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121 results

Biofrontera Inc. v. DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Docket IPR2022-00056, Patent Trial and Appeal Board (Oct. 19, 2021)

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12 Notice refund approved: Notice refund approved

Document IPR2022-00056, No. 12 Notice refund approved - Notice refund approved (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2022)

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12 Notice refund approved: Notice refund approved

Document IPR2022-00056, No. 12 Notice refund approved - Notice refund approved (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2022)

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10 Termination Decision Pre DI dismissal: Termination Decision Pre DI dismissal

Document IPR2022-00056, No. 10 Termination Decision Pre DI dismissal - Termination Decision Pre DI dismissal (P.T.A.B. Jan. 24, 2022)

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7 Order on Motion: Denying, without Prejudice, Petitioner Motion to Dismiss the Pet...

Document IPR2022-00056, No. 7 Order on Motion - Denying, without Prejudice, Petitioner Motion to Dismiss the Petition 37 CFR §§ 425a, 4271a, 4274b (P.T.A.B. Dec. 28, 2021)

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3 Notice Notice filing date accorded: Notice Notice filing date accorded

Document IPR2022-00056, No. 3 Notice Notice filing date accorded - Notice Notice filing date accorded (P.T.A.B. Oct. 29, 2021)

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8 Motion: Renewed Unopposed Motion to Dismiss Petition for Inter Partes Review

Document IPR2022-00056, No. 8 Motion - Renewed Unopposed Motion to Dismiss Petition for Inter Partes Review (P.T.A.B. Jan. 18, 2022)

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9 Motion: Joint Request that Settlement Agreement Be Treated as Business Confid...

Document IPR2022-00056, No. 9 Motion - Joint Request that Settlement Agreement Be Treated as Business Confidential Information and Be Kept Separate Pursuant to 35 USC �� 317b and 37 CFR �� 4274c...

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