -- but there -- that’s what was given to them on
`the 28th.
`There wasn’t any additional production at all.
`THE COURT: So let me see if I understand. On the 28th,
`you gave them an invoice that had "with client." Three times that
`entry’s added and then an updated privilege log that had four
`additional emails; is that right?
`Your Honor, just to be clear -- I think
`we’re on the same page -- but it was on the 27th, we produced the
`invoice. So they had the invoice in their -- in their possession.
`They let us -- they told us the morning of or the next morning or
`afternoon -- I don’t know when -- but they told us the next day,
`"There’s some cutoffs. These sentences are cut off here." And so
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`then we reproduced that in the -- a proper format.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. HANNAH: That was all that was produced on the 28th.
`And then with regard to the privilege log, there’s -- yes, there’s
`four email chains. There’s no email chain that were -- that were
`logged on the privilege log.
`I mean, there’s no -- there’s no
`huge production or anything that was made late.
`And, frankly, if you look at the communications, this is --
`this is a sub-issue.
`The issue -- the issue was that -- some
`medical issue that at first was not a big deal and then I’m just
`not -- I’m not sure -- maybe it’s not a big deal anymore because
`he (indiscernible) with it.
`So -- but -- yeah, but actual
`production, no.
`THE COURT: When did you -- when were you first informed
`by Juniper that the -- that Mr. Mittleman’s medical situation was
`such that he was unable to proceed with the deposition tomorrow?
`MR. HANNAH: So yesterday when I was on -- I was on the
`plane yesterday and I think that my partner got the call around --
`around noon or something like that Pacific Time, and that’s when
`he talked to him and he said that it wasn’t life-threatening and
`that the deposition could just be continued. We can talk it out.
`And then that night when I landed, so it was 10:00 p.m. or
`10:30 p.m. Eastern, 7 o’clock -- maybe it was earlier, but we got
`an email from -- from one of his associates stating that they’re
`withdrawing -- they’re withdrawing the subpoena and that the
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`deposition’s cancelled. And we said, Well, why can’t you just do
`it on video conference, and there was no answer to that.
`Your Honor, may I briefly --
`THE COURT: Hold on.
`I’m sorry.
`Did they say they were withdrawing it or
`just they were unilaterally going to move it?
`No, no.
`They said they withdrew the
`That’s what they said in the email -- We are
`withdrawing the subpoena. And so then we said, Okay. Then we’re
`going to -- then it’s done. The subpoena’s withdrawn. We’re not
`going to offer -- we’re not offering any other dates.
`But as a
`consolation, if you still want to move forward with this
`deposition, we’re fine to do it on the phone or with video
`We’ll make the accommodations to make that happen
`for you.
`THE COURT: Did they propose any alternative dates? Mr.
`Mittleman says that he offered 21 other dates.
`MR. HANNAH: So they proposed the same days that we had
`issues with and we have -- we have -- they proposed -- they
`proposed some dates that we have that --
`MR. HANNAH: I’m sorry?
`THE COURT: Okay. Mr. Mittleman, at this point you can
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`MR. MITTLEMAN: I’m sorry, Your Honor. I shouldn’t have
`interrupted. I apologize for that. Are you asking me to respond
`or --
`-- I understand that the latter would
`make sense as well.
`Please go ahead.
`MR. MITTLEMAN: Okay. Thank you, Your Honor. There’s
`a lot to respond to.
`As the Court’s order indicates, this is a
`very important witness. The proposal that she be deposed remotely
`with me sitting here on muscle relaxants and painkillers, while
`someone else is trying to manipulate and project the deposition
`exhibits, is not amenable.
`This is a very important witness.
`There are a lot of exhibits.
`I studied Ms. Bey’s prior
`deposition, and I know from that deposition what type of witness
`she is.
`It’s not going to -- it’s going to require a very, very
`exacting exchange of documents and it’s not something that I can
`do remotely.
`It’s certainly something I would have done if I
`could have done it, but it’s something I can’t.
`I have -- after we received Your Honor’s order last week,
`we tried over and over and over again to find an alternative date.
`We proposed so many.
`And as I’ve said, we’ve now proposed 21
`different days and I will say from my part, in offering those
`dates I have cut short one of my daughter’s -- her college
`vacation -- her college (indiscernible). I’ve cut short various
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`appearances at my own children’s school holidays at the end of the
`year. I am bending over backwards to try to find a time that will
`work for Finjan and her counsel and I’m making many personal
`And I’m doing that because it’s important to me to
`depose this witness in person.
