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`SWZA Carbon Fiber Minimalist Wallet for Men e RFID Blocking Credit Card Holder Metal Wallete
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`Why Choose 5.sz Carbon Fiberwalletz
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`By Bobby 5 Turmell on Marm 20, 2019
`v See more answers 5)
`rerrrewers talk aoour a meelranrsm r what are My relerrrng 10? How do you remove a srngle zard’
`There isa nalr lrestenl area on one slde uf rlre walleL 11‘; a methanlsm design to help ro push the cards to
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`see more
`Dn Marth 3, 201B
`.. see more answers 1:)
`rs rr supposed ro he really rrard [a open?
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`:ards rn. I've gor aooll: 10 carrls rrr rr an
`really a great producl and a money clip works realEy good (or l
`hope you enjoy r: arrrl I hope my answers helped bye.
`By John Miles DH ADrll 21. 1019
`v see rnore answers 15)
`saeall anemone (u) \
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`imp Reviews
`fififififi MaitesArry Packet sexier!
`Rewewed in the United States an February 25,1019
`Cbinr Carbon FrberWaitet
`Verified Furdlilie
`My partner tame to me lealenline‘s Day and teils me a sad story abbut hrs DDtkEL‘t nbtieeung neariy as sexy as.
`they used In teet Itoid him i thought hrs putters were true [heway they wereand that t strti round thern attra
`Theyseemea to be the perreetty abie [o here an tire tirrhgs put into them in asked him to say, put my phone in his
`pptket rt went with ease disappearing rate the deptirs in seture (Dmfiirt My partner sald rtwasnt that the pockets
`touid strtthptd sturi. itrsreatiy auput hbw they Feel when tney do things iike (arry hrs keys or my phone They- yust
`didn‘t ieet as sexy as theyante mu Naw I understand.$u I weht right In my taptpp aha praeree this (ard huider
`and money clip with it‘s sety carbon irber iook and walled the [WD daysior rt ta arrive
`We get rrt from running errands and i EXUEediy thetked tire pbrth for a patkage, it‘s here! 1 nappriy armquietly
`brnughl i! inle tinehpuse and arter making sure it wastheexzfl item 1 mrdereu, t Look rt ta my partner Passing the
`box from my hand to his we both reit tbe erotrtal waves afardor that flowed outward rrprh uresrnait. black box i
`then leittherpprn m aliuw my partner a Very private rnprnents with the new taru holder and thought he might like
`[D rntrudute it [D the pptitets it would now he (aliing home He rnust have been tornpieteiy nvermme as when I
`went batk H! to tirecit tin him, i ipurre mm asleep il makes sense that he woum need a nap after suth an entounter.
`V Read more
`37 peepie round \iiis helplui
`Rebprt abuse
`Report abuse
`it... Gaod product but sttews iatl out
`REVlEWEd in [he UnllEd ERIE; DH Maldl 23‘ 201 9
`Color‘ Carbon Fiber Wallet Vuifird Pmdiis:
`Good product but asathers haye said the screws do fall out lwould suggest using lottite as soon as you get it. the
`sciewsare so small i did not see them fall out itontacted the seller and asked it they woutd warranty it igot gteat
`seeuite and they swdtly replaced the one where the screws tell but. i highlyretomntend the seller.
`3i people round this helpful
`..... Just buy this wallet and saue iss vetsus the expensiire versions.
`Rewewed in the united States on Augusl 20, 2015
`Color Carbon Fiber Wallet Vuifi‘ul Purdlijt
`iwasntexoected much tor the pnte, but thisisattually a nite wallet. it makes (arrymg my eards yery discreet and
`RFlD maker warks as advertised. l! alga (Dmes with a small siréwdrlver in! the wallet In EESE yau need
`adiustmerits but mine was tine rightout the 133in llke the finish and so Farildoesn't seem to scratch easily, but I
`put my lreys in an adiatent poclret just to be safe it‘s the exam same setup as the more Expensive versicns albeit
`Wlth a
`eientmatenal, but it doesn't teeltneap. Remmmended,
`'“UPDATE‘”Almnsl a yeat to the date, 5 at the 7 saews that lteea the wallet together have popped out otoiace,
`so now it's ll'rlie for a new one
`31 people found this helpful
`Ream! abuse
`Gary Long
`iiiifi 45 days and counting
`Rewewed in the united States on Deseinuer 9. mm
`[ulcr‘ carbon Fiber Wallet
`went-ted punhase
`Good looking wallet Other reviewers note their Little screws came out but mine are all still snug at the 45 day
`mark, it holds 4- 7 cards lbr me and tould lakemare easily Tlle RFID blocking wbtlts as advertised, even on the
`money clip. lsticlr hotel keytards in there and l have to slide them out a bit herore they will open the door one raid
`in the money dip isa little loose. but Stick anything age in there , another card. a business card, a voided dollar bill
`a and now it's good to go.
