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`Sky ATP
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration
`Modified: 2018-01-25
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`Juniper Networks,Inc,
`1133 Innovation Way
`Sunnyvale, California 94089
`Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, and Junos are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks,Inc. and/orits affiliates in
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`Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change, modify,
`transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice,
`Sky ATP Sky Agvanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
`Copyright © 2018 Juniper Networks,Inc, All rights reserved.
`The information in this document is current as of the date on the title page.
`Juniper Networks hardware and software products are Year 2000 compliant, Junos OS has no known time-related limitations through the
`year 2038. However, the NTP application is known to have somedifficulty In the year 2036.
`The Juniper Networks product that is the subject of this technical documentation consists of (or is intended for use with) Juniper Networks
`software. Use of such software is subject to the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement ("EULA") posted at
`hitte: “/wew, juniper met/Ssuppert/eula/, By downloading, installing or using such software, you agree to the terms and conditions of that
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 4 of 183
`Table of Contents
`ABOUE THE DOGWIBMTAEGM 5:55.40 sf ede k peek 2b a RG daetsb@iee d epee deed Ada wd eed xi
`Documentation and Release Notes. .... 2... 0. cc eee eee teen eee xi
`DeEUMBEAt Gt GMVERTERAS ¢. asrmne saver ache serge gee pari here aaa rere g xi
`Decumentation Feedback... csis sais dade cee a ead deed wee ew ee xili
`REQuesting TEcChinical SUPBGU: cis. .icc. dane areas sie da ids ia Gewis Eee Re ee xiv
`Self-Help Online Tools and Resources. . 1... 0... eee eee xiv
`Openiipa Case withITAG «i 6 8i% iis cman gab a Riko pe deme gag a xiv
`Part 1
`Overview and Installation
`Chapter 1
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Overview ......... 00.00 cc eee e ene e aes 3
`Juniper Networks Sky Advanced Threat Prevention.............000ceeee eens 3
`SHIT PRCUREc are chica oti EE Ba ayerapb ge Sante ob wee eae ded meta Suaie ob aan 4
`How the SRX Series Device Remediates Traffic....... 0.2 e eee eee 6
`SRE See AE A 258s Mii bind 2 WEARS a eye ROAD ae beat 7
`How is Malware Analyzed and Detected? ........ 2. cee ee ees 8
`Cache LOOKUR « asicaccs cweiaeaa ace hee saeidsawadayeaaaeaed sau ata ae 9
`PMRNS) SRST S eclfins, AREA. EAM fol @ eee Nae Sal wun SEALE ADS ASS 9
`Seed PeaSS oe as Shs este Wid aa ee i de RE BE ees, 10
`Dynamile AnalySIS' 22 i:accctecseseasotaneuriiseaeag shee nenaneaheues 10
`MaChIFeskearnlie AGNI 02085 20 SASS wa SERA SS6 Ban he ROS 10
`WRMAWES sc antes haltsi aa coetratt Pie Miah dah dg att dts bow eid adp ed Bara atest ed 1
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention License Types... 0.20... cece eee 1
`Additional License Requirements .. 0... 0. ccc cee eee eee ees 12
`About Polley: Enforcer: ai isdcscns ata viedtiede aiaumecraw Pa@uinen Gaba aa o a
`Chapter 2
`Install Sky Advanced Threat Prevention..............000 cece cece eres 15
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Installation Overview..................085 15
`Managing the Sky Advanced Threat Prevention License................. 000 15
`Obtaining the Premium License Key... .....0. 0.0.00 cece cee ee eee 16
`License Management and SRX Series Devices... 2.2... eee 16
`Sky ATP Premium Evaluation License for VSRX..... 0. ce eee ce eee 7
`License Management and vSRX DeploymentS...... 0.60.00 ee eee ee ee eee ile
`3 cea deg pa
`anc AperapdearSe Ro ae gadng Red Ace snctearioangedrh diva pug Ba arblayentes 18
