Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 1 of 20
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 1 of 20


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 2 of 20
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 2 of 20
`siSA lors
`SRX Series Service
`Gateways for the B
`SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240; SR
`ies Services Gatewaysfor
`@ next-generation
`security gateways that provide
`essential capabilities that
`connect, secure, and manage
`workforce ocations sized from
`hardfuls to hundreds of users. By
`idating fast, highly available
`switching, routing, security,
`and next generation firewail
`capabilities in a single device,
`enterprises can protect their
`resources as well as econom
`deiiver newserv.ces, safe
`connectivty, and a
`sfying end-
`user experience. All SRX Series
` Servic ateways, including
`products scaled for Enterprise
`branch, Enterprise edge, and
`Data Certer applications, are
`powered by Junos OS—the proven
`operating system that provides
`unmatched consistency, better
`performance with services, and
`superior infrastructure protection
`at a lower total cost of ownership.
` ct Description
`The Juniper Networks® SRX Series Services Gateways for the branch combine next
`generation firewall and unified threat management (JTM) services wth routing and
`switching in a single, high-performance, cost-effective network device.
`SRX Series for the branch runs Juniper Networks lunos® operating system, the proven
` und the
`OSthat is used by core Internet routers in all of the top 100 service providers
`ss routing features of IPv4/IPV6, OSPF, 8GP, and
`world. The ngorous!y tested carrer-c!
`muiticast have beenprovenir over 15 years of worldwide deployments.
`SRX Series for the branch provides perimeter security, content security, application
`visib lity, tracking and policy enforcement, user role-based control, threat intelLigence
`through integration wth Juniper Networks Spotlight Secure* and network-wide threat
`5, network administrators can configure
`visibility and contral. Using zones and pol
`and deploy branch SRX Series gateways quickly and securely. Policy-based VPNs
`support more complex securty arch tectures that require dynamic addressing and
`so includes w.zardsforfirewall, IPsec VPN, Network
`split tunneling. The SRX Series é
`Address Transiation (NAT), and -nitia. setup to simpl fy configurations out of the box.
`For content security, SRX Series for the branch offers a complete suite of next
`generation firewall, unified threat management (UTM) and threat intel gence
`services consisting of: intrusion prevention systern (IPS), appiication security
`(AppSecure), user role-basedfirewal! controls, on-box and cloud-based antivirus,
`antispam, and enhanced Web filtering to protect your network from the ‘atest
`content-borne threats. Integrated threat inteiligence via Spotlight Secure offers
`adaptive threat protection against command andcontrol (C&C) related botrets and
`policy enforcement based on Geol? ard attacker fngerprinting technology(the latter
`for Web application protection)—al! of which are based on Juniper providedfeeds.
`Customers may also \everage their own custom and third-party feeds for protection
`from advanced maiware and otherthreats. The branch SRX Seriesintegrates with
`other Juniper security products to deliver enterprise-wide unified access control
`(JAC) and adaptive threat management.
`SRX Series for the branch are secure routers that bring high performance andproven
`deployment capabilities to enterprises that need to build a worldwide network of
`thousands ofsites. The wide variety of options allow configuration of perfarmance,
`functionality, and price scaled te support from a handful
`to thousands of users.
`ties, a simple-to-use Web-based GUI, or Juniper Networks Junos
`y Drector for centralized maragement.
`33 Space
`Deputy Clerk
`Trial Exhibit 345
`Case No. 17-CV-05659-WHA
` Entered:
`FINJAN-JN 045192


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 3 of 20
`Architecture and Key Components
`Key Hardware Features of the Branch SRX Series Products
`SRXN10 Services
`SRX210 Services
`SRK220 Services
`SRX240 Services
` Services
`ght 10/100 Ethernet LAN ports and 1USB port (support for 3G USB)
`Full UTM'antivirus!, antisparn', enhanced Webfiltering, and contentfiltering
`intrusion prevention systern’, AppSecure’
`2 GB DRAM, 2 GB flash default
`» VDSL/ADSL2+ and Ethernet WAN interfaces
`+ Eight 10/100 Ethernet LAN ports and two USB port (support for 3G USB)
`Full UTM): antivirus’, antisparn’,
`enhanced Webfiltering’, intrusion prevention systern'’, AppSecure!
