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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 129-12 Filed 06/28/18 Page 1 of 3


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 129-12 Filed 06/28/18 Page 2 of 3
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 129-12 Filed 06/28/18 Page 2 of 3
`follow certain naming conventions. The java.beans classes that a bean creator uses
`‘ are generally auxiliary classes, used not by the bean, but by the builder tool that
`manipulates the bean. These auxiliary classes are shipped with a bean, and provide
`additional information or methods that a builder tool may use with the bean. These
`classes are not included in finished software built with the bean.
`For example, oneof the auxiliary classes a bean may define is a custom BeanInfo
`class to provide information to the builder tool that is not available through the
`Reflection API. This information might include a human-readable description of the
`bean's properties, methods, and events, for example. Or, if a bean does not follow
`the standard naming conventions,
`this custom Beaninfo class must also provide
`more basic information about the bean’s properties, methods, and events.
`Besides a BeanInfo class, complex beans may also provide a Customizer class and
`one or more PropertyEditor classes. A Customizer class is a kind of configuration
`tool or “wizard” for a bean.
`It is instantiated by the buildertool in order to guide the
`user through bean customization. A PropertyEditor class is used to allow the user
`to edit the value of bean properties of a particular class. Builder tools have built-in
`property editors for common types such as strings, colors, and fonts, but a bean that
`has properties of some unusual or custom type may want to provide a Property-
`Editor subclass to allow the userto easily specify values for those properties.
`The third level at which the JavaBeans API can be used is by programmers who are
`assembling an application using beans. Some programmers may do this through a
`builder tool, while others may do it “by hand”, the old-fashioned way. Programmers
`using beans do nottypically have to use the java.beans package. Atthis level,it is
`more a matter of reading the documentation for the particular beans being used and
`following those instructions. Nevertheless, a programmer using beans does need to
`be familiar with the event model used by beans, which is the same as the Java 1.1
`event model for AWT. Also, programmers using beans “by hand”should be familiar
`with the naming conventions for bean properties, methods, and events, in order to
`more easily understand how a given bean can be used.
`In Java 1.1, all AWT compo-
`nents are beans and follow these naming conventions.
`1. lang.reflect
`1s. The Field
`1 for any given
`s; an invoke()
`= Constructor
`ivokes the rep-
`It does
`nd write array
`) represent not
`y types. There
`tive types, and
`special Class
`ximitive types.
`example, and
`yject that repre-
`ther type with
`x Class object.
`you can write
`:d quite a lot of
`; “beans” as fol-
`xe manipulated
`; and interfaces
`xeople who are
`g that a builder
`=, to determine
`d what events it
`o display to the
`of naming con-
`2 conventions, a
`erties, methods,
`ction to obtain
`‘orm of a Bean-
`ts describing the
`ces intended for
`thapter 10, java
`iner, One of the
`ss that all beans
`n, beans should
`Enterprise APIs:JDBC, RMI, and Security
`Java 1.1 provides a numberof important new features that are loosely grouped under
`the name “Enterprise APIs.” These include JDBC Java DataBase Connectivity), RMI
`(Remote Method Invocation) and Java Security. With release 1.1, Java has grown too
`big for all of it to be documented, even in quick-reference format, in a single vol-
`ume. Therefore, the JDBC, RMI, and Security packages may be documented, along
`with other, forthcoming Enterprise APIs, in a separate volume. Note, however, that
`while this volume does not cover the Java Security API,
`it does cover applet security,
`signed applets, and the javakey program thatis used to create digital signatures, gen-
`erate key pairs, and manage a databaseofentities and their keys.
`Applet Changes
`There are several new features in Java 1.1 that affect applets. The first is the intro-
`duction of JAR files.
`“JAR” stands for Java ARchive, and a JAR file is just that: an
`archive offiles used by a Java applet. An applet often requires multiple class files, as
`well as images, sounds, and other resources, to be loaded over the the network.
`Prior to Java 1.1, each of these files was loaded through a separate HTTP request,
`Applet Changes 99
`FINJAN-JN 358556


`which is fairly inefficient. With Java 1.1, all (or many) of the files an applet needs
`can be combinedinto a single JAR file, which an applet viewer or Web browser can
`download with a single HTTP request. Chapter 6, Applets, demonstrates the use of
`JAR files.
`JAR files are stored in the ZIP file format. A JAR archive can be created with the jar
`tool shipped with the JDK. Once you have created a JAR file, you refer to it in a
`<APPLET> tag with the ARCHIVE attribute. This ARCHIVE attribute may actually be set
`to a comma-separated list of archive files to be downloaded. Note that specifying an
`ARCHIVE attribute simply tells the applet viewer or browser the name of a JAR file or
`files to load; it does nottell the browser the name of the appletthat is to be mn.
`Thus, youstill must specify the CODE attribute (or the new OBJECT attribute, as we'll
`see below), For example, you might use an <APPCET> tag like the followingtotell
`the browser to download the animation. jar file and start the applet contained in the
`file Animator.class:
`<APPLET CODE="Animator.class" ARCHIVE="animation. jar" WIDTH=500 HETGHT=200>
`There is another advantage to the use of JAR files. Every JAR file contains a “mani-
`fest” file, which you either specify explicitly when you create the archive, or whichis
`created for you by the jar tool. The manifest
`is stored in a file named META-
`INF/MANIFEST.MF and contains meta-information about the files in the archive. By
`the jar tool creates a manifest file that contains MD5 and SHA message
`digests for each file in the archive. This information can be used by the applet
`viewer or Web browserto verifythat the files in the archive have not been corrupted
`since the JAR file was created.
`The main reason to include message digests in the manifestfile, however, is so that a
`JAR file can have digital signatures added to it. An archive can be signed with the
`javakeytool. What a digital signature allows you to dois verify that the files in a JAR
`file have not been modifiedsince the digital signature was added tothe archive.
`you trust the person or entity who signed the file, then you oughttotrust the applet
`contained in the JAR file.
`(The javakeytool allows you to specify whether or not you
`trust any given entity.) Chapter 6 also describes how you might use digital signatures
`and javakey.
`In JDK 1.1, the appletviewer tool understandsdigitally signed JAR files. When it loads
`an applet that-has been signed bya trusted entity, it runs that applet without subject-
`ing it to the usual security restrictions—the applet can read and write files, and do
`anything that a standalone Java application can do. Common Web browsers are
`likely to follow suit and give special privileges to trusted applets. One refinement
`we may see in the future is the ability to specify varying levels oftrust, and toassign
`different sets of privileges to applets at those varying trustlevels.
`Besides the introduction of JAR files and trusted applets, Java 1.1 also supports “seri-
`alized applets.” In an <APPLET> tag, you can specify the OBJECT attribute instead of
`the CODE attribute.
`If you do this, the value of the OBJECT attribute should be the
`name of a file that contains a serialized representation of the applet to be run.
`Graphical application-builder tools may prefer to output applets as pre-initialized
`object trees, rather than generating custom Java code to perform theinitializations.
`See Chapter 9 for more information on serialized applets.
`100 Chapter 4-— What's New in Java 1.1
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 129-12 Filed 06/28/18 Page 3 of 3
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 129-12 Filed 06/28/18 Page 3 of 3
` NewJDK U
`JDK 1.1 includes
`already seen jar
`JAR archives.
`for managing a «
`digital signatures
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`FINJAN-JN 358557

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