`It’s important for me to sit
`across the table with her. I am very sorry that these issues have
`come up.
`With respect to the documents, it is not the minor issue that
`Counsel makes it out to be, with respect.
`It’s a much more
`significant issue.
`The document he described as merely adding
`three more, that’s not accurate. It’s a longer document than the
`one that was produced earlier.
`It doesn’t line up with the same
`entries that were in the prior invoice and requires us to make
`heads or -- to figure out what exactly it is. It’s not simply the
`same document with a few words that were unredacted. It’s a new
`billing I’m looking -- a summary that we’re looking at and trying
`to make sense of.
`As far as the privilege log goes, Your Honor, at a quarter
`to 5:00 last night, we got 14 new entries that deal specifically
`with priority, specifically with delayed petitions by Ms. Bey for
`which no documentation was ever previously produced and they show
`that she -- they’re showing priority communications that we’ve
`never been made aware of.
`It shows communications with Finjan
`about the ’743 patent as a delayed priority petition which is the
`first time we’ve ever seen any evidence that she discussed that
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`So what each of these new privilege log entries require is
`that we go through what Your Honor noted and create a timeline and
`look at these entries against the master timeline of when these
`petitions were filed so that I can have a coherent and succinct
`line of inquiry.
`This is something that I think is extremely important to
`It’s extremely important to me as someone who’s been
`preparing for this deposition.
`And it’s awkward for me because,
`as I said, I’ve never once thought of asking for a medical-related
`And I guess it’s my age.
`I’m turning 50 in a
`But that’s what I’m doing and I’m very disappointed that
`with 21 other days that I’ve offered, we can’t seem to make
`And when I offered these days, I’m not told, Ms. Bey
`can’t do it and we can’t do it. Or Ms. Bey can but we can’t. I’m
`just told, No.
`I’m just told no to those 21 days.
`And I’ve
`offered to do it on weekends, Your Honor.
`I mean, I’m really
`willing to go through hoops, but I have a medical condition right
`now and I could not get on the plane and I’m seeing a cardiologist
`on Friday about this, and I’m just flabbergasted that there’s --
`that my opposing counsel is being so obdurate.
`I had no intention of inconveniencing anyone.
`It was the
`last thing I wanted to do.
`And I would just conclude by saying
`that this is a very important witness.
`The new information is
`It is not a trifling matter. It’s something that I’m
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`studying and trying to figure out how it fits into the whole
`It’s material.
`It’s not something that we could have
`even shipped out to Virginia if I’d been in a position to do that
`and we would have been up all night trying to pour through this
`and redo the outline.
`And I’m not in a medical condition to do
`that. And I don’t know if it’s embarrassing, but it’s regretful.
`It’s best to say that, but that -- that’s the reality I find
`myself in.
`And I really believe that it’s important and
`appropriate for me to be able to sit across the table with this
`witness and be able to hand her exhibits and ask her questions.
`And the proposal that they’ve made is just one that doesn’t work
`and it’s -- and I believe it’s unreasonable, particularly in light
`of the fact that the only reason we’re here is because we’ve had
`to successfully move for a motion to compel four of these
`documents for this very deposition because it wasn’t -- the
`information that should have been produced wasn’t produced. And
`we incurred expenses when we jiggered the schedule to accommodate
`And now that the shoe is on the other foot, I’m deeply
`chagrined to hear that they’re being so inflexible. I think it’s
`Thank you, Counsel.
`I’m going to
`order the deposition rescheduled in light of Mr. Mittleman’s
`medical condition that has arisen.
`I do think that’s -- it’s
`unfortunate when things like this happen, but such is life that
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`sometimes on the eve of a deposition something like this happens,
`and I do think it’s appropriate to reschedule.
`Mr. Hannah, I’m sorry that you learned about their need to
`reschedule after you had already arrived in Virginia. But I think
`this is where we are.
`We do need to reschedule but, Mr. Hannah, what was wrong with
`all the other dates?
`The other side is telling me that they
`proposed 21 dates I guess in June and you said no to all of them.
`That doesn’t seem feasible to me.
`MR. HANNAH: So, Your Honor, so the dates were -- I can
`just tell you -- the week of July -- of June 10th.