`Unified Access Control (UAC) and contentfiltering
`2 GB DRAM, 2 GBCF default
`+ Two 10/100/1000 Ethernet and 6 10/100 Ethernet LAN ports, 1 Mini-P'Mslot, and 2 USB ports (support for 3G USB
`Factory option of 4 dynarnic Power over Ethernet (PoE) ports 802.3af
`Support for TIVEserial, ADSL/2/2+, VDSL, GSHDSL, and Ethernet small forrn-factor pluggable transceiver (SFP)
`Content Security Accelerator hardware for faster performance of |PS and ExpressAV (with high memory version)
`FulLUTM® antivir
`antisparn', enhanced Webfiltering’, and conten: filtering
`ntrusion prevention sysierr, User role-based firewall, and AppSecure!
`2 GB DRAM,2 GB flash default
` Factory option of 8 PoE port
`wards compatible with 802.3a*
`GSHDSL., and Ethernet SFP
`Support for T1/E1
`for faster performance of
`|PS and ExpressAV
`Full UTM! antivirus! antisparn’. enhanced Webfiltering’, and contentfiltering
` 2 GB DRAM, 2 GBCF default
`* 1610/100/1000Ethernet LANports, 4 Mini-PIM slots
`+ Factory option of 16 PoF= ports; PoE+ 802.3at, backwards compatible with 802.3af
`Support for T1/E1,
`serial, A
`2/2+,VOSL,GSHDSL, and Ethernet SFP
`Content Security Accelerator hardware for faster performance
`of IPS and ExpressAV
`Full UTM? antivirus], antisparn', enhanced Webfiltering’, and conten! filtering
`ntrusion prevention system’. AppSecure!
`+ Ten fixed Ethernet ports (€ 10/100/1000 copper, 4 SFP). 2 Mini-PIM slots, 6 GPMslots or multiple GP!
`Support for T1/E1, serial, ADSL2/2+, VDSL, G.SHDSL, DS3/E3, Gigabit Ethernet ports: supports up to 52 Ethernet
`ports including SFP; 40 switch ports with optional PoE including 802.3at, PoE+. backwards compatible with 802.3af
`(or 50 non-PoE 16/100/1000 copper ports)
`Content Security Accelerator hardware for faster performance of |PS and ExpressAV
`Full UTM! antivirus’. antispam, enhanced Webfiltering’. and contentfiltering
`ntrusion prevention system’, User role-basedfirewall, and AppSecure!
`Threat intelligence for protection from command and control (C&C) botnets, Web application threats, and advanced
`malware, and policy enforcement based on GeoiP data
`2 GB DRAM default, 2
`t flash default (SRX550)
`4 GB DRAMdefault. 8 GB compact flash default (SRX550 High Memory)
`Optional redundant AC power: siandard AC power supplythat is PoE-ready: PoF power up to 250 wai
`supply or 500 watts dual power supply
`» Four fixed ports 10/100/1000Et
`N ports, 8 GPMslots or multiple GPM and XPIM combinations
`Ethernet ports including
`- Support for T1, 1, DS3,
`supports up to 52
`» 48 switch ports
`optional PoE including 802 3at,
`PoE+, backwards compatible with 802.3af (or 52 noni-PoF 10/100/1000copper ports)
`Content Security Accelerator hardware for faster performance of PS and ExpressAV
`FullUTM? antivirus’, antispam', enhanced Webfiltering', and content filtering
`ntrusion prevention system’, User role-based firewall. and AppSecure'
`Threat intelligence for protection from command and control (C&C) botnets. Web application threats. and advanced
`malware, and policy enforcernent based on GeolP data
`Modular Servi
`and Routing Engine, future internal failover and hot-swap
`2 G8 DRAMdefault. 2 GB compact flash default. external compact ‘lash slot for additional storage
`Optional redundant AC power: standard AC power supply that is PoE-ready:
`PoE power up to 250 watts single power
`supply o
`O watts dual power supply
`Mand XPIM
`5 single power
`scription|ware with noat
`FINJAN-JN 045193


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 4 of 20
`To address the evolving threat landscape that has made it
`mperative to integrate external threat intelligence into the
`firewall for thwarting advanced malware and other threats, some
`gence via
`SRX Series Services Gateways include threat int
`integration with Spotlight Secure. The Spotlight Secure threat
`5 to deliver open, consolidated, actionable intelligence to
`ries Services Gateways across the organizationfor policy
`enforcement. These sources include Juriper threat feeds, third
`party threat feeds and threat detection technoiogies that the
`customer can deploy.
