And in terms of the projects that the General Motors Collaborative Research Lab works on are dependable embedded systems; design methodologies; and human-computer interaction.
And so this is the only thing that we could find about with General Motors Collaborative Research Lab on their Website, and it talks about the goal being to improve automatic safety and reliability by adapting the vehicle electronic configuration to functionality in a situation where the vehicle, the driver, or both are not operating at key effectiveness; design methodologies to enable vehicle design simulation and validation of the computer system with the automobile of the future; human interaction -- human-computer interaction to improve security and driver-vehicle interfaces by building products capable of analyzing the driver's intention and Case IPR2015-00300, Patent 6,721,178 Case IPR2015-00301, Patent 6,493,220 watching physical and mental status of the driver.
There's -- besides these three guys, there were -- there's three other people from Riverside Partners that were named by Nick Mendez that have regular interaction with the company on things like negotiating on Enovate Medical's behalf with their lender.
JUDGE BISK: On the other hand, though, where -- what is the policy incentive of shutting people out when they for, you know, innocent reasons forgot to put someone on and it doesn't come up until a time when it's too late to fix it, kind of relying on where they are in all of these cases?
And they -- all three of those, Stern, Calero and Brolund -- were unanimous in saying that Mr. Mendez was the one who made the decision as to filing IPR; that he just sort of presented it to them as something that I had recommended to him; and that Enovate Medical was going to pursue.