RFC Express May be Gone, but Look to Docket Alarm for a Replacement

RFC Express was, until recently, a well-known IP litigation alert provider that offered easy access to case alerts at a reasonable rate. Unfortunately, the service has appeared to have shuttered its doors. Many users stopped receiving case alerts without warning.

Fortunately, former RFC Express users are not left without options. Docket Alarm can meet all of their research needs and much more.

Blazing Fast Alerts Over a Comprehensive Database

Like RFC Express, Docket Alarm offers users access to IP cases from U.S. Federal District Courts. However, Docket Alarm's platform is much larger, providing users with more than just IP District Court cases. Docket Alarm offers research and tracking services for the PTAB, all U.S. Federal Courts, Bankruptcy courts, the ITC, the TTAB, and even for Orange Book correspondence with the FDA.

Users can run full text searches across all of this information in a single user-friendly search bar, and use intuitive filters to focus in on the documents they want.

Predictive Analytics

In addition to its robust research platform, Docket Alarm also provides attorneys with an analytics platform for the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, giving users context and insight into this new tribunal. The PTAB analytics platform allows users to get an overview of PTAB activity or view particular analytical profiles of parties, judges, law firms, or stages of proceedings. These analytical profiles include analytics and statistics on petition filings, instituted petitions, instituted claims, canceled or partially canceled claims, and final written decisions. Attorneys can use these analytics to predict outcomes of cases and to help devise winning litigation strategies.

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Docket Alarm is the only research platform that offers patent practitioners a complete PTAB research and analytics platform. Sign up at www.docketalarm.com today.

Tara Klamrowski is the director of IP content at One400. She writes about current IP issues, IP trends, and how Docket Alarm can help attorneys and their clients achieve success.

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Docket Alarm is an advanced search and litigation tracking service for the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (PTAB), the International Trade Commission (ITC), Bankruptcy Courts, and Federal Courts across the United States. Docket Alarm searches and tracks millions of dockets and documents for thousands of users.

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