`Administrators are able to define enforcement poi
`feeds via a single, centralized managemertpoint, Junos Space
`Security Director.
`Manyorganizations use both a router and a firewali/VPN at their
`network edgeto fulfill
`their networking and security needs. Por
`many organizations, the SRX Seres for the branchcanfulfi
` routing,
`both roles with one solution. Juniper built best-in-c
`switching and fire
`capabiities into one product.
`SX Series for the branch checks the traffic to seeifit is
`legitimate and permissible, and only ferwards it on whenit 's.
`This reduces the load on the network,
`allocates bandwidth forall
`other mission-critical applications, and secures the network from
`MauCcIOUS USers.
`The main purpose of 2 secure router is to provide firewall
` iL (zone) functionality
`protection and apply policies. The firew:
`nspects traffic flows and state to ensure that originating and
`returning information in a session is expected and permitted for
`a particular zone. The security policy determinesif the session
`canoriginate in one zone and traverse to another zone. Due to
`the architecture, SRX Series receives packets from a wide variety
`of every session, of every
`of clients and servers and keeps trac
`ws the enterprise to make
`application, and of every user. This é
`sure that only iegitimate traffic is on its network andthat traffic is
`f.owing in the expected direction.
`High Avaiability
`Junos Services Redundancy Protocol (ISRP) is a core feature
`of the SRX Series for the branch. JSRP enables a pair of SRX
`Series systems to be easily integrated into a high availability
`network architecture, with redundant physical connections
`cent network switches. With
`between the systemsand the ac
`address many common
`tink redundancy, Juniper Networks cai
`cal port going bad
`causes of system failures,s
` connected, to ensure that a connection
`bie getting dis
`yle without having to fail over the entire system. This
`is consistent with a typical active/standbynature of routing
`resiliency protocols.
`FINJAN-JN 045194
`traffic or the content that is traveling across your network
`“Trust” Zone
`Firewalls. zones.
`Figure 1
`to protect your environment
`against threats, manage how
`your network bandwidthis allocated, and contro! who has access
`to what.
`AppSecure is 2 suite of application security capabilities for
`Junper Networks SRX Series services Gatewaysthat identifies
`applications for greatervisibiity, enforcement, contra, and
`protection of the network.
`Intrusion Prevention
`The intrusion prevention system (IPS) understands application
`behaviors and weaknesses to prevent application-borne security
`threats that are difficuit to detect and stap.
`Unified Thr
`Series can include comprehensive content security against
`ns, spam and other
`maiware,viruses, phishing attacks, intrusial
`TM). Get a best-
`threats with unified threat management (L
`of-breed solution with anti-virus, anti-spam, webfiltering and
`contertfiltering at a great value by easily adding these services
`to your SRX Series Services Gateway. Cloud-based and on-box
`solutions are both ava
`Juniper offers a range of userrole-based firewail control solutons
`that support dynamic security policies. Userrole-based firewa.i
`capabilities are integrated with the SRX Series Services Gateways
`for standard next generation firewali controls. More extensive,
`scalable, granular access controls for creating dynamic policies
`are ava lable through the integration of SRX with a Juniper
`Unified Access Control solution.