`as people round this helolul
`Ream: abuse
`..... Amazing wallet 7 as good as itidge wallet a: me
`REVIEW/Ed in [he UnllEd Stem: on May 3|], ZDIE
`Calm Carbon Fiber Wallet Vuifiu‘i Purdnsz
`Amazing wallet. l'ye been contemplating a ridge wallet lot a long time now Just when I was about to buy it l
`tbought let‘s checlr Amazon. | lound this in the specs seem almost identical. It's one mm thicket but that‘s iL rhis
`wallet is amazing and compared to $1 IS this thing is a bargain and my favorite new toy Dn nothesitate by this
`wallet anyone would love it,
`33 people round this helplul
`Report abuse
`Brenda w.
`Reviewed in the Uniled States on June 7, 2013
`Color Carbon Fibetwallet
`lie-med puithase
`eurthased multiple different versions at th
`type or card case/money Clip Haye used this type toe 204 yeats. Let
`Repurl atause
`me say that the money clip isiinportant to me, as much as the card access, and meSTRENGTH oi this clip is truly
`suoeioly strongl Have never found a rlio quite as well traited as this one, and the design and appearance oithe
`(amen htaei panels only add to it!
`there ate many, many offerings of tnis exact kindeeat first glancesavallable. some look Virtually identical, But do
`not be fooled because many oi [hem‘ indudlng one i recently [Kiel/Ed" are designed mtti ONLY TWO SMALL TABS
`pi steel (on eath side: attatchnig the money tlipto the pane
`storinetted to That patticulardesign is absurdly
`flimsy' And the DUE I got BENT upnu thevety ittst toutli (when lnsErtlrIg less tiills than i tnmsnunly Larry) But the
`design oi this zois Upgraded version, carbon fiber" irom SWZA is not designed like those cheap ones at all Ithas
`one, Solid, rigid piece (unneuing the money tli'oitself tn the panel. This money (lip not designed with unly two
`small [abs oi steel tonnetnng .
`like others. Tins is the design that nntl endure,
`iiyouaie looking tor a strong moneytiro on your carbonsfibet oanel tyoe taro ease, then thisisone that I can
`v Read more
`27 people round lliis Helfl'ul
`lim IIDSS
`tiff. Graatouality
`Reviewed in the united States on March 17, 2019
`color Carbon Fiber Wallet
`Verified enrtnnse
`this wallet is great Iwasn‘t reitain how sturdy the money tliowould be, out We had no issues Wllh it bending or
`loosing gripi Ialso wasn't sure about the elastic on the three sides, but it has retained its tension and cards do not
`slip until starry less number at tards than usual
`15 people found liiis lieluiul
`Rnlann D
`fififififi great little wallet nice and smalll has small fantprint takes up little space in pocket
`neyiewed in the united States on April 12, 2mg
`Cular Carbon ribetwallet
`unified PIIKIIIS!
