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` é

`Service £
`Juniper’s Security Focus
`“ a i;
`Automation and Operator Efficiency
` Fs * Branch ¢ ‘


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 4 of 81
`software Defined Secure Networks (SDSN)
`Unified Security Platform
`© Fast, effective protection from advanced threats
`Integrated threat intelligence

`« Adaptive enforcementto firewalls, switches, 3'¢
`party devices and routers

`“Robustvisibility and management
`ae _in
`spunea orton ereioraicoenaa
`28 -
` *Roadmap, subject to change
`* Consistent protection across physical/virtual
`* Open and programmable environment
`s =a


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 5 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 5 of 81
`Threats are Everywhere
`Perimeter security isn’t enough.
`Malware walks in with your employee!
`Stop Threats. Faster.
`Increasing sophistication
`Increasing variability
`Keeping data secure throughout your networkis key!


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 6 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 6 of 81
`Speaker Notesfor Slide 4
`Outside your network, inside your network and between endpoints and the cloud apps your employees use.It’s a zero trust world.
`(Zero trust can be the only security posture.)
`Threats have changed. From phishing, anti-malware, and morphing executables to security hackers whoinfiltrate Enterprises to
`retrieve data for financial gain. The attacks are targeted, focused and use advanced persistent threats. And today, these attackers
`have the advantageof time on their side. Enterprises have the disadvantage of the complexity of their networks as well as
`organizational complexity working against them.
`Attackers are also are increasingly able to socially engineer their way into your internal network. The variability of threats range from
`large, organized and systematic attacks to employees of a company who may have accessed public Wi-Fi or inadvertently clicked on
`the wrong link and as a result is now unknowingly infected with malware. They then spread the threat as their device connects
`directly within the network. The best (and only) security approach has te assumethat threats are already inside your enterprise
`perimeter. And it must assume that new types of threats will pop up every day, which means your security approach needs to be
`more agile than ever and more decisive once a breach is found.
`Security used to only need to be at the edge of your network. Now you have to secure at every point of access in your network,
`becauseit’s not just the intrudertrying to break in. The threat can now be your employee who has walked through your front door
`with malware on their device or an employee who was developing in a container and accidentally copied malware into his code. (And
`with the proliferation of BYOD and IoT, trying to secure endpoints is nearly impossible) Enterprise security posture today requires
`zero trust of anything entering or leaving the network.


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 7 of 81
`Malware continues to dominate
` Source:Verizon DBIR 2016 report


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 8 of 81
`Speaker Notesfor Slide 5


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`Case 3
`17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 9 of 81
`Impact of secur
`Target breach
`Target Stolen Data
`110M Records
`ty breaches:
`Average breach'costs $214 per record’stolen
`Cost of the breach
`Gross expensé of SIS1M
`Net .cost.of S162M
`« *
`A dozen lawsuits in progress, lost customers


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 10 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 10 of 81
`Speaker Notesfor Slide 6
`While the monetary cost of a breach is relatively easy to calculate the cost in
`reputation and public trust can be much greater, as well as moredifficult to
`estimate. Several organizations have been target more than once, with huge
`costs in both financial and more ephemeral terms.


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`Speaker Notesfor Slide 7


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`Malware Evolution and Sky ATP Targeted


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`sky ATP Efficacy
`+ Rapid
`+ Defense in
`and deployment
`Open platform
`RESTful APIs to
`yerdicts mean


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 15 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 15 of 81
`What is Sky Advanced Threat Prevention


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`oky ATP Threat Intelligence Feeds


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`Command and Control feeds


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 18 of 81
`Integrated open source feeds
`eeSeeSRws mae
`:— 3
`3 SeeceeeeaS


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`Sky ATP Highlights
`HTTP, HTTPs, Email - SMTP(s)
`only File Types
`All supportedfile.
`Executables, PDF, MSOffice,
`File Types
`Archives, Java, Flash, DLLs,
`Sky ATP follows a “FREEMIUM pricing: model


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`Licensing Model
`» Sky ATP offers a “Freemium’ modeli.e. limited features for ‘FREE’, charge
`for other features
`» 1YR,3YR and 5YRsoftware subscription SKUs


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 23 of 81
`Spotlight Secure — Security Director 16.1
`All feeds
`*CC = Command and Control


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`Case 3
`17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 24 of 81
`lon componen


