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79351892 | Trademark

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Filed Aug. 10, 2022
Serial No. 79351892
Examining Attorney JEANINE GAGLIARDI
Class Clothing in the nature of pants and shirts; footwear; headwear; outdoor shoes; casual shoes; running shoes; sports shoes; athletic footwear; trekking shoes; trail shoes; trail running shoes; hiking boots; alpine boots; mountaineering boots; climbing shoes; baseball shoes; football boots; tennis shoes; snowboard boots; ski boots; basketball sneakers; bath slippers; footwear for children; sports clothing in the nature of pants and shirts; leisure wear in the nature of pants and shirts; moisture-wicking tops as clothing and pants; moisture-wicking underwear; breathable tops as clothing and pants; breathable underwear; sports bras; tee-shirts; sports t-shirts; running shirts; tops as clothing; clothing jerseys; tank tops; long-sleeved clothing jerseys; sweatshirts; vests; trousers; sports trousers; running trousers; shorts; sports shorts; running shorts; ski pants; clothing jackets; outdoor clothing jackets; sports jackets; sports coats; rain slickers; pelerines; ski jackets; bathing suits; bathing trunks; bikinis; baseball caps; stocking caps; caps being headwear; bathing caps; leg warmers; boxer shorts; socks; sports socks; ankle socks; sports tank tops; underwear; thermal underwear; thermal socks; headwear of thermal textile materials; headbands; neck scarves; gloves; sweat bands; head sweatbands; waist belts; bathrobes; 022; 039
Status An Office action suspending further action on the application has been sent (issued) to the applicant. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page.
Opposition 91284367
On Clouds GmbH v. Deng Han
  • Deng Han;
  • On Clouds GmbH;
Opposition 91281374
On Clouds GmbH v. Quanzhou Qianmiao Network Technology Co., Ltd
  • Quanzhou Qianmiao Network Technology Co., Ltd;
  • On Clouds GmbH;
Opposition 91281372
On Clouds GmbH v. Quanzhou Shuangteng Network Technology Co., Ltd
  • Quanzhou Shuangteng Network Technology Co., Ltd;
  • On Clouds GmbH;
Last Updated: 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Filing Date # Docket Text