`Director of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.0. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In Compliance with 35 § 290 and/or 15 U.S.C. § 1116 you are hereby advised that a court action has been
`filed in the U.S. District Court
`on the following
`E1 Patents or
`X Trademarks:
`CV 12-01038 WHA
`2 3% we cw ct —
`3T’“\:» 54
`stmzoz. mam-
`4vPq 3 I?’ (RC3
`71 cdwnafk,
`5p '3
`-)8" 34
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`In the above——entitled case, the following patent(s) have been included:
`[:1 Amendment
`D Answer
`I] Cross Bill
`C] Other Pleading
`——— _ I
`n the aboVe—entitled case, the following decision has been rendered or judgement issued:
`Consent Decree dated 10/15/2012
`Richard W. Wieking
`Doug Merry
`October 15, 2012
`Copy 1-Upon initiation of action, mail this copy to Commissioner Copy 3—Upon termination of action, mail this copy to
`Copy 2—Upon filing document adding patent(s), mail this copy to Commissioner Copy 4—Case file copy
`Case3:12-cv-01038-WHA Document34 Filedlo/15/12 Page1of24
`J. Andrew Coombs (SBN 123881)
`andy@coombspc. com
`Annie S. Wang (SBN 243027)
`J. Andrew Coombs, A Prof. Corp.
`517 East Wilson Ave., Suite 202
`Glendale, California 91206
`Telephone: (818) 500-3200
`Attorneys for Plaintiffs Sanrio, Inc.,
`Disney Enterprises, Inc. and DC Comics
`Kumar Lalwani, an individual
`and d/b/a Hira Jewelry a/k/a Deena’s Jewelry
`4041 Davis St.
`Santa Clara, California 95054
`Telephone: (408) 802-8449
`Defendant, in pro se
`Case No. CVl2—0l038 WHA
`Sanrio, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc. and
`DC Comics,
`Kumar Lalwani, an individual and d/b/a Ali
`Jewelry a/k/a Hira Jewelry a/k/a Deena’s
`Jewelry; Asim Khan a/k/a Asim Ali Khan a/k/a
`Asim Au Khan, an individual and d/b/a Ali
`Jewelry a/k/a Hira Jewelry and Does 1 — 10,
`The Court, having read and considered the Joint Stipulation for Entry of Consent Decree that
`has been executed on behalf of Plaintiffs Sanrio, Inc., Disney Enterprises, Inc. and DC Comics
`(collectively “Plaintiffs”), on the one hand, and Defendant Kumar Lalwani, an individual and d/b/a
`Hira Jewelry and Deena’s Jewelry (“Defendant”), on the other hand, and good cause appearing
`therefore, hereby:
`ORDERS that this Consent Decree shall be and is hereby entered in the within action as
`Sam-10, Inc., et al. v. Lalwani, et a1.: Slipulated Consent Decree
`— 1 —
`Case3:l2-cv—01038-WHA Document34 Fi|ed10/15/12 Page2 of 24
`This Court has jurisdiction over the parties to this action and over the subject matter hereof
`pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 101 g_s_g_., 17 U.S.C. § 501,28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338, and 28 U.S.C.§
`1367. Service of process was properly made against Defendant.
`Plaintiffs allege they are the owners or exclusive licensees of all rights in and to the copyright
`and trademark registrations listed in Exhibits “A” through “F,” attached hereto and incorporated
`herein by this reference, and the copyrights associated with the same (“Plaintiffs’ Properties”).
`Plaintiffs have expended considerable resources in the creation and commercial exploitation
`of Plaintiffs’ Properties on merchandise and in the enforcement of its intellectual property rights in
`Plaintiffs’ Properties.
`Plaintiffs have alleged that Defendant has made unauthorized uses of Plaintiffs’ Properties or
`substantially similar likenesses or colorable imitations thereof.
