`4000 Warner Boulevard
`Burbank, California 91522
`(818) 95-F3953 Fax: (818) 9544501
`E-Mail: jill_peterson@wamerbros.com
`Jill s. Peterson
`Senior Paralegal
`Intellectual Property
`U.S. Patent & TMOTO/TM Mall Ficpt D1. #26
`August 13, 1999
`Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`2900 Crystal Drive
`Arlington, Virginia 22202-3513
`Reg. No.:
`DC Comics
`Dear Sir or Madam:
`Enclosed please find an Application for Renewal of Registration of a Trademark with Declaration
`for the above-referenced mark, along with one (1) specimen of use. We are also enclosing a
`deposit account order fonn authorizing payment of the $300.00 fee from our DC Comics‘ account
`number 04/0400.
`We have also enclosed a self-addressed postcard which should be stamped by the mailroom and
`returned to the undersigned to acknowledge receipt of this document. Please address all
`correspondence to:
`Thank you very much.
`Very truly yours,
`Cindy E. Nelson
`Elise A. Tenen—Aoki
`A Time Warner Entertainment Cornpany
`Registration No.:
`Registration Date:
`1561 593
`1 February 6, 1990
`DC Comics
`l, Nils Victor Montan, declare that I am‘ Assistant Secretary of Warner Communications
`Inc., a general partner of DC Comics, a New York general partnership composed of Warner
`Communications Inc., a Delaware Corporation and Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P., a
`partnership organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, and am authorized to make this
`declaration on behalf of DC Comics. The above identified applicant for renewal requests that the
`above identified registration, granted to DC Comics Inc. on February 6, 1990, which applicant for
`renewal now owns, as shown by records Patent and Trademark Office, be renewed in
`accordance with the provisions of Sec
`9 of the Act of July 5, 1946. The mark shown in said
`registration is still in use in interstate commerce on or in connection with all of the goods which are
`recitedinsaid registration,theattachedspecimenshowingth r|fiyu
`I declare further that all statements made herein are tru
`d that the
`statements were
`made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the like are p
`shable by fine or
`imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code and that such
`willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the document and the registration to which it
`03/25/1999 JHRRLEY 00000007 040400
`1551593 /
`01 FC:36'5
`300.00 CH
`Applicant for renewal hereby revokes all previous powers of attorney and appoints Nils
`Victor Montan and Janet A. Kobrin, Members of the Bar of the State of California, Elise A. Tenen-
`Aoki, a Member of the Bars of the States of California and Maryland and a Member of the
`’Washington, D.C. Bar and Cindy E. Nelson, a Member of the Bar of the State of New York,
`Warner Bros., 4000 Warner B|vd., Bridge Bldg. 5th Floor, Burbank, California, 91522-1565, to
`transact all business in the Patent and Trademark Office in connection therewith, and to receive
`the Certificate of Renewal.
`Please address all correspondence to:
`Elise A. Tenen-Aoki
`Warner Bros.
`4000 Warner Blvd.
`Bridge Bldg. 5th Floor
`Burbank, California 91522-1565
`(818) 954-4956
`Dated: A145 1491' 5, M45‘
`DC CO W~ V“ v
`Nils Victor Montan, as Assistant Secretary
`of Warner Communications lnc., a general
`partner of Applicant for Renewal
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited
`with the United States Postal Service with sufficient postage
`as First Class Mail in an envelope addressed to BOX: ?D§T£Eb Fee
`Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks, 2900 Crystal Drive,
`A lington, VA 22202-3513 on &%g§+ T3 [5514
`]ill S. Peterson
`Senior Paralegal
`Intellectual Property
`U3. Paosnt 8: TMOTGITM Mall RGDQDL 025
`4000 Warner Boulevard
`Burbank. California 91522
`(818) 954-3953
`E—Mai1: jill_peterson@wamerbros.<:0m
`August 13, 1999
`Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`2900 Crystal Drive
`Arlington, Virginia 22202-3513
`Reg. No.:
`DC Comics
`Dear Sir or Madam:
`Enclosed please find an Application for Renewal of Registration of a Trademark with Declaration
`for the above—referenced mark, along with one (1) specimen of use. We are also enclosing a
`deposit account order form authorizing payment of the $300.00 fee from our DC Comics‘ account
`number 04/0400.
`We have also enclosed a self-addressed postcard which shouldibe stamped by the mailroom and
`returned to the undersigned to acknowledge receipt of this document. Please address all
`correspondence to:
`Elise A. Tenen-Aoki
`Warner Bros.
`4000 Warner Boulevard
`Bridge Bldg. 5th Floor
`Burbank, CA 91522-1565
`Thank you very much.
`Very truly yours,
`' eterson
`Cindy E. Nelson
`Elise A. Tenen-Aoki
`A Time Warner Entertainment Company
`’7\Ae mm D;
`huw» WK
`\I\cw AP hmm
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