`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`P.0. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`General Contact Number: 571-272-8500
`Mailed: October 10, 2014
`Opposition No. 91215439
`McDonald ’s Corporation
`Ambrose BD Holding LLC
`On July 23, 2014, applicant filed a proposed amendment to its application
`Serial No. 85903891, with opposer's consent.
`By the proposed amendment, applicant seeks to amend the identification
`of goods as followszl
`From: "Bar services; Restaurant services,"
`’ To: "Bar servéeesg and restaurant services featuring macaroni and
`cheese dishes."
`Inasmuch as the amendment is clearly limiting in nature as required by
`Trademark Rule 2.71(a), and because opposer consents thereto, the amendment
`is approved and entered. See Trademark Rule 2.133(a).
`1 The revised wording is underlined and shown in bold type font; deleted wording is
`lined through.

`Opposition No. 9 1215439
`If the amendment resolves this proceeding, opposer is allowed until thirty
`days from the mailing date of this order to file a withdrawal of the opposition,
`failing which the opposition will go forward on the application as amended. See
`Trademark Rule 2.106(0).
`If no response is filed, proceedings will be resumed and dates reset, as
`Proceedings are otherwise suspended.

`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`General Contact Number: 571-272-8500
`Mailed: October 10, 2014
`Opposition No. 91215439
`McDonald's Corporation
`Ambrose BD Holding LLC
`On July 28, 2014, applicant filed a proposed amendment to its application
`Serial No. 85903891, with opposer's consent.
`By the proposed amendment, applicant seeks to amend the identification
`of goods as fo1loWs:1
`From: “Bar services; Restaurant services,"
`To: "Bar servieesg and restaurant services featuring macaroni and
`cheese dishes.“
`Inasmuch as the amendment is clearly limiting in nature as required by
`Trademark Rule 2.71(a), and because opposer consents thereto, the amendment
`is approved and entered. See Trademark Rule 2.138(a).
`1 The revised wording is underlined and shown in bold type font; deleted wording is
`lined through.

`Opposition No. 9 1215439
`If the amendment resolvesthis proceeding, opposer is allowed until thirty
`days from the mailing date of this order to file a withdrawal of the opposition,
`failing which the opposition will go forward on the application as amended. See
`Trademark Rule 2.106(c).
`If no response is filed, proceedings will be resumed and dates reset, as
`Proceedings are otherwise suspended.

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