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`Threat Feeds deployment models
`Sky ATP ‘Basic’ Feed-only mode
`Spotlight Secure
`‘All Feeds - CC,GeolP,custom
`All Feeds


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 26 of 81
`Spotlight vs Threat Feed vs Sky ATP
` Malware detection
` License example
`SDSN Policy Enforcer


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 28 of 81
`Use cases across the deployment
`spectrum of SRX
`A. Campus Edge Firewall
`Protection of end user
`devices from files
`downloaded from the
`B. Branch Router
`¢ Protection for split-tunnel
` rancideetins
`C. Data Center Edge
`¢ Application protection from


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 29 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 29 of 81
`FedRAMP:Sky ATP Cloud for US Federal/DoD
`LJ FedRAMP = Federal Risk and Authorization Management.Program
`LJ Applicable to Cloud based services — part of the “Cloud-first’initiative
`announcedin Dec. 2010
`LJ CSPs undergo an extensive certification process to become FedRAMP
`certified: One of the most in-depth compliance exercise any organization
`can attempt
`LJ Prior to FedRAMP, every Federal agency conducted its own risk
`assessmentservice for every procured Cloud service: resulted in
`LJ CSPs that complete a FedRAMP assessment.obtain an ATO (Authority to
`Operate) i.e. becomeseligible for procurement by Federal agency


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`FedRAMP:Sky ATP offering
`Runs onthird party DC
`AWSGovCloud (US)
`Note: VMwaresold its vCloud Government Service to Carpathia, which was then:aéquired by QTS


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 32 of 81
`Sky ATP architecture
`Command and
`Control (C&C)
`SRX Series
`Secintel Events
`(C&C “Hits”)
`Cantont (File)
`Extraction on SRX
` nercscnrsecrrconnnccscessosessnnrercsccrsccorrrcuits
`Fast Verdicts


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 33 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 33 of 81
`The ATP verdict chain
`Staged analysis: combining rapid response and deep analysis
`Suspectfiles enter the analysis chain in the cloud
` Cachelookup: (~1 second)
`Files we’ve seen before are identified and a verdict:immediately goes back to SRX
`Anti-virus scanning: (~5 second)
`Multiple AV engines to return a verdict, which is then cached. for future-reference
`Static analysis: (~30 second)
`The static analysis engine does a deeperinspection, with the verdict again cached
`for future reference
`Dynamic analysis: (~7 minutes)
`Dynamic analysis in a custom sandbox leverages: deception:and provocation
`techniques to identify evasive malware


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`Private (hash only) mode


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`Case 3
`17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 35 of 81
`t Pass
` =
` acess.sarees
` SECRETECSERSSRCeSchreent)hotPenneeeCRP


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 36 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 36 of 81
`Static Analysis: Pulling apart the code
`* Breakfile down into features
`* File structure
`* Meta Info (file name, vendor, etc...)
`« Categories of instructions used
`* Fille entropy
`* Fic...
`* Feed features into machine learning algo
`* First teach it what malware looks like
`* Then ask if something is raiware Static analysis
`is traditionally done with rules. Argon extends
`this by adding machine learning to Improve verdict accuracy.


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`Dynamic Analysis: Sandboxing
`Inside a custom Sandbox environment
`Spool up a live desktop
`Hookinto the OS to record everything
`Upload and execute the suspectfile
`Apply Sky’s Deception and Provocation Techniques
`* The full run takes approximately 7 minutes
`Download the activity recording for analysis
`Tear downthelive desktop
`Generate a verdict with Machine Learning
`Today: Windows7,Android
`Future: Windows 10, OSX,ofher.
`Wind 28 Windaws 7


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 38 of 81
`Machine Learning
`Digging through massive piles of
`data: letting machines do what
`machines do best
` This is
` These
`Thefinal verdict is based on how much a new example resembles the kno\
`good or bad samples. By comparing many features across large data se
`can deliver very accurate results.


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 39 of 81
`Speaker Notesfor Slide 33


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`Deception and Provocation
`Provoking Maiwere.
` Provocation
`Juniper’s Sky Advanced Threat Prevention looks for over 300 different malware
`behaviors and includes over 50 different deception techniques to provoke malware
`into revealing itself.
`Deception: Convinceit it’s on a valid target to get a reaction
`Provocation: Poke it with a stick and see how it reacts


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 41 of 81
`sandboxing: Behavioral Analysis


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`Email — how it comes together
`MTA = Mail Transfer Agent
`MUA = Mail User Agent aka ‘mail client’


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`So what doesthis mean for Sky ATP?