`Registering a Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Account..............--2045 19
`Downloading and Running the Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Script........ 23
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`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
`Part 2
`The WebPortal and Enrolling SRX Series Devices
`Chapter 3
`The Sky ATP Web Portal... . 0... 00. c ccc cece eee eee eee eee eenaee 31
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Configuration Overview ... ..020005 3]
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Web Ul Overview... . 0.0... 0... eee eee 33
`ACCBRS ie Me WWer els: o5 a nateig afb ne Sar aats wititina heen aalaa ted Melilnees 34
`ASSTGSTS! OVERNOI re vn sitter ghorccey ceatanecrpecew Patan prwteterceararate EGE WI ETE us erare 36
`FRBSOt’ SSSc shais Feiee cas
`[avaaveth. Pease sy Gua Seah atathcetatone Do Abele bag eee A ade 37
`Chapter 4
`Brel Sk Seles! Devices: scis eer etek ivan ses eee ee tare ns fee 39
`Enrolling an SRX Series Device With Sky Advanced Threat Prevention........ 39
`Removing an SRX Series Device From Sky Advanced Threat Prevention....... 4]
`Searching for SRX Series Devices Within Sky Advanced Threat Prevention... .. 42
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention RMA ProcesS.........0.00c0ecee rere eens 45
`3, 2.35 = ated PRE EAA A GS od Polen SAY EAA AL a hb dave lee A RATE 45
`Cloud Feeds for Sky Advanced Threat Prevention: More Information.......... 46
`Part 3
`Chapter 5
`WIthiSstsand! Blackistsy sss nec. tea oe We atbhateheewsbtes MAG ined 49
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Whitelist and Blacklist Overview........... 49
`Creating Whitelists and Blacklists 5.0.02 00s ccc eeed er iedweeeviaiener 51
`Chapter 6
`Ermall Searle SKATE .6 duced stew adele tep bidder 53
`Email Management Overview ..... 0.0.0... ccc eee eee eee teens 53
`SMTP Quarantine Overview: Blocked Emails............ e eee eee 55
`Email Management: Configure SMTP... 0... eee eee eee 56
`IN AP BibervErvBie 20.5. ceedings ees. ohare TON PENA ie ane o oie 59
`Email Management: Configure IMAP ...... 0... 0c eee cee eee eee eee 60
`Email Management: Configure Blacklists and Whitelists.................00. 62
`Chapter 7
`Email Scanning: SRX Series Device. .... 0... 0.00 cece eee eee tees 63
`Configuring the SMTP Email Management Policy on the SRX Series Device... . 63
`Configuring the IMAP Email ManagementPolicy on the SRX Series Device..... 68
`Configuring Reverse Proxy on the SRX Series Device... . 6... eee eee 74
`Chapter 8
`File Inspection Profiles ... 0.0... 0. cee cc ec ccc e eee eee neta eee ae
`File Inspection Profiles Overview... 2... cece eee nee eee Vi
`Creating File Inspection Profiles. ......055.0ccc0c cece seus eeeseueseueuues 79
`Chapter 9
`External Threat Feeds... 0. cece ee eee eee ee eae ne ee nee eke BI
`Enabling External Threat Feeds... ecco. caw een ecb ee bea pate wap eee 81
`Chapter 10
`Global Configuratlonsss:iiccs ic scicika denen daa aa ni aweaee dewas erie 85
`GlobalAlert Configuration Overview... . 0... cc ee ee ee ee eens 85
`Creating and Editing the Global Alert Configuration .............. 0.25200 ee 85
`Configuring Threat Intelligence Sharing... . 0... 6. ce eee ee 86
`Configuring Trusted Proxy ServerS .. 0... ccc ee ee eee eee eee eee 88
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`Table of Contents
`Part 4
`Monitor and Take Action
`Chapter 11 Caaa 91
`Pests OVERVIBWE sod se Opes aoe atl Tens Oy fo ee Tadd Lee ROWS pe aed’ 9]
`FAS PRISCA S 23 ids .2cect
`nes“ gugntuattng sta Sea sens ig g.a Feeds edd debi
`aoe Anuerd a die dises aS 93
`Chapter 12
`ldentif¥ing Infected HOStS asic sicaac casis acacas av awe oa Sabemew daw ovtwaws 95
`Chapter 13
`Compromised Hosts: More Information ..........00 cee see tne eee e eens 95
`AbouT'Block Drop arid! BIbekK Close: wc cae 0 MA Geos was PERE IGAS Be EGG 99
