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79336846 | Trademark

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Filed Dec. 17, 2021
Serial No. 79336846
Examining Attorney TABITHA LEE MESSICK
Interlocutory Attorney MARY CATHERINE FAINT
Class Sleeping mats in particular sleeping mats for camping; mattresses; camping mattresses; inflatable mattresses for use when camping, not for medical purposes; furniture; camping furniture; beds; cushions; pillows; sleeping pads; all of the foregoing goods used for camping purposes; none of the foregoing goods used for hoisting, carrying, or lifting building materials, refuse, dirt, or debris; 002; 013; 022; 025; 032; 050
Status An opposition after publication is pending at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. For further information, see TTABVUE on the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board web page.
Opposition 91286705
Monster Energy Company v. Flow Imports Limited
  • Flow Imports Limited;
  • Monster Energy Company;
Last Updated: 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Filing Date # Docket Text