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Displaying 2874-2888 of 50,000 results

Mark Anthony Stroman, Applicant v. Texas

Docket 11A73, Supreme Court of the United States (July 18, 2011)

cite Cite Docket

Tremane Wood, Petitioner v. Oklahoma

Docket 07-6250, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 4, 2007)

cite Cite Docket

Estate of Norman Robert Knight, Jr., Deceased, et al., Petitioners v. Beatrice E. Wh...

Docket 19-754, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 12, 2019)

cite Cite Docket

Santarrow D. Russell, Petitioner v. United States

Docket 01-10547, Supreme Court of the United States (June 4, 2002)

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Tiberiu Klein, et al., Petitioners v. Daniel O'Brien, et al.

Docket 18-79, Supreme Court of the United States (July 17, 2018)

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Omar Silva Medina, Petitioner v. United States

Docket 17-9339, Supreme Court of the United States (June 15, 2018)

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Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, Petitioner v. Jemsek Clinic, P.A., et al.

Docket 17-161, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 1, 2017)

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American Family Association, Inc., et al., Petitioners v. City and County of San Fran...

Docket 02-163, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 1, 2002)

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Dana Ewell, Applicant v. A. K. Scribner, Warden

Docket 12A388, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 18, 2012)

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CSC Holdings, LLC, et al., Applicants v. National Labor Relations Board

Docket 13A20, Supreme Court of the United States (July 1, 2013)

cite Cite Docket

Mohamed Sow, Petitioner v. United States

Docket 06-5585, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 2, 2006)

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Michael Ted Lamb, Petitioner v. Janie Cockrell, Director, Texas Department of Crim...

Docket 02-9327, Supreme Court of the United States (March 4, 2003)

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Leonard J. Porto, lll, Petitioner v. City of Laguna Beach, California, et al.

Docket 18-6521, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 31, 2018)

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Jerome Damasco, Applicant v. Clearwire Corporation

Docket 11A902, Supreme Court of the United States (March 23, 2012)

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Craig Cross, Petitioner v. Florida

Docket 19-6260, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 11, 2019)

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