`PIGS PETES card acct o's avatincral ath ia dninineliand pin, bg sad eae d doa Heeb 99
`Configuring the SRX Series Devices to Block Infected Hosts...............- 101
`Command and Control Servers ....... 00.00 ccc cece ence ee ence eeeuees 103
`Command and Control Servers Overview ......... 0. cece eee eee 103
`Command and Control Server DetailS.. 0... ccc ee cece ee eee 104
`Chapter 14
`Identify Hosts Communicating with Command and Control Servers ....107
`Command and Control Servers: More Information.......... 0.00.00. eee ee 107
`Chapter 15
`Configuring the SRX Series Device to Block Outbound Requests toa C&C
`HOSE ccc ceeded ne het aGaae sd bia he waar deddindakearereaddns 109
`PilerSeantine old al ord sGebee ol mew tbialekiin du cite adisniertiadkes mm
`HTTP File Download Overview ......0:6cecceceasaee en enceneaetsaaaenens 1
`HiTe File Bewnload Details» s. caipsay os idicicibae oon he oe ete ialace rae SEE ee 112
`Wy ba ayentahester uaaruda path datemdsamtrattercine t-5 6G 113
`v pphaity
`Pete SUITING, oF nw be endta |e ouatas
`HilTN PIBBWhIGAGS 5.5-.5:45 244272364 5 Oi heed dade bbb rdanedeeala-dae 114
`SAMO ST PAGO st O5 25 Gh Sa dnedsiod ad betel Ga deb are ba Adee Oana ee 15
`Manual Seannlig QveniOws.. tous a nauageg weeaciboe acegr ene eaaud aie ap 15
`Fite Searining MAES i: 50h cmee4eg eas 4Gids pew ead ea aaa eb ue pewesa Gaa8 6
`Chapter 16
`Emall SCannlg vices avrses ancient cee arcs dnaisaaeaaeee ener waae 19
`Email Attachments Scanning Overview... . 0... cc eee tee eee 119
`Eriall Attachments Scannliig Derails i ccccsca ce aseinargtsin an sacacn ca ava ara aileryt aes 120
`PUL SUSI PTA i cates ce
`tabs, id a duaeaeacted sta ctaceca aos Soataracecied aiaeeate nae eon asaya 121
`Part 5
`Policies on the SRX Series Device
`Chapter 17
`Configure Sky ATP Policies on the SRX Series Device ................5 125
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Policy Overview ..........00 cece eee eee 125
`Enabling Sky ATP for Encrypted HTTPS Connections..................--. 128
`Example: Configuring a Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Policy Using the CLI. . 129
`Chapter 18
`Configure |IP-Based Geolocations on the SRX Series Device............ 133
`Geolocation IPs and Sky Advanced Threat Prevention...............000005 133
`Configuring Sky Advanced Threat Prevention With Geolocation IP........... 134
`Part 6
`Chapter 19
`Sky: ATP AGMINIStrAHBN i4cciddacs cece iSeasanen eases He awe Rea Ra A 139
`Ble ieee: Baty reales ot «cay cca tas rates tend dee an, ayeo ele dk dim Oe SRR oe te 139
`Creating and Ealting Weer! Pronles ss i ais os nates i aretentraeae an ggg Se atigeld « 140
`ABLESEE TOWERS VGRINBW 022. 2.o:52 FO aocta 5 pce
`ractcsck date goedeaeoevgerg we Se 141
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 7 of 183
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
`Creatihe Applicator: TOKGMS a sac :casista horas a eee Raided hee RE REE Ede 141
`Part 7
`Chapter 20
`TOUBLESNOStha TOpIGS is vs ate Fak Os Sra Ebel BOE ena woos 145
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Troubleshooting Overview..............0. 145
`Troubleshooting Sky Advanced Threat Prevention: Checking DNS and Routing
`CaF Lee cee[aies eripethcg SP SEs dy B.S arin alias ects SON ON Se
`ay hea aA AS: Hane 146
`Troubleshooting Sky Advanced Threat Prevention: Checking Certificates..... 148
`Troubleshooting Sky Advanced Threat Prevention: Checking the Routing Engine
`SMUT VAS SF Sala gyn Sap Graaaos Save lalinin’e GS Bemades Ad gio aun Gi aceeges ip Hale 149
`request services advanced-anti-malware data-connection...............05 151
`request services advanced-anti-malware diagnostic... 0.0... cece eee eee 133
`Troubleshooting Sky Advanced Threat Prevention: Checking the
`application-identification License ... 2... ce ee eee 156
`Viewing Sky Advanced Threat Prevention System Log Messages............ 156
`COPMTRULSteCOOME Ohad ve, Me SWANS Fe Sivas oA NS PBs eG Se ip?
