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90083607 | Trademark

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Filed July 30, 2020
Serial No. 90083607
Examining Attorney MATTHEW D. MCCLELLAN
Interlocutory Attorney JENNIFER KRISP
Class Cookies; Cupcakes; Pastries; Rice; Scones; Cinnamon rolls; Hamburger sandwiches; Sandwiches; Sandwiches, namely, plantain sandwiches; Sloppy Joe Sauce; Sloppy Joe seasoning mix; Wrap sandwiches; Bakery goods and dessert items, namely, cakes, cookies, pastries, candies, and frozen confections for retail and wholesale distribution and consumption on or off the premises; Jambalaya, namely, a spicy Creole rice dish with a mixture of fish and meat such as shrimp, chicken, ham and spicy sausage; 046
Status Abandoned after an inter partes decision by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. For further information, see TTABVUE on the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board web page.
Opposition 91268872
Monster Energy Company v. Monster Cookies, LLC
  • Monster Cookies, LLC;
  • Monster Energy Company;
Opposition 90083607
Monster Energy Company v. Monster Cookies, LLC
  • Monster Cookies, LLC;
  • Monster Energy Company;
Last Updated: 1 year, 11 months ago
Filing Date # Docket Text