`protection with application awareness and extensive userrole-
`based control options plus best-
`“Untrust” Zone
`of-breed UTMto protect
`control your busines
`Next generation firewall
` able to performfull packet
`inspection and can apply
`security policies based orlayer 7
`information. This means you can
`te security policies based on
`the appiication running across
`your network, the user who1s
`receiving or sending network


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 5 of 20
`INTERNETj_Active iii—d———|
`aad Standby
` EXwil EXSeries
`2 i
`— » SRX240,
`me Active
`AC V2Aence
` EX Series
`EX Series
`EX Series
`| La
`When SRX Series Services Gatewaysfor the branch are
`configured as an active/active HA parr,traffic and configuration
`is mirrored automatically te provide active firewali and VPN
`session maintenance in case ofa failure. The branch SRX Series
`synchronizes both configuration and runtime information. As a
`result, during failover, synchronization of the following information
`is shared: connection/session state and fiow information, IPSec
`security associations, Network Address Translation (NAT) traffic,
`address backinformation, configuration changes, and mere. In
`contrast to the typical router active/standbyresiliency protocals
`such asVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), all dynamic
`flow and session information is lost and must be reestablishec
`in the event of a failover. Someor ail
`network sessions will have
`to restart depending on the convergencetime of the links or
`nodes. By mainta
`ung state, not only 's the sess on preserved,
`but security is kept intact. In an unstabie network, this active/
`active configuration aiso mitigateslink flapping affecting session
` ut the
`In order to optimize the throughput and latency of the combined
`router and firewall, lunas OS implements session-based
`forwarding, an innovation that combines the session state
`information of a tradit ona! firewal and the next-hop forwarding
`of a classic router into a single operation. With Juros OS, a
`essionthat is permitted by the forwardingpolicy is added to
`the forwarding tabie along with a po:nter to the next-hop route.
`Established sessions havea singie table lookup toverify that the
`session has been permitted and to find the next hop. Th's efficient
`algorithm improves throughput and lowers latency for session
`traffic when compared with a classic router that performs muitipie
`tabie icokups to verify session information and then to find a next-
`hop route.
`Figure 3 shows the session-basedforwarding a.gorithm. When a
`nis established, the session-based architecture withir
`Junos OSverifies that the session s allowed by the forwarding
`policies. If the session is
`allowed, Junos OS wil:
`icok up the next-
`hop route in the routing table.It then inserts the session and the
`next-hoproute into the session and forwarding table and forwards
`the packet. Subsequert packets for the esta lished session
`require a single table lookupin the session and forwarding table,
`and are forwarded to the egress interface.
`Security Policy Evaluation
`and Next-Hep Lookup
`Session and
`Forwarding Table
`TTS teen<
`Forwarding for
`Pe ger
`Permitted Trattic
`""" "Interface
`Disallowed by
`Policy: Droosed
`Figure 3: Session-based forwarding algorithm
`FINJAN-JN 045195


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 6 of 20
`rm Ld.