`Defendant and his agents, servants, employees and all persons in active concert and
`participation with him who receive actual notice of the injunction are hereby restrained and enjoined
`Infringing Plaintiffs’ copyrights and trademarks in Plaintiffs’ Properties, either directly or
`contributorily, in any manner, including generally, but not limited to manufacturing,
`importing, distributing, advertising, selling, offering for sale, any unauthorized product
`which features any of Plaintiffs’ Properties (“Unauthorized Products”), and, specifically:
`Importing, manufacturing, distributing, advertising, selling, offering for sale, the
`Unauthorized Products or any other unauthorized products which picture,
`reproduce, copy or use the likenesses of or bear a substantial similarity to any of
`Plaintiffs’ Properties;
`Importing, manufacturing, distributing, advertising, selling, offering for sale,
`renting or offering to rent in connection thereto any unauthorized promotional
`materials, labels, packaging or containers which picture, reproduce, copy or use
`the likenesses of or bear a confusing similarity to any of Plaintiffs’ Properties;
`iii) Engaging in any conduct that tends falsely to represent that, or is likely to
`confuse, mislead or deceive purchasers, Defendant’s customers and/or members
`of the public to believe, the actions of Defendant, the products sold by Defendant,
`or Defendant himself is connected with Plaintiffs, are sponsored, approved or
`licensed by Plaintiffs, or are affiliated with Plaintiffs; or
`Sanrio, [nc., et al. v. Lalwani, et al.: Stipulated Consent Decree
`2012-o‘ct-01o5:o3G':ase3nl2>+c\A«6!arGB84‘d£idisi7d3eicument34 Filedlo/15/12 Page3 of 24
`iv) Affixing, applying, annexing or using in connection with the importation,
`manufacture, distribution, advertising, selling, offering for sale, or other use of
`any goods or services, a false description or representation, including words or
`other symbols, tending to falsely describe or represent such goods as being those
`of Plaintiffs.
`Each side shall bear its own fees and costs of suit.
`This Consent Decree shall be deemed to have been served upon Defendant at the time of its
`execution by the Court.
`The Court finds there is no just reason for delay in entering this Consent Decree and,
`pursuant to Rule 54(a) ofthe Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Court directs immediate
`entry ofthis Consent Decree against Defendant.
`The Court shall retainjurisdiction of this action to entertain such further proceedings and to
`enter such further orders as may be necessary or appropriate to implement and enforce the
`provisions of thjs consent Degree, The Court shall retain jurisdiction only for three years.
`Except as provided herein, all claims alleged in the Complaint are dismissed with prejudice.
`Dated: Octoberl5, 2012.
`Hon. William Alsup
`United States District Judge
`Presented By:
`J. Andrew Coombs, A Prof. Corp.
`/s/ Annie S. Wang
`J. Andrew Coombs
`Annie S. Wan
`s Sanric, Inc.,
`Attoi-ne%s for Plainti
`Disney nterprises, Inc. and DC Comics
`Kurnar Lalwani, an individual and d/b/a I-lira
`Jewelry allt/a Deena‘s Jewelry
`By: _/z:&_._
`Kumar Lalwani
`Defendant, in pro se
`Sanrio. Inc., or al. v. Lalwaui, et u|.: Silpulstcd Consent Decree
`Case3:12-cv—O1038-WHA Document34 Filedlo/15/12 Page5 of 24
`Trademark Registration
`Design Plus Words,
`Design Plus Words,
`Design Plus Words,
`Design Plus Words,
`Design Plus Words,
`Letters’ and/orNumbers
`Letters’ and/orNumbers
`Design Plus Words,
`Hello Kitty
`Hello Kitty
`Design Only
`Design Only
`Hello Kitty
`Typed Drawing
`Hello Kitty
`Typed Drawing
`Standard CharacterMark
`Standard CharacterMark
`Standard CharacterMark
`Standard Character Mark
`Standard CharacterMark
`StandardCharacter Mark