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`SMTP support — cheat sheet
`15.1X49-D80 release. Supported platforms: SRX1500,SRX5K,SRX4K. Other
`platforms will be supported in 17.4
`» SMTPs supported — mid-session STARTTLS and implicit TLS
`Emails with malicious (based on cache check) attachments can be:
`¥ Quarantined — replacement email sent to end user
`¥ Tag-and-deliver
`o X-Distribution, X-Spam-Flag, Subjectline prefix
`¥ Permit
`» Release options
`o Recipient can release (careful!)
`o Recipient can request Admin to release
` H


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`sky ATP in Action: Detecting Locky


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 47 of 81
`sky ATPin Action: Detecting Locky
` { is ‘5
`| Malware
`Good applications
`} 4


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 48 of 81
`sky ATPin Action: Detecting Locky
`: Features Examined
`an goad dar


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 49 of 81
`sky ATPin Action: WannaCry
`The origins
`Exploits Windows SMB (Server Message Block) vulnerability
`Vulnerability originally discovered by NSA and codenamed‘Eternal Blue’
`NSA did not inform Microsoft (why botherright?) but was made public by Shadow Brokers dump
`leaking classified NSAtoolkit
`Following leak by Shadow Brokers, Microsoft issued patch (MS17-010) but patch application
`months, sometimes years
`Threat vector
`Possibly Email (phishing) or HTTP, not definitely known
`Kill Switch
`The malwarestarts by attempting to connectto: www.iugerfsodp9ifiaposdfihgosuriifaewry
`Abortsif attempt succeeds.


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 50 of 81
`sky ATP in Action: WannaCry mitigation
`SESSScans ae i t t
`I m e Oo
`» 24 unique
`as of 5/12
`= 30
` ce ee ee


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`sky ATP in Action: WannaCry mitigation


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`Open API Framework
`domain into CE feed #30 named feeds
`sl[nject IP, URL or
`supported — named
`*BL/WL already
`available on Ul
`*Programmatic way to
`update BLAWE
`«No named option
`«Update IPFilter
`dynamic address
`objects to use in
`firewall policies as
`«Named feeds
`) RESTful API — standard methods include POST,PATCH,GET,DELETE
`L) Supports a Swagger API specification in JSON format. APIs conform to a standard called the
`OpenAPI Initiative. Programmers can interact with both APIs using auto-generated code
`L) Application token required to interact — generated per Sky ATP realm


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 54 of 81
`Juniper Security Alliances
`:* Cloud App risk mgmt.
`+ Visibility & Control
`+ Cloud malware & threat
`'e Extend security policy
`_° Continuous Policy
`© Context-Based
`'« BYODOnboarding
`+ Discovery ofall end-
`« Role-based Network
`Access Assignment points
`« NAC/Access Policy
`* Vulnerability and
`Patch management


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 55 of 81
` Security


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 56 of 81
`Advanced Threat Protection
`Advanced Malware Protection
`Juniper Sky ATP

`Available Now


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 57 of 81
`Threat Intelligence Sharing
` Unsafe Cloud App URLs
`URL,, URL,,..URL,
`Available Now


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 58 of 81
`Threat Intel Sharing from SkyATP
`1OC Event
`Query End Point for Threats
`Protect & Remediate


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 59 of 81
`Speaker Notesfor Slide 52
`10+ lOCsthat include File Hash, File Name, IP address, malicious URLs & more


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 60 of 81
`Infected Host Report from Endpoint
`Infected Host
`Infected Host


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`Speaker Notesfor Slide 53
`In this solution, we are receiving INFECTED HOST INTEL: FROM Cb TO SKY ATP
`Note CB has nearrealtime capability of detecting infected end points.
`We are using Sky ATP API (RESTFul API) for 1H


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 62 of 81
`Malware Detection & Remediation
` Step 3
`SkyATP analyses
`the binary & assigns
`a Threat Score or
`sends the score of a
`Step 4
`Carbon Black takes
`action based on
`threat score
`Step 1
`User inserts a


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 63 of 81
`Speaker Notesfor Slide 54
`Specially useful in the off-line devices , that go On-net and are infected.