`os SRX110 =)
`Small Office
`= oo i
`_ SRX650 SRX65O__
` EX4200_
`Server Z Server
`App Server
`_ Private Data Center
`Private WAN
`_ Large HA Office Server—Server i TVEI VDSL TVE]
`a a
` @ is} @
`Fe j
`_ Mid-sized HA Branch
`| Small, Link HA Branch
`7 =,
`| &S
`Small Branch with
`Cellular Backup
`Figure 4: Thedistributed enterprise
`FINJAN-JN 045196
`Le ee sit Si emacs


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 7 of 20
`eB Brare
`Jats Sheet
`IPv4, IPv6, ISO Connectioniess Network Service (CLNS)
`Routine and Multicast
`outing and Mutticast
`Static routes
`RIPv2 +v1
`BGP Router Reflector
`Muiticast (Internet Group Management Protocal
`(IGMPVv1/2/3), PIM-SM/DM/SSM,Session Description
`Protocol (SDP), Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
`(DVMRP), source-specific, Multicast inside IPsec tunnel),
`MPLS (RSVP, LDP, Circuit Cross-connect (CCC), Transiational
`Cross-connect (TCC), Layer 2 VPN (VPLS), Layer 3 VPN,
`We ghted random early detection (WRED
`Queuing based on VLAN, data-link connection identifier
`(DCI), interface, bundies, or multi-field (M&) filters
`.Guaranteed bandwidth
`Maximum bandwidth
`Ingresstraffic pol. cing
`Priority-bandwicth utilization
`DiffServ marking
`Virtual channeis
`- Firewall, Zones, screens, polices
`Stateful firewall, statelessfilters
`» Network attack detection
`» Screens denial of servce (DoS) and provides distributed
`denial of service (DDoS) protection (anamaly-based)
`- Prevent replay attack; Anti-Replay
`IP Address Management
`DHCP, PPPoE client
`Internal DHCP server, DHCP Relay
`Address Tre
`Source NAT with ort Address Translation (PAT)
`Static NAT
`Destination NAT with PAT
`Persistent NAT, NAT64
`Ethernet (MAC and VAN tagged)
`Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) (synchronous)
`- Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol (M_LPPP)
`Frame Relay
`- Multilink Frame Relay (MLFR) (FREAI5, FREI6), FREAZ
`High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)
`Seria. (RS-232, RS-449, X.2), V.35, EIA-530)
`802.1q VLAN support
`Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)
`L2 Switchine
`80230, 802.10, RSTP, MSTP, 802.3ad (_AC?)
`802.1x, LLDP, 802.Jad (O-in-O), IGMP Snooping
`Layer 2 switching with high availability
`raffic Management Qualityc
`802.\p, DSCP, EXP
`Marking, policing, and shaping
`Class-based queuing with proritization
`+ Unified Access Control
`- TCP reassembyy for fragmented packet protection
`- Brute force attack mitigation
`- SYN cookie protection
`- Zone-based IP spoofing
`~ Malformed packet protection
`Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
`- Protocol anomaly detection
`- Stateful protocol signatures
`Intrus.on prevention system (IPS) attack pattern
`- User role-based policies
`Customersignatures creation
`Multiple times a week and emergency updates
` AppSecure
`- AppTrack (application visibility and tracking)
`- AppFirewal (policy enforcement by application name)
`- Customsignatures
`- AppQos (networktraffic prioritization and bandwidth
`- Dynamic signature updates
`- Jser-based app.ication poticy enforcement
`» Antivirus
`- Express AV (stream-based AV, not available on SRX100
`and SRX10)
`- File-based antivirus
`Protocals scanned: POP3, HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, FTP
`SRAGSO See ordenng secthonform information
` 50 High Memory unit dor
`bam, We
`FINJAN-JN 045197


