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90062914 | Trademark

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Filed July 20, 2020
Serial No. 90062914
Registered Feb. 6, 2024
Registration No. 7,299,859
Interlocutory Attorney WILLIAM D JACKSON
Class On-line retail store services featuring bags, luggage, beverageware, coolers, refrigeration equipment, beverage storage equipment, personal care products, clothing, headwear, footwear, gloves, tool kits, helmets, umbrellas, blankets, tents, towels, sporting equipment, musical instruments and accessories, timepieces, jewelry, toys, toy cars, location tracking devices, video game equipment and accessories, games, furniture, notebooks, coasters, posters, and point-of-sale accessories; Retail store services featuring bags, luggage, beverageware, coolers, refrigeration equipment, beverage storage equipment, personal care products, clothing, headwear, footwear, gloves, tool kits, helmets, umbrellas, blankets, tents, towels, sporting equipment, musical instruments and accessories, timepieces, jewelry, toys, toy cars, location tracking devices, video game equipment and accessories, games, furniture, notebooks, coasters, posters, and point-of-sale accessories; 100; 101; 102
Status Registered. The registration date is used to determine when post-registration maintenance documents are due.
Opposition 91290309
Monster Energy Company v. Mashburn Enterprises, LLC
  • Mashburn Enterprises, LLC;
  • Monster Energy Company;
Last Updated: 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Filing Date # Docket Text