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 65 of 81
`Case Study: Malware detection at scale
`Sky ATP deployed in TAP mode on SRX5600 by ISP in North America.— primarily serving educational
`Ingress and egresstraffic inspected. Inline blocking not enabled
`7 day period in March 2017
`Total Files Processed
`Unique Files
`31 %,
`CC connections:
`843,346 (1 day)


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`Case 3
`17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 66 of 81
`Case Study
`Botnet detect
`lion W
`ith Sky ATP feeds
`Large IT consulting and managedIT service provider wanted a robust-edge protection so
`campus andbranchoffices
`ion for its
`ions No
`desktop and server based AV solut
`t detect
`ing a
`dvanced threats


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 67 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 67 of 81
`Case Study: Automated enforcement with API
`=» Major Service Provider in LATAM has to comply with government regulations that
`require blocking access to questionable content — pedophile sites, gambling, etc.
`=» New sites/URLs constantly being added so needs dynamic programmatic solution to
`updatefirewalls. Also requires ability to redirect to web portals
`40Gbps IMIX, 600K cps, 100-150M sessions
`Solution: Juniper SRX5800 +“ ATP
`Malicious URLs — custom feed
`he— «,


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 69 of 81
`Sky ATP cloud — geo locations
`Runs onthird party (Internap) DC
`Stages 1 -> 3
`Run on AWS
`(Amazon Web Services)
`Stage 4


`Internap DBE
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`Sky ATP Security and Privacy


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 71 of 81
`Sky ATP Security and Privacy
`‘North Amerca


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 73 of 81
`« Thermostat ransomware'
`« Amazon cameras malw2re<
`Real world examples of lol malware / ransomware
`¢ Jeep remote control®
` 1.


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 74 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 74 of 81
`Getting ransomware and malwareinto lol networks
`¢ DNS spoofing
`¢« Default passwords
`¢« Phishing attacks
`ioT apps=AEP’ CDP


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 75 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 75 of 81
`Targets for lol ransomware and malware
`lol devices
`loT application servers
`loT application servers
`¢« Application Enablement Platforms
`¢ Connected Device Platforms
`servers CDP
`App servers


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 76 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 76 of 81
`lol specific Advanced Threat Detection
`App servers
`loT servers
`¢ Based on Windowsor Linux
`e Juniper Policy Enforcer can
`stop East-West propagation
`lol devices
`¢ Many are Linux based
`¢ Sky ATP: static and dynamic
`analysis for loT malware
`¢ Will be tailored for specific
`devices / applications


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 77 of 81


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 78 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 78 of 81
`Competitive differentiators
`Other ATP vendors
`Juniper Sky ATP
` | 10MB maximum file size
`| 32MB maximum file size
` _ Only ZIP file type support
`_ TAR, RAR, 7ZIP file types supported


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 79 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 79 of 81
`Sky ATP: Threats prevented
`¥ Machine Learning at every
`Exploits vulnerabilities in SMBv1 that allows remote code execution
`Uses VB macros to download payload, encrypts disk with key
`obtained from C&C server
`Locky variant that renamesfiles with .zepto extension
`Almost fileless malware! Uses obfuscated Javascript and ‘garbage’
`batch files
`¥ Deception Techniques and
`Behavioral analysis are
`used to differentiate
`malware from-good
`¥ Thousands offeaturesfrom
`static, dynamic and hybrid
`analysis are extracted from
`a large, continually-
`updated collection of
`samples — both malicious
`and benign — to construct a
`machine learning classifier
`that identifies and blocks
`previously unseet
`bette eee cette cee e ee eee es and many more!


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 80 of 81
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 80 of 81
`Howis Sky ATP Different?
`¢« High Efficacy, Scalable and Tightly integrated solution
`¢ Distributed sensing and enforcement on SRX (no additional sensors)
`* Actionable Intelligence

`In-line blocking to prevent zero-day infections from getting in
`¢ Unique deception & provocation techniques to counter evasive threats
`¢ Advanced machine learning
`¢ Support for different types of analysis targets
`¢ Multi-platform executable and application support
`« Exploits and malicious content embedded in documents (MS Office, PDF)
`¢ Dangerous webapplications (Java, Flash)
`¢ Cost-effective, non-intrusive solution with full network coverage


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-4 Filed 05/30/19 Page 81 of 81
`SAStae Saheseuervecsewseneenes
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`Scereceeceeeee see
`SeerereeiemmereeeTS Sones See pieesehennerenracerees
`SeSeagoaSoe eeeeeaaUTESeaeUUseapeeupeecemreeaeoemRESoo

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