`Tuesday, January 3, 2017 01:14 AM
`Official USPTO Courtesy Reminder of Required Trademark Registration Maintenance Filing Under Section 71: U.S. Trademark RN 4078571:
`THEORY: Docket/Reference No. T38590US0
`U.S. Registration Number: 4078571
`U.S. Registration Date: Jan 3, 2012
`U.S. Registration Holder/Owner: Obschestvo s ogranichennoi otvetstvennostyu "Coffee company "HORS" estvo s ogranichennoi otvetstvennostyu "Coffee company "HORS"
`U.S. Serial Number: 79085340
`International Reg. No.: 1045759
`Jan 3, 2017
`WARNING: In addition to filing renewals of your international registration with the International Bureau ("IB") of the World Intellectual Property Organization
`("WIPO") as required under the Madrid Protocol, you must also file the required document below during the specified statutory time period or your registered
`extension of protection to the United States (U.S. Registration) will be CANCELLED.
`The above-identified registration registered in the United States on Jan 3, 2012. Therefore, the holder/owner of the registration must file a Declaration of Use and/or Excusable
`Nonuse under §71 of the Trademark Act anytime between now and Jan 3, 2018. For an additional fee, the holder/owner may file the declaration within the six-month grace
`period that ends on Jul 3, 2018. See 15 U.S.C. §1141k. The current fee for filing a declaration under §71 is $100 per class, and the additional fee for filing during the six-month
`grace period is $100 per class. 37 C.F.R. §7.6.
`If the registration meets the requirements of §15 of the Trademark Act, the holder/owner may additionally file an optional Declaration of Incontestability under §15. See 15
`U.S.C. §1065. The current fee for filing a declaration under §15 is $200 per class. 37 C.F.R. §2.6.
`To expedite processing, the holder/owner is encouraged to file through the USPTO's official website using the Trademark Electronic Application System ("TEAS"). Official
`forms for filing Declarations of Use and/or Excusable Nonuse under §71 and Combined Declarations of Use and Incontestability under §§71 and 15 are available through TEAS
`at http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/teas/reg_maintain.jsp.
`Assignments of extensions of protection to the United States must first be recorded at the IB. The IB will notify the USPTO of any changes in name or ownership recorded in
`the International Register. The USPTO will record only those assignments (or other documents affecting title) that have been recorded in the International Register. TMEP
`§§501.07, 1904.06. A new holder/owner can check the TSDR database at http://tsdr.uspto.gov/ to determine whether the trademark database has been updated to reflect a
`change in ownership that has been recorded with the IB. For information on changes in ownership of international registrations, please see
`http://www.wipo.int/madrid/en/filing/change_ownership.html. For information on changes of name of the holder/owner, please see
`For further information regarding the maintenance of a trademark registration, including future maintenance filings, please consult the USPTO website at
`This reminder notice is being sent only as a courtesy to those trademark holders/owners who have authorized e-mail communication and maintain a current e-mail address with
`the USPTO. Failure by the USPTO to send a reminder or non-receipt of a reminder does not excuse a trademark holder/owner from meeting the statutory obligations for
`maintaining a U.S. trademark registration. If a U.S. registration is cancelled and/or expired due to the failure to timely file required maintenance documents, it cannot be
`reinstated or revived.
`The international registration remains in force for 10 years, with the possibility of renewal. Madrid Protocol, Article 6(1). Failure to renew the international registration with
`the IB will result in the expiration of the U.S. registration even if the Section 71 declaration of use has been accepted.
`Any international registration may be renewed for a period of ten years from the expiry of the preceding period, by the mere payment of the required fee to the IB. Madrid
`Protocol, Article 7(1). The deadlines for renewing the international registration are calculated from the international registration date. If the international registration is not
`renewed, the corresponding U.S. registration will cease to be valid as of the date of the expiration of the international registration. 15 U.S.C. §1141j(b). Renewal applications
`must be filed with the IB in accordance with Article 7 of the Madrid Protocol, 37 C.F.R. §7.41(a). The USPTO will not process or forward any requests to renew an international
`registration or extension of protection to the United States if mistakenly submitted to the USPTO. 37 C.F.R. §7.41(b).
`To check the status of this registration, go to http://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=79085340&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=statusSearch or contact the Trademark
`Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199.
`Beware of Unofficial Trademark Solicitations: Please be aware that private companies not associated with the USPTO often use trademark registration information from the
`USPTO's database to mail or e-mail trademark-related solicitations. This is the only official reminder that you will receive from the USPTO about your upcoming required
`maintenance filing. For additional information about these private solicitations, please visit the USPTO website at http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/solicitation_warnings.jsp.
`In order to be eligible for future e-mail reminders of maintenance filings, please remember to authorize e-mail communication when filing your maintenance documents through
`TEAS and ensure that you maintain a current e-mail address with the USPTO.