`OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp 12/31/2014)
`Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
`Serial Number: 85751915
`Filing Date: 10/11/2012
`The table below presents the data as entered.
`The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font,
`style, size, or color.
`Sportsline.com Inc.
`51 West 52nd Street
`New York
`New York
`United States
`Input Field
`(Required for U.S. applicants)
`(Required for U.S. applicants only)
`Entertainment services, namely, providing video and audio content, namely
`on-going entertainment programs in the nature of sports and fantasy sports
`news transmitted via a global communication network, video, the Internet,
`websites, podcasts, webcasts, webisodes, blogs, portable and wireless
`communication devices; providing information in the field of sports and
`fantasy sports via portable and wireless communication devices, mobile
`phones, hand-held devices and global communication devices; interactive
`online newsletter providing sports information; entertainment services,
`namely, organizing and coordinating fantasy sports leagues for others via a
`global computer network, electronic communication networks and portable
`and wireless communication devices; providing online content in the field of
`sport-related information; entertainment in the nature of games and contests
`which may be accessed via the Internet; entertainment, educational and
`information services, namely, providing blogs and video blogs in the fields of
`sports and fantasy sports; entertainment services, namely, providing webcasts
`of entertainment programming featuring sports and fantasy sports;
`entertainment and education services, namely, providing online computer
`games in the fields of sports and fantasy sports news and information
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE
`At least as early as 08/15/1995
`At least as early as 08/15/1995
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)SPECIMEN FILE NAME(S)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)ORIGINAL PDF FILE
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)CONVERTED PDF FILE(S)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(1 page)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)ORIGINAL PDF FILE
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)CONVERTED PDF FILE(S)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(2 pages)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)ORIGINAL PDF FILE
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)CONVERTED PDF FILE(S)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(1 page)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION
`electronic copies of web pages
`The applicant claims ownership of U.S. Registration Number(s) 1010848.
`Rebecca Borden
`CBS Law
`51 West 52nd Street
`New York
`New York
`United States
`Mallory Levitt and Lauren Marcello
`Rebecca Borden
`CBS Law
`51 West 52nd Street
`New York
`New York
`United States
`/Rebecca Borden/
`Rebecca Borden
`Vice President and Assistant Secretary
`PTO Form 1478 (Rev 9/2006)
`OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp 12/31/2014)
`Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
`Serial Number: 85751915
`Filing Date: 10/11/2012
`To the Commissioner for Trademarks:
`MARK:(cid:160)SPORTSLINE(cid:160)(Standard Characters, see mark)
`The literal element of the mark consists of SPORTSLINE.
`The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.
`The applicant, Sportsline.com Inc., a corporation of Delaware, having an address of
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)51 West 52nd Street
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)New York, New York 10019
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)United States
`requests registration of the trademark/service mark identified above in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register
`established by the Act of July 5, 1946 (15 U.S.C. Section 1051 et seq.), as amended, for the following:
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) International Class 041: (cid:160)Entertainment services, namely, providing video and audio content, namely on-going entertainment programs in the
`nature of sports and fantasy sports news transmitted via a global communication network, video, the Internet, websites, podcasts, webcasts,
`webisodes, blogs, portable and wireless communication devices; providing information in the field of sports and fantasy sports via portable and
`wireless communication devices, mobile phones, hand-held devices and global communication devices; interactive online newsletter providing
`sports information; entertainment services, namely, organizing and coordinating fantasy sports leagues for others via a global computer network,
`electronic communication networks and portable and wireless communication devices; providing online content in the field of sport-related
`information; entertainment in the nature of games and contests which may be accessed via the Internet; entertainment, educational and
`information services, namely, providing blogs and video blogs in the fields of sports and fantasy sports; entertainment services, namely,
`providing webcasts of entertainment programming featuring sports and fantasy sports; entertainment and education services, namely, providing
`online computer games in the fields of sports and fantasy sports news and information
`In International Class 041, the mark was first used by the applicant or the applicant's related company or licensee or predecessor in interest at
`least as early as 08/15/1995, and first used in commerce at least as early as 08/15/1995, and is now in use in such commerce. The applicant is
`submitting one(or more) specimen(s) showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class of listed goods and/or
`services, consisting of a(n) electronic copies of web pages.
`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) (1 page)
`Specimen File1
`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) (2 pages)
`Specimen File1
`Specimen File2
`Original PDF file:
`Converted PDF file(s) (1 page)
`Specimen File1
`The applicant claims ownership of U.S. Registration Number(s) 1010848.
`The applicant's current Attorney Information:
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)Rebecca Borden and Mallory Levitt and Lauren Marcello of CBS Law
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)51 West 52nd Street
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)New York, New York 10019
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)United States
`The attorney docket/reference number is SPORTSLINE Cl 41 - CBSSPORTS.COM.
`The applicant's current Correspondence Information:
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)Rebecca Borden
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)CBS Law
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)51 West 52nd Street
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)New York, New York 10019
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)trademarks@cbs.com (authorized)
`A fee payment in the amount of $325 has been submitted with the application, representing payment for 1 class(es).
`The undersigned, being hereby warned that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under
`18 U.S.C. Section 1001, and that such willful false statements, and the like, may jeopardize the validity of the application or any resulting
`registration, declares that he/she is properly authorized to execute this application on behalf of the applicant; he/she believes the applicant to be
`the owner of the trademark/service mark sought to be registered, or, if the application is being filed under 15 U.S.C. Section 1051(b), he/she
`believes applicant to be entitled to use such mark in commerce; to the best of his/her knowledge and belief no other person, firm, corporation, or
`association has the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form thereof or in such near resemblance thereto as to be likely,
`when used on or in connection with the goods/services of such other person, to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive; and that all
`statements made of his/her own knowledge are true; and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.
`Declaration Signature
`Signature: /Rebecca Borden/(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)Date: 10/11/2012
`Signatory's Name: Rebecca Borden
`Signatory's Position: Vice President and Assistant Secretary
`RAM Sale Number: 4255
`RAM Accounting Date: 10/12/2012
`Serial Number: 85751915
`Internet Transmission Date: Thu Oct 11 17:01:04 EDT 2012
`TEAS Stamp: USPTO/BAS-XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX-20121011170104
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