`1 031 2 Mohawk
`Leawood, KS 66206
`KC Catbackers'
`Greater Kansas City
`Golf Classic
`June 6, 2013
`2013 KC Catbackers'
`Greater Kansas City
`Golf Classic
`Thursday, June 6th
`Dear Catbackers:
`What a great time to be a Wildcat fan! Please join us ir1
`celebrating another success tilled year of Kansas State
`Athletics by participating with other Cats‘ in the fun and
`festivities of tlie 2013 KC Catbaekers’ Greater Kansas
`City Golf Classic Thursday, June 6th. We have again
`invited Kansas State’s student/athletes a.r1d KSU Athletic
`Department dignitaries to participate in t.his year’s
`toumament. last year we were honored to have (‘rianna
`Wisenhelter, and Curtis Yonke, members of the KSU
`Women’s and Men’s Golf Teams, join us at our golf
`classic. They assisted teams in improving their scores by
`offering to hit well placed tee shots at a couple of holes
`(for a small donation). The donations given last year for
`the outstanding tee shots, enabled us to contribute $500 to
`each ol'the KSU Goll'Teams. Their presence helped make
`the 2012 KC Catbackers‘ Golf Tournament a memorable
`The golf committee is pleased to announce the golf
`tournament will be held at Falcon Lakes Golf Club ir1
`Dasehor, Kansas. You can register as a complete team of
`four or as an individual.
`Individual registrants will he
`paired with other Catbaekers into teams of four. Prizes
`will be awarded to the top l.hree learns of each llight.
`However, the big winner will be the Kansas State Athletic
`Department with the proceeds of the golf classic
`supporting the Aheam Scholarship Fund
`We look forward to having you join us for a great day
`of golf, fun and support of another KC Catbackers‘ event.
`KC Catbackers’ Golf Tournament Committee