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87669229 | Trademark

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Filed Nov. 2, 2017
Serial No. 87669229
Examining Attorney LAURA DAWN GOLDEN
Interlocutory Attorney MARY B MYLES
Class Retail store services featuring clothing, undergarments, lingerie, robes, sleepwear, hosiery, shapewear, tops, bottoms, dresses, cover-ups, swimwear, loungewear, headwear, footwear, bags, home goods, pillows, blankets, perfume, cosmetics, personal care products, and accessories; online retail store services featuring clothing, undergarments, lingerie, robes, sleepwear, hosiery, shapewear, tops, bottoms, dresses, cover-ups, swimwear, loungewear, headwear, footwear, bags, home goods, pillows, blankets, perfume, cosmetics, personal care products, and accessories; catalog ordering services featuring clothing, undergarments, lingerie, robes, sleepwear, hosiery, shapewear, tops, bottoms, dresses, cover-ups, swimwear, loungewear, headwear, footwear, bags, home goods, pillows, blankets, perfume, cosmetics, personal care products, and accessories; providing an incentive reward programs for customers through the issuance and processing of loyalty coupons for frequent use of participating businesses; providing incentive award programs through issuance and processing of loyalty points for purchase of a company's goods; arranging and conducting incentive reward programs to promote the sale of clothing, undergarments, lingerie, robes, sleepwear, hosiery, shapewear, tops, bottoms, dresses, cover-ups, swimwear, loungewear, headwear, footwear, bags, home goods, pillows, blankets, perfume, cosmetics, personal care products, and accessories; 100; 101; 102
Status Abandoned because no Statement of Use or Extension Request timely filed after Notice of Allowance was issued. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page.
Opposition 91245447
NIHC, Inc. v. Chico's Brands Investments, Inc.
  • Chico's Brands Investments, Inc.;
  • NIHC, Inc.;
Opposition 87669229
NIHC, Inc. v. Chico's Brands Investments, Inc.
  • Chico's Brands Investments, Inc.;
  • NIHC, Inc.;
Last Updated: 2 years, 2 months ago
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