`Viewing the traceoptions Log File... 0... cece eee eees 159
`TREAINEVSTE PEECOBHENS 4: 2:5 sciaeese.cb thes Unease me abe eeetn a aeR gon 159
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Dashboard Reports Not Displaying.....,... 160
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention RMA Process. .... eee eee eee 160
`Part 8
`More Documentation
`Chapter 21
`Sky ATP Tech Library Page Links .......... 0.00. ccc eee eee eee eee 165
`Links to Documentation on eee reece eee eee 165
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`List of Figures
`Part 1
`Overview and Installation
`Chapter 1
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Overview ...........0200cceeeeeeeeeee 3
`Figure 1: SkyATIP OVeWilew:. occ sc. ccces tea eck a areca dee aesaaeeaua denned 3
`Asti 22 Shy ATPm COmpOneALS vase ses iree cow e een onan eregee EE Ys 5
`Figure 3: Inspecting Inbound Files for Malware... 1. ee ee ee 7
`Figure 4: Skw ATP Use Cases. sci ccaicsiananaseeacas ooabtmeareeaearannns 8
`Figure 5: Example Sky ATP Pipeline Approach for Analyzing Malware.......... 9
`Figure 6: Comparing Traditional SRX Customers to Policy Enforcer
`CUSIOMES .s.cscmraccags sae reie SRE G ade PEER EMag ae aE OEE ES 14
`Chapter 2
`Install Sky Advanced Threat Prevention .......... 0.00000 cceeu eee eeees 15
`PieSHAG CORI a dere che SAS ADA Leesa rege eee ae eeee Blade 19
`Figure 8: Creating Your Sky ATP Realm Name...... cece eee ee eee 20
`Figure 9: Entering Your Sky ATP Contact Information............ 0.200000 0 ee 2)
`Figure 10: Creating Your Sky ATP Credentials. ....... 0.2.0... ccc cece eee 22
`Figure 11: Enrolling Your SRX Series Device... 2... ee eee 24
`Figure 12: Example Enrolled SRX Series Device... eee ee 23
`The WebPortal and Enrolling SRX Series Devices
`The Sky: ATP Web Portal 55 cccciccesveerse sade avert areees aoa aa ne oes 31
`Faure ls: Web Winfatls.:.scccscccavaceue seacbtaneantneeaemeegae eaads 34
`Figure 14: Sky ATP Web UI Login Page. ........0..00ceceeeee cee eeueueees 35
`Figure 15: Logging Out of the Management Interface... ............0 0 eee 35
`Part 2
`Chapter 3
`Chapter 4
`Enroll SRY Serles Pevices « eic-s iviiacat bie etiueddecbipaneaddmrbanewe 39
`Figure 16: Searching for a Device in the Web Ul... 2. ee eee 43
`Figure 17: Example Device Search ResultS. 2.2... cee ee ee eee ees 44
`Part 3
`Chapter 5
`Whitelists and BIacklist8:s. ici iccc cc dicteaatecacacearaae ncaa awed so 49
`Figure 18: Example Sky ATP Whitelist... 0.0.00... 0. ccc eee eee eee eee 50
`Chapter 6
`Email Scanning? SKVATP ia tieic as cian caamendus isa Geman de gaa 53
`Figure 19: Email Management Overview ...........0. 00.50 c se eee eee eee 54
`Part 4
`Monitor and Take Action
`Chapter 12
`Identifying Infected HOSS). 5s eee eae eg nea ened 95
`Figure 20: Infected Host from Malware... . 0.0... ce eee eee 96
`Figure 21: Viewing Infected’Hosts’...2..:066s00c2tscaacananewasainiaaaaeds 97
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`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