`international depositions that have to be taken care of, so that
`week’s out.
`June 13th, that week is -- Ms. Bey is on vacation until the
`following week.
`And then he proposed up to the 25th.
`And then so if I had
`to give you alternative dates, it would be the 27th or June or it
`would be the week of July 8th.
`Those are the dates that Ms. Bey
`and -- and the team could be able to do it.
`Your Honor, if I could just briefly
`address. I had also offered June 4th and 5th. I’ve also offered
`July 1st and 2nd.
`I don’t know if Counsel indicated that I
`offered the 26th in June as well.
`But from what I can gather, it sounds like the entire week
`of the 10th, which we’ve repeatedly proposed, presents nothing of
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`a problem for Ms. Bey but simply that no witness from the Kramer
`Levin firm is willing to attend her deposition that entire week.
`That to me sounds like what Judge Alsup order is attempting to
`interdict, not a situation such as mine that arose as a result of
`a medical emergency.
`If the week of June 10 is one where Ms. Bey is in fact
`available and they’re saying -- and that was the week they had
`proposed to us on Thursday of last week and so we accepted it.
`And then they took it away.
`And it appears to be that they’re
`taking it away not because of anything having to do with Ms. Bey
`but because they want to take a bunch of international depositions
`that week.
`And I think that’s exactly what the standing order
`from Judge Alsup is designed to interdict.
`THE COURT: Well, hold on.
`MR. HANNAH: Your Honor, may I be --
`THE COURT: Wait, wait, wait.
`MR. HANNAH: -- heard? In fact, that is --
`MR. HANNAH: -- unfair.
`So the week of June 3rd -- I guess
`they have offered the 4th and the 5th.
`Can that be -- is that
`workable on your end?
`MR. HANNAH: No. Ms. Bey -- from what I understand, Ms.
`Bey moved her commitments because they would not offer -- they
`wouldn’t let her cut the deposition short tomorrow, so she had to
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`move the commitments to next week.
`THE COURT: I see.
`MR. HANNAH: So I’m -- so that was off the table. The
`June 10th, that’s totally disingenuous for them to come in and
`say, Okay, for me I get an exception under the rule but for the
`other side, we don’t.
`I mean, that’s just -- and there’s no --
`and that is crazy.
`So I said June -- she’s on vacation through the 26th. We can
`do it on the 27th. But there’s no cutoff here. We can easily do
`it in July.
`We could do it the week of July 8th. I don’t -- so
`I don’t see why that week was -- I mean, if we’re going to -- if
`we’re going to postpone it, let’s postpone it to a week that Ms.
`Bey is comfortable with and that we’re comfortable with.
`THE COURT: Hold on.
`THE COURT: Hold on.
`I’m sorry, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: If she’s on vacation until June 26th, could
`she actually do a depo on June 27th, or would you need to prep her
`again on the 27th?
`Well, I would like to -- I mean, what I
`would probably do is fly out on the 25th, meet her in the evening
`on the 26th and then do it on the 27th.
`That’s what I would --
`that’s a plan that I kind of came up with her ’cause I did -- you
`know, we did talk about dates. But the preference would be to do
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`it -- I think it would be -- I mean, the 27th would be fine, Your
`We could make that work.
`Or the week of July 8th.
`THE COURT: Could you do it the 28th of June?
`MR. HANNAH: I would have to double-check, but probably.
`And then the week of July 8th is workable
`for you and the witness?
`MR. HANNAH: That’s correct.
`You did anticipate one of my
`questions --
`Your Honor, --
`-- which is I don’t see a fact discovery
`cutoff here.
`Does either side think there is one?
`MR. MITTLEMAN: Your Honor, I’m advised by my colleague
`that anything after the first week of July definitely works, given
`-- given expert reports that we need to do and some version --
`some type of fact discovery. That’s my understanding. And I was
`told that beyond the first week of July doesn’t work which is why
`I’ve offered to do it July the 1st or the 2nd.
`I can’t -- you
`know, I’m told by my team that it cannot be the week of the 8th.
`The 21 days I’ve offered are in June and July 1st or 2nd. If they
`can do 1st or 2nd, I will be there. They’ve offered the 27th and
`that’s -- that’s the one remaining date I’m supposed to be taking
`my daughter to look at colleges.
