`Filed 01/02/13) Page 1 of 10 Page ID #2165
`d T
`In Compliance with 35 § 290 andlor 15 U.S.C. § 1116 you are hereby advised that a court action has been
`istrict Court Qentral District of California
`on the following G Patents or
`8 Trademarks:
`Central District of California
`Disney Enterprises, Inc., The Muppets Studio, LLC and DC
`Bart Ziegler, an individual and d/b/a cdsartexpresssom a/k/a
`CDS Art Express; Pass1on‘s Press Publishing and Does 1 — 10,
`G Amendment
`G Answer
`G Cross Bill
`G Other Pleading
`12/28/12 consent decree
`Terry Nafisi
`L Chai
`)i'.‘opy }—Upon termination ofacti
`Copy l——Upon initiation ofaction, mail this copy to Commissioner
`Copy2——Upon filing document adding patent(s), mail this copy to Commissioner Copy4—Case file c
`' hi
`Case 2:12—cv—02386—DDF«§1GR Document 20
`Filed 01/02/13) Page 2 of 10 Page ID #:166
`a emar
`10/1 1/05
`Mickey Mouse
`Typed Drawing
`Mickey Mouse
`Mickey Mouse
`Typed Drawing
`Mickey Mouse
`Typed Drawing
`Mickey Mouse
`Typed Drawing
`Mickey Mouse
`Mi°keYD1:{,‘;‘C‘§e Head
`Design Only
`Design Only
`Minnie Mouse
`Typed Drawing
`Design Only
`Design Only
`Typed Drawing
`Design Only
`Typed Drawing
`Design Only
`Typed Drawing
`Case 2:12-cv—O2386—DD|<3»n$GR Document 20
`Filed 01/02/13) Page 3 of 10 Page ID #:167
`Daisy Duck
`Design Only
`Typed Drawing
`Typed Drawing
`1,83 8,246
`5/3 1/94
`Disneyland Princess
`Typed Drawing
`Walt Disney
`Typed Drawing
`Walt Disney Signature
`Typed Drawing
`Winnie the Pooh
`Typed Drawing
`Design Only
`Design Only
`Design Only
`Design Only
`'Ies1gn ' us
`Walt Disney’s Cinderella Words, Letters,
`anor Numbers
`esign ' us
`Words Letters,
`and/or Numbers
`and/or l\Iumber8
`s now
`V‘ t ‘bisne
`White & the Seven
`Walt DiS“eY’S Sleeping
`I esign 8' us
`Walt Disney s Peter Pan Words, Letters,
`and/or Numbers
`Tinker Bell
`Tinker Bell
`Hannah Montana
`Design Only
`Typed Drawing
`2 895 966
`Ca'se 2:12—cv-02386-DD?-§GR Document 20
`Filed 01/02/18) Page 4 of 10 Page ID #:168
`Standard Character
`Lilo & Stitch
`Typed Drawing
`Lightning McQueen
`‘I esign ' us
`Words, Letters,
`and/or Numbers
`and/or Numbers
`Toy Story
`Typed Drawing
`DiS“°Y’S Beauty and the
`Typed Drawing
`2 961 693
`High School Musical
`Walt Disne Pictures
`Presents he Wild
`Standard Character
`Standard Character
`Case 2212-CV—02386-DDHGR Document 20
`Filed 01/02/13) Page 5 of 10 Page ID #2169
`Disney Bolt
`Disney B011:
`Ca‘se 2:12-CV-02386-DDI?-—7§GR Document 20
`Filed 01/02/13) Page 6 of 10 Page 1D #2170
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`Filed 01/02/18‘) Page 7 of 10 Page ID #:171
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`' Ca‘se 2:12-cv-02386-DDl\?=0§GR Document 20
`Filed 01/02/13») Page 8 of 10 Page ID #:172
` Trademark Registration Trademark Registration
`0 839 561
`‘T 0 856 045
`0 858 860
`O 828 412
`1 652 640
`2 404 483
`Batman & Robin
`Batman & Robin
`Batman Be ond
`November 28 1967
`0000000020 1902
`March 20 1990
`Setember 3 1968
`October 22 1968
`Ma 9 1967
`000000000 0000
`0000001 0000
`Jul 7 1998
`November 14 2000
`Se tember 9 2003
`The Batman Re.
`0 378 913
`June 25 1940
`Bat Re 11
`1 219 120
`December 7 1982
`Bat Emblem
`Bat Emblem
`Bat Emblem
`Bat Emblem
`1 581725
`1 581 593
`1 581 659
`2 119 266
`6 1990
`6 1990
`6 1990
`December 9 1996
`Batman Be ins
`3 299 017
`Se tember 25 2007
`Batman Be ins
`3 110 604
`Se tember 25 2007
`' Case 2:12-cv-02386-DD?-'>%GR Document 20
`Filed 01/02/13) Page 9 of 10 Page ID #:173
`Batman Be ins
`3 313 612
`October 16 2007
`Batman Be 'ns
`3 326 043
`1565883 Serial Number
`1 1
`October 30 2007
`November 14 1989
`Serial Number 85143617“
`Batmobile E
`Gotham Central
`Dail Planet mi
`1190537 Serial Number fl
`23 1982
`1503856 erial Number_Justice Leaue
`7 at 1-
`1190681 Serial Number
`3 '1
`23 1982
`1168306 Serial Number e
`S tember8 1981
`Setember 13 1988
`Jimm Olsen
`Justice Lea ue of
`October31 1995
`1184703 erial Number
`Janua 51982
`[£1-91,221.11."' M”?-
` October 13 1981
`1 197 814
`June 15 1982
` Februa
`23 1999
`L Novembers 1981
`1,180,068 (Serial Number
`December 1 1981
`@ Janua
`Se tember 21 1982
`" Case 2:12—cv—02386-DDl?"—’A3GR Document 20
`Filed O1/O2/1«’3*~,,Page 10 of 10 Page ID #2174
`1221718 Serial Number—
`- oz
`December28 1982
`1200 39
`Jul 61982
`Su 0 erman In Telesco :10
` % c1ober1o19s9
`Suerman in Telescoic
`Superman in Telescopic
`& Superman w/ Chams
`R. 1'
`upennallfi :5 (Fymg
`3 U:
`7 1 2
`Jul 6 1982
`23 1999
`391 821 Serial Number
`71 I I
`1200387S'1N b
`73 3618295 um er
`November 25 1941
`Jul 6 1982
`Suerrnan Re. Runnin
`December15 1981L “W S°”“““““""—uerman e Runnln 3 82
`Jul 6 1982—
`Clenche F1sts
`Serial Number 77329797
`The Dark Kniht
`December 13 1966— W“ '°‘°’““ NW‘—
`2 _l-
`Wonder Woman
` December 28 1982— 2 ‘ ' —
`Wonder Woman
`November 17 1981
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