`Chapter 15
`Fil@ SCannie viva tevee sd veh acined eeiiidces ewes eta eter rerdeaae vat IL]
`Figure 222 Sarnnle STK REWOr tis be
`u'wse'eca'eaa's a sleielalelala wlalala'sla'sls wlnislalelele aw
`ae 115
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 10 of 183
`List of Tables
`About the: BocOmentatlon: ».c<ioc ncotns sear eratat ware eeweer-ene sds xi
`Table}: NOTEE IGONS 5.22 .0c dein devia ged ’s chs daa Beads aa deleted pas naleLe xii
`Table 2: Text and Syntax Conventions ......... 00: eee cece eee eee eet eens xii
`Part 1
`Overview and Installation
`Chapter 1
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Overview.........0.00 ccc cece eae eeeee 3
`Table Ss Sha PE Gomponens:. cineainehs cit adav aaa gate Git a dav aanaone ote 5
`Table 4: Threat Level Definitions... 2... 0. cc cee eee a
`Table 5: Comparing the Sky ATP Free Model, Basic-Threat Feed, and Premium
`PRA CRONEN ae elvis taeda cs
`irtd ay Sideemaee GAR th se
`tata aa av
`SOP arty BER Pana aes Seid ray deere a eaves 12
`Part 2
`The WebPortal and Enrolling SRX Series Devices
`Chapter 3
`The Sky ATP Web Portal... 0.2... . 0... cece eee cette ene eeneeee 31
`Chapter 4
`Tet ORESoTEURSRM PNTPs rencesnta:d co's bua cerca! gia ere anaegWe Rane be OE oe 31
`Table 7: Sky ATP Dashboard Widgets ......... cee cece eect ee eee eee 36
`Enroll SRX Serres Devices). 30isiscaccecarer i eave paw ieee Rare a0 ee ES 39
`Table 8? Button ACtlons ai iacs ac acr-b acxcganinacy enetgn space dasnig-w gia eunrd Ora eucd Ra ie A 40
`Table 9: Device Information Fields... 0... 0. ce cee ee eee tte eee 45
`Part 3
`Chapter 6
`Email Scannitig: SkKV-ATR ws tvs euriniacd nn vent eenres da mare as ian 53
`Table 10: Blocked Email Summary View ........... 0000s cece cece tence eas 55
`Table 11: Blocked Email Detail View.........6 0:0 cece cece eee ree ence eaeee 55
`Table 12: Configure Quarantine Malicious Messages .......... 0.0... c eee ee 57
`Table 13: Configure Deliver with Warning Headers. ...........20.00020e eee 58
`Table JA: Perrit soc cstwak co ae ea g.e dh amaae bE WAT Na awd bead waae whee 58
`Table 15: Blocked Email Summary View... 0.0.0... 0 0. cece eee eee eee 59
`Table 16: Blocked Email Detail View... 0.2... cee eee eee eee 59
`Table 17: Configure Block Malicious Messages .........2. 5.0.00. 0 cee eee eee 60
`Chapter 7
`Email Scanning: SRX Series Device. .... 0... 0.00 ccc eee ee eee teens 63
`Table 18: Comparing Reverse Proxy Before and After Junos OS Release
`TeBBG este tas Rake 2 aah anes Meee NAR Dee ead. i dees Rae heels 74
`Table 19: Supported SSL Proxy Configurations........ 2.0000. c eee aot
`Chapter 8
`Fil& INSpeCHOMPrGTlOgs .acis ds eecdecadsab el 254 saab tee seel an O65. Ti
`Table.20; File. Gatesory: Contents : icidna i wneaai read das tidae banat awdd ei etna Vi
`Table. 21; (Device Profile Settings... ce.c civsatiees semen enadenenaea ead Wee 79
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 11 of 183
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
`Chapter 10