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA
`Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page8 of 20
`é OSPFYy3
`IPv6 Muiticast Listener Discovery (MLD)
`1 3G/4G/LTE Broadband Data Bridge supported
`on all branch SRX Series devices
`3G USB medem support for S2X100, SRX710, and SRX210
`urement, and Mc
` ime performance monitering (
` >M)
`Sessions, packets, and bandwidth usage
`Juniper J-Flow montoring and accounting services
`IP Monitoring
`- Cloud-based antivirus
`Integrated enhanced Webfiterng
`- Category granularity (90+ categories)
`- Real time threat score
`Redirect Webfiltering
`Content Security Accelerator in SRX210 high memory,
`SRX220, SRX240, SRX550, and SRX650*
`SRX21C high memory, SRX220 high
`ExpressAV option
`memory, SRX240,
`50, and SRX650*
`Content filtering
`- Based on MIME type,file extension, and protocol
`Auto VPN(Zero Touch Hub)
`Tunnels (GRE, IP-IP, IPsec)
`IPsec, Data Encryption Standard (DES) (56-bit), triple Dat
`Encryption Standard (3DES) (68-bit), Advanced Encryption
`Stardard (AES) (28-bit+) encryption
`Message Digest 5 (MD5),SHA-1 , SHA-128, SHA-256
`Multi-Proxy ID for s'te-to-site VPN
`Extensive control- and data-piane structured and
`unstructured syslog
`Juniper Networks Network and Security Manager support
`Juniper Networks Junos Space Security Director support
`Junos Pulse Dynamic VPN cliert; browser-based remote
`Juniper Networks
`STRM Series Security Threat Response
`access feature requiringalicense
`Managers support
`IPv4 and IPv6 VPN
`Juniper Networks Advanced Insight Solutions support
`External administrator de
`atabase (RADIUS, DAP, SecurelD)
`Time Transport Protocol (CRTP)
`Statefu: failover and dual box ci
`- Redundant power (optional)
`- GPIM hot swap
`- Future internal failover and SRE hot swap (OIR) on
`kup Unk via 3G/4G LTE wire.ess or otherWAN
`Active/active—..3 mode®
`Configuration synchronization®
`and VPN?
`Session synchronization for firewe
`Session failover for routing change®
`Device failure detection?
`lank failure detection®
`Configuration rollback
`Rescue configuration with butten
`Commit confirm for changes
`Auto-record for diagnostics
`Software upgrades (USB upgrade option)
`Juniper Networks J-Web
`Command-line interface
`Smart image download
`NEBS Compliance for SRX240, SRX65C°
`Department of Deferse (DoD) Certification for S2X Series
`Services Gateways,including testing and certification by the
`Department of Deferse Joint Interoperability Test Command
`(ITC) for interoperability with DoD networks and addition of
`the SRX Seres Services Gateways to the Unified Capabilities
`Approved Product List (UC APL)
`IP Monitoring with route and interface failover
`tted on the low memaryversion Peas
`niption license UTIs not
` purchaseof memory software license key
`FINJAN-JN 045198


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 9 of 20
`Product Comparison
`Maximum Performance and Capacity
`Junos OSversiontested
`Junos OS
`Junos OS
`Junos OS
`Junos OS
`Junos OS
`Junos OS
`Junos OS
`700 Mbps
`700 Mbps
`850 Mbps
`950 Mbps
`1.8 Gbps
`7 Gbps
`Unrestricted—Unrestri Unrestricted
`Firewall performance
`(large packets)
`2 Gbps
`600 Mbps
`300 Mbps
`200 Mbps
`200 Mbps
`Firewall performance (MIX)
`250 Mbps
`850 Kpps
`700 Kpps
`200 Kpps
`125 Kpps
`70 Kpps
`70 Kpps
`Firewall + routing PPS (64 Byte)
`95 Kpps
`2 Gbas
`2 Gbps
`830 Mbps
`350 Mbps
`100 Mbps
`100 Mbps
`Firewell perforrmance® (HTT®)
