... pattern, program duration, program frequency, and mus- cle group activated, and how they affect fatigue in the stimulated muscle. introduction Damage to the human nervous system during an event such as stroke or spinal cord injury ...
... injury, stroke 201 LUMENIS EX1016 Page 1 202 Doucet et al.: Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for Skeletal Muscle Function In 1790, Luigi Galvani first observed mo- tion after applying electrical wires to leg muscles severed from the body of frogs, and in 1831, Michael Faraday showed that elec- trical currents could stimulate nerves to cre- ate active movement [2]. One of the earliest clinical experiments that used electrical stimulation for muscle function stimulated the peroneal nerve in the leg in an effort to correct foot drop in ...
For exam- ple, Thrasher et al. [8] designed a program of FES for the upper extremity of persons with stroke that consisted of initial stimula- tion of the anterior and posterior deltoid, fol- lowed by triceps brachii stimulation.
... for spinal injured persons was the NeuroControl Freehand system (Neuro- Control, Cleveland, OH). This product con- sisted of an implanted stimulator, electrodes, and position sensor placed near the shoulder joint of the spinal injured ...
... persons with stroke, spinal injury, multiple sclerosis, brain injury or tumor, and cerebral palsy. The L300 also incorporates a heel component that senses the heel strike phase of gait and stimulates the tibialis anterior muscle to dorsiflex ...
These systems have demonstrated long-term improvement in walking skills for persons with stroke as well as persons with- multiple sclerosis [61,100].
Functional electri- cal stimulation cycling improves body com- position, metabolic and neural factors in persons with spinal cord injury.
Rapid vascular adaptations to training and detraining in persons with spinal cord injury.