`Global. Configurations.» icc sccscsewee vanew dias nena ee wel He dew OES Ue 85
`Table 22‘Global Configuration Fields :1 gaicn eaten ceadsaaleseciere eis ada 86
`Fable 25; ACGitGhal INTOMTATON 6 nite een ie Amer kee wets Ar ree pe 87
`Part 4
`Monitor and Take Action
`Chapter 11
`i aia'ao eesteau dad Geib o08 Odea odes the heeatiG ade ie aah teed 9)
`Chapter 13
`Table 24: Operations for Multiple Infected Hosts. ....... 20.0... 0.2 cece ee eee 9]
`Table 25: Compromised HostInformation .........00c.00eeeee errr eeeeaes 92
`Table 26: Threat Level Recommendations ...........0000 cece cece eee eeee 93
`Command and Control Servers ......... 0... c cee eee eee ee eee 103
`Table 27: Command & Control Server Data FIRAS.. ...5.cccw eee pee ees 104
`Table 28: Command & Control Server Contacted Host Data................ 105
`Table 29: Command & Control Server Associated Domains Data............ 105
`Table 30: Command & Control Server Signature Data. ....... 0.0.0. cee aes 105
`Chapter 15
`PilGHSRAaiiltt <6 22s 55.94 Fah he 66s Gh ahes Biasrmiaus- Ua wate ahere 1
`i vicsti ssi. dare ta eas Me Ride ewan Paes mM
`Table SAAT Scannine Date: FeElGS |.
`Table 32: Links on he HTTP File Download Details Page..............0.0... 112
`Table 35: General Sumifiany FOS ae hbo Rak ged e bees ega ad © mae 3
`Table 34: File Scanning Data Fields ......... cee eee tee ee eee 16
`Chapter 16
`EmallSGAnMAS: wcidienie carn addins Raa wr Aaa malnatlertie dae bad ng
`Table 35: Email Attachments Scanning Data Fields....................005 19
`Table 36: General Summiary Fields... 2.0.5. cae ee nae ewes ee weeuen nue 121
`Part 5
`Policies on the SRX Series Device
`Chapter 17
`Configure Sky ATP Policies on the SRX Series Device ................. 125
`Table 37: Sky ATP Security Policy Additions ......... 0.00.0 cc cee eee eee 126
`Part 6
`Chapter 19
`Sky ATP: Administration :
`« ici c acc scans io asa aaas aca s ataawneaaeeaaa 139
`Jalota Sse. Wve Protea: FIGs). Gssegn av borane s We pr e¥ airings Wage eS et 139
`TeSe MAPSEELS: 5 5k dtevasgrdovcadecityse bed cis pie mug ANTES Te ase Rana atae Ge Rie 140
`Table 40: Application Token Settings... c ccs eee cece eee eens 142
`Part 7
`Chapter 20
`Troubleshooting Topless iii ei ack eg das Seda ares acs aap doe Ge aaa ao dd ace 145
`Table 41: Troubleshooting Sky ATP... 2... 0.0. c eee ee ee eee eee 146
`Table 42: Data Connection Test Output... 0... 0... cee eee eee 151
`Table 43: aamw-diagnostics Script Error Messages... eee eee 154
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 12 of 183
`About the Documentation
`+ Documentation and Release Notes on page xi
`» Documentation Conventions on pagexi
`« Documentation Feedback on pagexiii
`+ Requesting Technical Support on page xiv
`Documentation and Release Notes
`To obtain the most current version of all Juniper Networks” technical docum entation,
`see the product documentation page on the Juniper Networks website at
`If the information in the latest release notes differs from the information in the
`documentation, follow the product Release Notes.
