Q. Can you please identify each person you communicated with, either in person or via www.DigitalEvidenceGroup.com Digital Evidence Group C'rt 2024 202-232-0646 8 12/20/2024 Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp. R. James Duckworth, ...
BISENIUS: Q. The context is the system of the '507 patent, a person of ordinary skill, as you have described a person of ordinary skill in the art in your declaration, would that person have known what the term "non-wireless connection" ...
... module worn by each injured person." Are the persons wearing Mendelson's sensor module required to be injured? A. No. The idea is that they would be placed on the individuals. Some may be injured, but some may not be injured.
... personnel could be distributing sensors that is then picking up information from a remote injured person through that ad hoc network. Q. So, when it says that the medical personnel quickly distributes sensors to multiple casualties and ...
So, the bottom of Page 80 says, "Rather than unnecessarily power the injured person's Receiver Module, a POSITA would have understood as a matter of common sense that the medic would directly monitor the person right before them ...
... injured person's Receiver Module because remotely monitoring that injured person with the PDA (via measurement sent from the Receiver Module to the PDA) was no longer necessary." Do you see that? A. So, this is part of Paragraph ...
... 20:21 21:6 23:5 37:9 38:4,9 39:10 58:18 80:5,19,22 83:16,16 84:7 84:14 85:1 102:20 107:21 113:20 114:5,7 114:18 118:21 123:7 124:13 125:6 132:19 133:21 infrared 103:14 106:17,19 107:3,8,10,17 108:7 109:22 110:11,17 injured ...
person 7:5 8:21 8:22 16:2 28:1 28:15 29:4,8,21 30:10,11,12 31:1,15 32:5,10 32:14 33:4 80:17 81:9 83:19 85:5,19 86:10 121:4 123:8,15 124:3 124:21 125:14 126:2,5,14 131:11 person's 124:19 125:12 126:4 personal 59:3 personnel ...