Q In connection with what cases? A It was one personal injury case, and the other one was -- my understanding was about also personal injury pertaining to someone's exposure.
... personal injury proceedings, correct? A Correct. Q So in the last five years, have you had any testimony outside of personal injury proceedings? A The personal injury proceeding was 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...
Others were personal injury. Q So there's a few depositions, some relating to personal injury and some relating to product liability over the last five years.
... acute localization of the surgical area, especially the precise effect of nerve blockade while avoiding accidental injury to adjacent important tissues." What does he mean "a precise effect of nerve blockade while avoiding accidental injury ...
& Neurent Medical Ltd. v. The Foundry, LLC IPR2024-00279 Transcript of Nicolas Bu-Saba, M.D. Conducted on October 17, 2024 220 is what he is treating here, while avoiding accidental injury to adjacent important tissues that he's not ...
And that are the vital and that should not be injured.
Q Is one of the reasons that he was moving the firing head 5 millimeters potentially to avoid accidental injury to adjacent important issues? MR.
The nerves are important, but he is treating the nerves while he has to avoid injuring the artery and getting nosebleed. Avoid injury in vein, avoid damaging nasal tissue.