`Juniper Networks Books publishes books by Juniper Networks engineers and subject
`matter experts. These books go beyond the technical documentation to explore the
`nuances of networkarchitecture, deployment, and administration. The currentlist can
`be viewedat http://www,
`Documentation Conventions
`Table | on page xii defines notice icons usedin this guide.
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 13 of 183
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
`Table 1: Notice Icons
`@ Informationalnote
`A Caution
`A Warning
`A Laserwarning
`Q Tip
`@ Bestpractice
`| Gescrption
`Table 2 on page xii defines the text and syntax conventions used in this guide.
`Table 2: Text and Syntax Conventions
` Convention
`best age) at
`Bold text like this
`Represents text that you type.
`To enter configuration mode, type the
`configure command;
`user @host> configure
`Fixed-width text like this
`Represents output that appears on the
`terminal screen.
`user@host> show chassis alarms
`No alarms currently active
`Introduces oremphasizesimportant
`new terms.
`Identifies guide names.
`Identifies RFC and Internetdraft titles,
`» Apolicy termisanamed structure
`that defines match conditions and
`* /¥0s OS CL/ User Guide
`» RFCI997, BGP Communities Attribute
`Italic text like this
`Italic text like this
`root@# set system domain-name
`Represents variables (options for which
`you substitute a value) in commands or
`configuration statements.
`Configure the machine's domain name:
`FINJAN-JN 044898


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 14 of 183
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 14 of 183
`About the Documentatian
`Table 2: Text and Syntax Conventions (continued)
`Mersasl a
`Text like this
`Represents names of configuration
`+ Toconfigure a stub area, include the
`statements, commands, files, and
`stub statementat the [edit protocols
`directories; configuration hierarchy levels;
`ospf area area-id] hierarchy level.
`orlabels on routing platform
`+ Theconsole port islabeled CONSOLE.
`stub <default-metric metric>;
`Encloses optional! keywordsor variables,
`< > (angle brackets)
`| (pipe symbol)
`Indicates a choice between the mutually
`exclusive keywords or variables on either
`side of the symbol. The set of choices is
`often enclosed in parentheses for clarity.
`broadcast| multicast
`(string! | string2 | string3)
`# (pound sign)
`Indicates a commentspecified on the
`sameline as the configuration statement
`to which it applies.
`rsvp { # Required for dynamic MPLSonly
`[ ] (Square brackets)
`community name members [
`Encloses a variable for which you can
`substitute one or more values.
`community-ids ]
`Indention and braces ( { })
`identifies a level in the configuration
`‘ (semicolon)
`Identifies a leaf statement at a
`configuration hierarchy level.
`routing-optians {
`static {
`route default {
`nexthop address;
`} B
`Represents graphical user Interface (GUI)
`items you click or select.
`Inthe Logical Interfaces box, select
`All Interfaces.
`GUI Conventions
`old textlike this
`+ TJocancel the configuration, click
`> (bold right angle bracket)
`Separates levels in a hierarchy of menu
`In the configuration editor hierarchy,
`select Protocols>Ospf.
`Documentation Feedback
`We encourage you to provide feedback, comments, and suggestions so that we can
`improve the documentation. You can provide feedbackby using either of the following
`+ Online feedback rating system—Onany pageof the Juniper Networks TechLibrary site
`at http://www, simply click the stars torate the content,
`and use the pop-up form to provide us with information about your experience,
`Alternately, you can use the online feedback form at
`FINJAN-JN 044899


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 15 of 183
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 15 of 183
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
`+ E-mail—Send your comments to techpubs-comments@junipernet.Include the document
`or topic name, URL or page number, and software version (if applicable).
`Requesting Technical Support
`Technical product supportis available through the Juniper Networks Technical Assistance
`Center (JTAC). If you are a customer with an active J-Care or Partner Support Service
`support contract, or are covered under warranty, and need post-sales technical support,
`you can access our tools and resources online or open a case with JTAC.