`Great MILE wallet but seeing (his I5 W first carbon fiber wallet i did not know NOW [0 amen it thanks [0 the VideDl
`learnedyouynst open it apart with your tingers itholds i2 tiedir cards and issrnallenough torarry in your ooriret
`Withuul taking no alotoi spare tomes wilh strew driver to lighten screws when they get lose well worth the price
`13 people found lriis helpiul
`Reuml alause
`See all reviews fmm the United States t
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`SWZA Carbon Fiber Minimalist
`Wallet for Men » RFID Blocking
`Credit Card Holder Metal Wallet-
`Money Clip Slim Front Pocket
`(Carbon Fiber Wallet)
`ASEN: 307932JXQV
`SKU: JinShuKaBao xianwei
`Listing ID10130U02Q391
`OrdEr Item ID: 33106381271058
`US$1 359
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`SWZA Carbon Fiber Minimalist
`Wallet for Men » RFID Blocking
`Credit Card Holder Metal Wallet-
`Money Clip Slim Front Pocket
`(Carbon Fiber Wallet)
`ASEN: 307932JXQV
`SKU: JinShuKaBao xianwei
`Listing ID10130U02Q391
`OrdEr Item ID: 68709103350666
`US$1 359
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`Order contents
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`SWZA Carbon Fiber Minimalist
`Wallet for Men » RFID Blocking
`Credit Card Holder Metal Wallet-
`Money Clip Slim Front Pocket
`(Carbon Fiber Wallet)
`ASEN: 307932JXQV
`SKU: JinShuKaBao xianwei
`Listing ID10130U02Q391
`OrdEr Item ID: 41908198959398
`US$1 359
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`Order contents
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`SWZA Carbon Fiber Minimalist
`Wallet for Men » RFID Blocking
`Credit Card Holder Metal Wallet-
`Money Clip Slim Front Pocket
`(Carbon Fiber Wallet)
`ASEN: 307932JXQV
`SKU: JinShuKaBao xianwei
`Listing ID10130U02QSQJ
`OrdEr Item ID: 11312565087358
`US$1 359
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`Purchase date:
`Mon, Apr 13. 2020
`Sat, Apr 11, 2020, 7:40 PM PDT
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`Order contents
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`Listing ID: D130U02Q39J
`Order Item ID: 48922001776185
`SWZA Carbon Fiber Minimalist
`Wallet for Men — RFID Blocking
`Credit Card Holder Metal Wallet-
`Money Clip Slirn Front Pocket
`(Carbon Fiber Wallet)
`ASEN: 307932JXQV
`SKU: JinShuKaBao xianwei
`your gift!
`From Brad
`Unit price
`Item US$1 3:59
`Tax: US$082
`Item US$14.41
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`Order detalls OrderlD:#114-3538917‘8131466 Your Seller Order|D:#114-3538917-8131466
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`Purchase date:
`Wed, Apr 15. 2020
`Sat, Apr 11, 2020, 6:33 PM PDT
`Shipping service: Expedited
`Sales channel:
`Amazon.curn E
`JERSEY ClTY, NJ 07307-3101
`united States
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`Tax Collection Model: MarketplaceFacilitator
`Tax Collection Responsible Party: Amazon Services
`Order contents
`Product name
`More information
`Unit price
`SWZA Carbon Fiber Minimalist
`Wallet for Men » RFID Blocking
`Credit Card Holder Metal Wallet-
`Money Clip Slim Front Pocket
`(Carbon Fiber Wallet)
`ASEN: 307932JXQV
`SKU: JinShuKaBao xianwei
`Listing ID10130U02Q391
`OrdEr Item ID: 28676893331930
`US$1 359
`Item total:
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`© 3999-2020, Arr
`httpszllsellercentral.amazon.comforders—vSIorderH 14—353891 7—8131466
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`ACEBEST USA COM E www.amazan.com
`Order detalls OrderID:#11443892912-3971405
`Your Seller OrderID:#114-3392912-3971405
`Order summary
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`Ship by:
`Purchase date:
`Tue. Apr 14. 2020
`rue, Apr 14, 2020, 3:04 PM PDT
`Shipping service: Expedited
`Sales channel:
`Amazon.curn E
`DES PLAINES, IL 60016-6217
`united States
`Contact Buyer:
`More details
`Tax Collection Model: MarketplaceFacilitator
`Tax Collection Responsible Party: Amazon Services
`Order contents
`Product name
`More information
`Unit price
`SWZA Carbon Fiber Minimalist
`Wallet for Men » RFID Blocking
`Credit Card Holder Metal Wallet-
`Money Clip Slim Front Pocket
`(Carbon Fiber Wallet)
`ASEN: 307932JXQV
`SKU: JinShuKaBao xianwei
`Listing ID10130U02Q391
`OrdEr Item ID: 59554396102930
`US$1 359
`Item total:
`Get support
`Program Policies
`© 3999-2020, Arr

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