`"CloudMode Analytics"[on] not dead[ld]
`"affect x"[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`*affect*[bi,ti] and "x"[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`*aff{v}{"ckqx"}t*[bi,ti] or *af{v}{"ckqx"}t*[bi,ti] or *aph{v}{"ckqx"}t*[bi,ti]not dead[ld]
`"x"[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`5 and 6 not dead[ld]
`*aff{v}{"ckqx"}tx*[bi,ti] or *af{v}{"ckqx"}tx*[bi,ti] or *aph{v}{"ckqx"}tx*[bi,ti]not dead[ld]
`*x[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`5 and 9 not dead[ld]
`*** User:wolandria ***
`Marks Marks Viewed Viewed
`Images Duration
`01 1
`02 2
`03 1
`04 1
`05 570
`06 10403
`07 1
`08 0
`09 109410 N/A
`10 8
`Session started 9/22/2019 5:52:47 PM
`Session finished 9/22/2019 7:00:58 PM
`Total search duration 0 minutes 12 seconds
`Session duration 68 minutes 11 seconds
`Defaut NEAR limit=1ADJ limit=1
`Sent to TICRS as Serial Number: 88499509