`» JTAC policies—For a complete understanding of our JTAC procedures and policies,
`review the JTAC User Guide located at
`hitp://www,, pdf,
`+ Product warranties—For product warranty information,visit
`+ JTAC hours of operation—The JTAC centers have resources available 24 hours a day,
`7 days a week, 365 days a year.
`Self-Help Online Tools and Resources
`For quick and easy problem resolution, Juniper Networks has designed an online
`self-service portal called the Customer Support Center (CSC) that provides you with the
`following features:
`+ Find CSC offerings:
`+ Search for known bugs:
`* Find product documentation: http://www.,|
`» Find solutions and answer questions using our Knowledge Base: http://kb,|
`+ Downloadthe latest versions of software and review release notes:
`+ Search technical bulletins for relevant hardware and software notifications:
`+ Join and participate in the Juniper Networks Community Forum:
`+« Openacase online in the CSC Case Management tool: http://www.junipernet/em/
`To verify service entitlement by product serial number, use our Serial Number Entitlement
`(SNE) Tool: https://entitlementsearch,
`Opening a Case with JTAC
`You can open a case with JTAC on the Web orby telephone.
`+ Use the Case Management tool in the CSC at http://www,
`* Call 1-888-314-JTAC (1-888-314-5822 toll-free in the USA, Canada, and Mexico).
`FINJAN-JN 044900


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 16 of 183
`About the Documentation
`For international or direct-dial options in countries without toll-free numbers, see
`FINJAN-JN 044901


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 17 of 183
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 17 of 183
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 18 of 183
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 18 of 183
`Overview and Installation
`« Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Overview on page 3
`Install Sky Advanced Threat Prevention on page 15
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 19 of 183
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 19 of 183
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
`FINJAN-JN 044904


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 20 of 183
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 20 of 183
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Overview
`- Juniper Networks Sky Advanced Threat Prevention on page 3
`« Howis Malware Analyzed and Detected? on page 8
`« Sky Advanced Threat Prevention License Types on page 1)
`« About Policy Enforcer on page 13
`Juniper Networks Sky Advanced Threat Prevention
`Juniper Networks Sky Advanced Threat Prevention (Sky ATP) is a security framework
`that protects all hosts in your network against evolving security threats by employing
`cloud-based threat detection software with a next-generation firewall system. See
`Figure | on page 3.
`Figure 1: Sky ATP Overview
`» Advanced Threat Prevention
`« Sandbox with Deception
`Sky Advanced
`Threat Prevention Cloud
`FINJAN-JN 044905
`SRX Series


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-19 Filed 05/13/19 Page 21 of 183
`Sky Advanced Threat Prevention Administration Guide
`Sky ATP Features
`Sky ATP protects your network by performing the following tasks:
`The SRX Series device extracts potentially malicious objects and files and sends them
`to the cloud for analysis.
`Known malicious files are quickly identified and dropped before they can infect a host.
`Multiple techniques identify new malware, adding it to the knownlist of malware.
`Correlation between newly identified malware and known Command and Control
`(C&C) sites aids analysis.
`The SRX Series device blocks known malicious file downloads and outbound C&C
`Sky ATP supports the following modes:
`Layer 3 mode
`Tap mode
`Transparent mode using MAC address. For more information, see Transparent mode
`on SRX Serles devices.
`Secure wire mode(high-level transparent mode using the interface to directly passing
`traffic, not by MAC address.) For more information, see Understanding Secure Wire.
`Sky ATP is a cloud-based solution. Cloud environments are flexible and scalable, anda
`shared environment ensures that everyone benefits from new threatintelligence in near
`real-time. Your sensitive data is secured even thoughitis in a cloud shared environment,
`Security analysts can update their defense when new attack techniques are discovered
`and distribute the threatintelligence with very little delay.
`In addition, Sky ATP offers the following features:
`Integrated with the SRX Series device to simplify deployment and enhance the
`anti-threat capabilities of the firewall.
`Delivers protection against “zero-day” threats using a combination of

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