`290 Mbps
`1.5 Gbps
`1.0 Gbps
`300 Mbps
`100 Mbps
`65 Mbps
`65 Mbps
`= ine throughput (large
`85 Mbps
`IPsec VPNtunnels
`AppSecure firewall throughput®=90 Mbps 90 Mbps 250 Mbps 300 Mbps 750 Mbps 2.0 Gbps 19 Gbps
`65 Mbps
`IPS (intrusion prevention system)
`75 Mbps®
`75 Mbps
`80 Mbps
`230 Mbps
`800 Mbps
`25 Mbps
`25 Mbps
`30 Mbps
`35 Mbps
`85 Mbps
`300 Mbps
`350 Mbps
`(Sophos AV)
`(Sophos AV)
`(Sophos AV)
`Connections per second
`256 K
`375 K
`512 K
`Maximumconcurrent sessions
`eng GB’
`DRAM options
`2 04 8
`Maximum security policies
`4,096 Maximumusers supported
`Network Connectivity
`8 x10/100
`Fixed /O
`TO/IGO/IO00=IO/IOB/1ID00 §=«1D/IGONGOO=10/100/10G0 —_10/100/1000
`BASE-T + 4
`Aor B)
`1x SRX Series 2x SRX
`Mini- PIM
`or multiple
`and XPIM
`or multiple
`and XPIM
`services and Routing
`services and
`Routing Engine
`See ordering
`See ordering
`See ordering
`See ordering
`WAN/LAN interface
`WAREAN INESE information—information information—informationeee Goon WA Na
`Upto4ports Upto & ports
`Maximurn number of PoE ports
`Up to 48
`{PoE o
`nal on sore SRX
`of 802 3af
`of B802.3af/
`ports of
`Series models)
`at with
`at with
`50 W
`20 W
`2 per SRE
`FINJAN-JN 045199


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 10 of 20
`Routing (Packet Mode) PPS
`BGP peers
`BGP routes
`OSPF routes
`RIP v1/ v2 instances
`RIP y2 routes
`Static routes
`Source based routing
`Policy-based routing
`Equal-cost multipath (ECMP)
`Reverse path forwarding (RPF)
`IPsec VPN
`Concurrent VPNtunnels
`Tunnel interfaces
` S (56-bit). 3DES (168-bii)
`MD-5, SHA-1 and SHA-2
`Manual key, internet
`public key
`rward secrecy (DH
`Prevent replay attack
`Dynamic remote access VPN
`Redundant VPN gateways
`@S5 users
` Number of remote ac
`N wn
`25 users
`User Authentication and Access Control
`Third-party user authentication
`RADIUS accounting
`XAUTH VPN, Web-based, 802.X
`e Authorities
`Maximum number of security
`Maxirnum number of virtual
`32 «
`800 K
`150 users
`N at
`250 users
`500 users
`FINJAN-JN 045200


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 11 of 20
`> maxirriumphysical
`Frame Relay
`ML.FR (FRF 15, FRF 16)
`MLFR maximumphysical
`CXIN13G 4G LTE Bridge support
`Junos/SRX Senes management
`of CxM
`Flashand Memory
`2 GBA GB"
`Mernory (DRAM)
`(SRXIOOH2)—(SRXTIOH2) =2 (SRX220H2) (SRX240H2) (SRX650)
`Memory slots
`Flash memory
`JSB port for external storage
`Dimensions and Power
`Dirnensions (Wx H x D)
`Weight (device and power
`SRE, external
`slot ermpt
`up to2GBCF
`2 GB/8 GB
`CF internal
`5.8 in (21.6 x
`3.6147 0m)
`W.02 % 1.72 x
`8.385 in
`(28% 4.37 x
`67 lb
`(3.06 kg)
`W.02 x1.73 x
`712in(28.0x% 7Nin (363%
`non-PoE /
`(2 kg) PoE
`No interface
`(1.56 kg)
`No interface
`(5.6 kg) PoF
`No interface
`175 #35%
`18.2 in (444
`x88 x 462
`21.96 tb
`1 power
`18.2 in (444
`xB.8 x 462
`249 \b
`G13 kg)
` Nointerface
`1 power
`Yes, 2 RU
`Yes, 2 RU
`Yes. TRU
`Yes, 1RU
`Yes. TRU
`Yes. 1] RU
`Yes, TRU
`Power supply (AC) 150 W forLM=100-240100-240 100-240 100-240 100-240 100-240
`VAC, 30 W
`VAC, 60 W
`and HM
`60 Wnon- 190 W for HM_-single 64560 W non- single 645
`PoE /
`with BC
`W oF
`W or
`360 Wfor
`150 W PoE
`200 W PoF
`dual 645 W
`dual 645 W
`150 W
`MaximumPoE power
`50 W
`120 W
`247 N
`redundant, or
`4946 W non-
`247 W
`redundant, or
`494 Wnon
`FINJAN-JN 045201


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 12 of 20
`Average power consumption
`28 W.
