`Commissioner for Trademarks
`U.S. Application Serial No. 90573147
`International Class(es): 010
`Owner: Titan Medical Inc.
`Docket/Reference No. TIMED.095T
`Issue Date: October 27, 2021
`Your mark is scheduled to publish in the Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG) on November 16, 2021.
`Your mark appears to be entitled to register on the Principal Register upon the acceptance of a statement of use, subject to any claims of concurrent use.
`What happens when your mark publishes. Within 30 days of the publication date, any party who believes it will be damaged by the registration of the mark may file a notice
`of opposition (or extension of time) with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. If no objection is filed, we will issue a Notice of allowance.
`View your mark in the TMOG after the publication date at https://tmog.uspto.gov/ by selecting your publication date in the "issues" field, entering your serial number in the
`"search by" field, and clicking on the magnifying glass.
`Ensure that the information in the TMOG is correct. If any information is incorrect, promptly request correction using the "Post-Approval/Publication/Post-Notice of
`Allowance (NOA) Amendment" form at https://teas.uspto.gov/office/ppa/. For more information, see https://www.uspto.gov/trademark/trademark-updates-and-
`Direct questions about this notice to the Trademark Assistance Center (TAC)at 1-800-786-9199 (select option 1) or TrademarkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov.
`Email Address(es):