Advertising, personal relationships, word of mouth and the like frequently do not result in a good match of lawyers to clients.
And Sometimes, law yers interests come into conflict with the clients: For example, when a lawyer recommends that a personal injury Settlement offer be accepted under circumstances where the additional work necessary to try a case ...
0006 U.S. Pat. No. 5,956,687 relates to a personal injury claim management System. The System established records, each reflective of a phase of a corresponding personal injury claim.
In a preferred embodiment, the present invention includes claim-type specific Sections with content and fea tures specific to specific types of claims (e.g. personal injury, insurance defense, environmental, class-action, etc.) 0020 ...
When a person DOES request to be contacted by a Managing Attorney, the System of the present invention creates a data file including the name, phone number, address, email address and general description of the type of matter involved ...
The EPCS may be used by the Managing Lawyer(s), Primary Lawyer(s), Client(s), Medical Personnel, Expert Witnesses or consultants, administrators, paralegal perSonnel, Defen dants, Court Personnel, etc. or any of their assigns, ...
... from Managing Lawyers, Primary Lawyers, or other participants interested in joining the net work, Such as medical perSonnel, expert witnesses or consultants, administrators, paralegal perSon nel, defendants, court perSonnel, ...
For a personal injury matter, it would be where the accident occurred. Other information to be inputted the type of attorney a client needs, Such as litigator, patent attorney, personal injury attorney, etc., personal information about the ...