`Sanrio, Inc., ct al. v. Lalwani. et al.: Stipulaled Consent Decree
`Case3:12-cv-01038-WHA Document34 Flledlo/15/12 Pages of24
`#9 it
`Standard Character Mark
`Sanrio, Inc., et al. v. Lalwani, et al.: Stipulated Consent Decree
`Case3:12—cv-01038-WHA Document34 Filedlo/15/12 Page? of 24
`Design only
`Design only
`Design only
`Design only
`Design only
`Design only
`Design only
`Design only
`Design only
`Design only
`Design only
`Sanrio, Inc., et al. v. Lalwani, er al.: Stipulated Consent Decree
`Sanrio, 1nc., et a]. V. Lalwani, er a1,: Stipulated Consent Decree
`Case3:12-cv-01038-WHA Document34 Fi|ed1OI15/12 Page17 of 24
`Mickey Mouse Head Device
`Design On1y~
`(Serial Number
`StandardCharacterMark SerialNumber11130113
`Sanrio, Inc., et al. v. La1wani,eta1.: Stipulaled Consent Decree
`_ 17 -
`Case3:12-cv-01038-WHA Document34 Filedlo/15/12 Page18 of24
`Typed Drawing
`(Serial Number
`5/3 1/94
`l ,83 8,246
`Disney Princess
`Standard Character Mark er
`1,03 7,78 8
`Walt Disney
`Typed Drawing
`11/1 1/80
`Walt Disney Signature
`Standard Character Mark
` rV 7/28/81
`Winnie the Pooh
`Typed Drawing
`Design Only
`Typed Drawing (
`7 81-59-758)
`Design om,
`Walt Disney s Cinderella
`Design Plus Words,
`Letters’ and/or Numbers
`Walt Disney’s Snow White & the
`Design Plus Words,
`Walt Disney s Sleeping Beauty
`Sleeping Beauty
`Design Plus Words,
`Letters’ and/or Numbers
`Standard CharacterMark S r
`Walt Disney 3 Peter Pan
`Design Plus Words,
`Letters, and/or Numbers
`10/1 9/04
`Sanrio, Inc., et al. v. Lalwani, et al.: Stipulated Consent Decree
`- 13 _
`Case3:12-cv-01038-WHA Docume-nt34 Fi|ed10/15/12 Page19 of24
`/L 1.35.5
`Tinker Bell
`Standard Character Mark S H%4
`Tinker Bell
`33N:3:5‘E. 93§9 K3’:w U:
`Tinker Bell
`Dcsign Only
`Hannah Montana
`Standard Character Mark
`Lilo & Stitch
`Typed Drawing
`Ca Q
`Design Plus Words,
`Letters, and/or Numbers
`Design Plus Words,
`Letters, and/or Numbers
`Design Plus Words,
`Standard Character Mark
`Standard CharacterMark
`Sanrio, Inc., et al. v. Lalwani. et al.: Stipulated Consent Decree
`- 19 -
`Case3:12-cv—01038-WHA Document34 Filedlo/15/12 Page20 of 24
`Standard Character Mark
`Standard Character Mark
`Snmio, Inc., et al. v. Lalwani, et aI.: Stipulated Consent Decree
`- 20 .
`Case3:12-cv-01038-WHA D0cument34 FiledlOl15/12 Page22 of 24
`Trademark Re istration No.
`Trademark Reistration Date
`0,839 561
`November 28, 1967
`1 221 720
`December 28, 1982
`Batman & Re.
`Batman & Re.
`Batman & Robin
`Batman & Robin
`Batman Be ond
`BatRe 11
`Bat Emblem
`Batman Beins
`Bat Emblem
`(Batman Beins)
`0,82 770
`November 12, 1940
`March 1, 1966
`Jul 7, 1998
`November 14, 2000
`Setember 9, 2003
`December7, 1982
`6, 1990
`6, 1990
`December9, 1996
`Se tember 25, 2007
`3 110,604
`Setember 25, 2007
`October 16, 2007
`Sanrio, Inc.. et al. v, Lalwani, et a1.: Stipulated Consent Decree
`- 22 _
`Case3:12—cv-01038-WHA Document34 Filedlo/15/12 Page23 of24
`Bat Emblem
`Batman Be ins
`"""""" "
`October 30, 2007
`November 14, 1989
`1190637 S1eeézd:N.un=119o1=-7-1'»-1-9949-1~
` fibfl
`1184702 =
`._ _
`1184703 _._:
` 1930901 ~ October3l,1995
`1173150 -=— Numb
`23, 1999
`1,180,068 ( r
`December 1, 1981
`1209668 7. S_eptember21, 1982
`- " :-
`December 28, 1982
`10 6,1922
`Sanrio, Inc., et al. v. Lalwani, et a1.: Stipulated Consent Decree
`. 23 -
`Case3:12—cv-01038-WHA Document34 Filed10/15/12 Page24 of 24
`371 803 se.+a4++&m»e..7+41oe24
`1200 3'!
`2226026 S61-1'z'1"I\‘mrrber45=4%‘5-3:'.'>
`October 10, 1939
`Jul 6,1982
`Jul 6,1982
`November 17, 1981
`Superman in Telescopic &
`Suerman w/ Chains Re.
`Suerman Re. F1 in Fiure
`§uerman Re. Runnin;
`Superman Rep. (Standing Clenched
`1,200, 33
`Sam-io, Inc., ct al. v. Lalwani, et a1.: Stipulated Consent Decree
`_ 24 _
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