`"r"[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`2 and 3 not dead[ld]
`*riviera*[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`*r{"iey"}v{v:2}r*[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`5 and "028"[cc]
`6 and "028"[cc]
`8 and ("028" or a or b or 200)[ic]
`"National Electronics"[on]
`10 and riviera[bi,ti]
`riviera[fm] not dead[ld]
`Session started 8/29/2016 2:57:41 PM
`Session finished 8/29/2016 3:19:49 PM
`Total search duration 0 minutes 19 seconds
`Session duration 22 minutes 8 seconds
`Defaut NEAR limit=1ADJ limit=1
`Sent to TICRS as Serial Number: 87031314