` 540: Johnson Dr.
`Greg Fuciu
`Mission KS 66205
`Owner I Operator
`- Colorado
`9 days 20h 43m 0:
`Tuesday Night Meeting 8. Watch Party
`Ash Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ Lucky Brewgrille
`5:30 happy hour I 6:30 speaker
`Speaker will be Dr. Pat Bosco,
`Vice president for student life and dean of students
`The Men's Basketball game vs Missouri starts at 8 pm
`and will be on the TVs (ESPNU).
`Announcements -
`Beginning 1\'Ia1°cl1 1, 2009, KC CatIJacke1°s will take Discove.-1°, in
`addition to Visa 8: l\'Iaste1°ca1°(l.
`(Solnetilnes paypal too, ask Bl'}'all)
`A fee payment in the amount of $600 will be submitted with the form, representing
`payment for 2 class(es), plus any additional grace period fee, if necessary.
`The mark is in use in commerce on or in connection with the goods and/or services
`identified above, as evidenced by the attached specimen(s) showing the mark as used in
`commerce. The mark has been in continuous use in commerceforfive (5) consecutivee
`years after the date ofregistration, or the date ofpublication under Section I2(c), and is
`still in use in commerce. There has been no final decision adverse to the owner's claim of
`ownership ofsuch mark, or to the owner's right to register the same or to keep the same
`on the register,’ and there is no proceeding involving said rights pending and not
`disposed of either in the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office or in the courts.
`The undersigned being hereby warned that willful false statements and the like are
`punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, and that such
`willful false statements and the like may jeopardize the validity of this document,
`declares that he/she is properly authorized to execute this document on behalf of the
`Owner; and all statements made of his/her own knowledge are true and that all statements
`made on information and belief are believed to be true.
`Signature Section
`_ f /—/"
`Signato y's N me: Robert Krause
`Signatory's Position: Vice President of Institutional Advancement
`NOTE TO APPLICANT: When filed as part of the electronic form (i.e., scanned and
`attached as an image file), the signature page must include both the signature information
`and the boilerplate declaration language. Do not include the entire application, but do
`ensure that the boilerplate declaration language actually appears; a signature by itselfwill
`not be acceptable. If, due to browser limitations, the boilerplate declaration language
`appears on a previous page when printed, you must "merge" the declaration and signature
`block onto a single page prior to signing, so that the one complete page can be scanned to
`create an acceptable image file. It is recommended that you copy-and-paste the entire text
`form into another document, manipulate the spacing there to move the declaration and