`84 W(POF)
`input frequency
`Maximurr current consumption
`50-60 Hz
`50-60 Hz
`1.75 A @100
`Maximurn inrush current
`Average heatdissipation
`35 BTU/hr
`81 BTU/hr
`Maxirnurr heat dissipation
`80 BTU/hr
`99 BTU/hr
`- 74.
`DC -72W
`50-60 Hz
`VAC, 3.04
`@ 100 VAC
`404.45A for
`253 BTU/hr
`246 BTU
`294 BTU/hr
`427 BTU/hr
`409 BTU/hr
`560 BTU/hr
`50-60 Hz
`044A @100
`104 BTU/
`50-60 Hz
`044A @100
`VAC. 113A
`100 VAC
`126 BTU/hr
`157 BTU/hr
`Redundant power supply (hot
`Acoustic noise level
`‘SO 7779 Standard)
`Operational temperature
`Nonoperational temperature
`Humidity (operating)
`Humidity (nonoperating)
`Mean tirne betweenfailures
`(Telcordia model)
`0 dB
`511 dB
`70.0 dB
`32° to 1049 F
`to 4C€
`32° to 10490 F
`(0° to 40°C)
`4© to 158°F,
`24.8 years
`24.8 years
`32° to 104° F
`(0° to 40°C)
`-40° to
`(-40° to
`10% 70 90%noncondensing
`5%to 95%noncondensing,
`14.03 years
`32°to 1040 F
`(09to 40°C)
`4° t0. 1580 F,
` {oO
` 11.63years
`85 W
`50-60 H2
`50-60 Hz
`75 A @100
`VAC with
`with Po=.
`A@100 VAC
`with dual
`PSUwith PoE
`238 BTU/hr
`534 @100
`VAC with
`single PSU
`with PoE, 6.3
`A @100 VAC
`with dual
`PSUwith PoE
`45 A for Ve
`319 BTU/hr
`1449 BTU/hr
`699 BTU/hr
`Yes (up to
`capacity of
`single PSU}
`51.8 dB
`Yes (up to
`single PSU)
`609 dB
`32° to 104° F
`(0° to 40°C)
`49 19 1589 F,
`(20° to
`2° t0 1040 F
`(0° to 40°C)
`4° to 158° F,
`9.6 years
`9.6 years
`FINJAN-JN 045202


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 432-9 Filed 04/11/19 Page 13 of 20
`Certifications and Network Homologation
`Safety certifications
`EMC certifications
`Network homologation
`Safety certifications
`EMC certifications
`Network homologation
`UL 60950-1
`FCC Class B
`UL 60950-1
`FCC Class B
`UL 60950-1
`UL 60950-1
`FCC Class 8!
`FCC Class A
`UL 60950-1
`ECC Class A
`UL 60950-1
`FCC Class A
`“A 966
`UL 60950-1
`FCC Class A
`CSA 60950-1
`ICES class B
`CSA 60950-1
`ICES class B
`CSA 60950-1
`ICES class B’
`CSA 60950-1
`ICES Class A
`CSA 60950-1
`ICES class A
`CSA 60950-1
`ICES classA
`CSA 60950-1
`ICES class A
`Safety certifications
`EMC certifications
`Class B
`Class A
`Class A
`Network homologation
`$ 002.S
`S$ 002.S
`016, S 043.1,
`O16,S 043.1,
`016, S 043.1
`New Zealand
`Safety certifications

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