`I will cancel that if that is
`literally the only day that Finjan’s counsel is willing to do it,
`although it’s heartbreaking, but I would ask is it really the case
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`that the 4th or 5th or 10th through the 26th and July 1st or 2nd
`don’t work, that’s what I have to do that for my daughter, I will
`do it if I have to.
`THE COURT: What about June 28th?
`We were going to be in Chicago, Your
`We were going to be in Chicago from the 25th on, and I
`would shorten it --
`THE COURT: I see.
`MR. MITTLEMAN: -- so that I could take the deposition
`on the 25th and then fly and meet her in Chicago. But if we push
`it back in, then I would need to probably cancel that whole thing
`THE COURT: What about --
`And I was really trying to avoid that
`and was -- I’m surprised that the 4th and the 5th both don’t work,
`the 1st and the 2nd of July don’t work.
`I get it.
`Mr. Hannah, can you do
`July 1st or 2nd?
`That’s the week that I’m out with my
`family. That’s the week that I’m out with my family, Your Honor.
`So can I just address the scheduling?
`I’m not sure where he’s coming up saying
`that there’s some expert reports or anything of that nature that
`would be impacted by this.
`If that’s the issue, we can work
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 617 Filed 09/30/19 Page 20 of 24
`together to push back the opening expert report deadline if we
`need to by three days or four days. So if they’re willing to do
`it that week, we can do it early the week of July 8th, do it on
`the -- you know, fly on the 8th, do it on the -- or prep on the
`8th, do it on the 9th, don’t do it on the 10th. That would just
`be three days and then we can push back Defense expert opening
`reports have to be made.
`So, I mean, we can work that schedule.
`It sounds like July 8th would be a possible week for everyone and,
`frankly, the prepping for the witness at this point.
`She would
`rather not do it right after her vacation.
`MR. MITTLEMAN: And, Your Honor, I’m hamstrung because
`I am available on the 12th and 19th (ph), but I’ve been told that
`that’s not workable and I certainly don’t want to be an ogre
`I really want us to work toward getting a deposition,
`but I’ve been told that after the first week of July doesn’t work.
`You know, I certainly would go back to them and discuss it with
`them, but I’m really curious is -- what is the -- the 4th and the
`5th, both days don’t work, and it may be water under the bridge,
`but I do note that the only day that they offered, which was
`tomorrow, is the one where they say that she has a hard cutoff at
`4:00 and we wouldn’t even get the full seven hours anyway.
`So I’m -- it just seems like we’re bending over backwards
`trying to accommodate any --
`-- day they pick and --
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 617 Filed 09/30/19 Page 21 of 24
`Mr. Hannah, is the entire week of
`June 4th out?
`Of June 4th?
`THE COURT: Yeah. You said the 4th and the 5th. What
`about the 3rd, the 6th, the 7th?
`MR. HANNAH: I mean, I would have to -- I would have to
`double-check with the witness.
`From what my understanding was
`that she -- she’s had to move things because -- to accommodate for
`the 30th because we couldn’t -- we couldn’t agree on the time for
`the cutoff, so she had to move things to next week.
`So I don’t
`know -- I don’t know, Your Honor.
`When I went through the
`calendar with her out here, she told me that the -- I’m just
`giving you the dates that worked for both the calendars. For our
`calendar, it was the 27th or the week of July 8th. And I believe
`if we went to her with the 28th -- and I don’t want to upset --
`frankly, I don’t want to upset Counsel’s vacation with his
`daughter either.
`So, I mean, that’s why I’m not sure why we
`couldn’t work out -- if we got an order from the Court that it had
`to be during the week of July 8th or it had to be on July 10th, I
`guarantee that the parties will work out a schedule for the
`opening expert reports for whatever issues that they have.
`I mean, frankly, that solves the problem, in my view.
`MR. MITTLEMAN: Unfortunately, because I just don’t have
`a --
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 617 Filed 09/30/19 Page 22 of 24
`THE COURT: Wait. Wait. Okay. I’m going to rule. I’m
`not going to schedule it for the week of July 8th because I don’t
`believe you can work anything out.
`And also this would require
`Judge Alsup to approve any adjustments you make to expert reports,
`and I don’t know his appetite for doing that.
`So I’m going to accommodate the witness’s vacation which I
`believe is June 17th through June 26 because I don’t think her
`vacation should be

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