{ ab'zar-var } {'ddi,spla } " |ENG| Decreasing value of func- obsolescence odorlferous homing=|ELECTR| Homin, tional and physical assets or value of a product : : ne anon, ionized air produced by the exhaust pa. orfacility from technological changes rather than deterioration { ,4b:sa'les-ans} snorkeling submarine | ,9-do'rif-o-rag tha i occlusion |compuT sci] In computervision, the OEM |ELectR] Abbreviation for Onginal obstruction ofa view —_{ a'klil-zhon } ment manufacturer, Generally desetibas factory-installed equipment occupied bandwidth [COMMUN] Frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above off-center plan position Indicator planposition indicatorin which the center lA its upper frequency limits, the mean powers display that represents the locationof thea : radiated are each equal to 0.5% of the total mean can be moved from the center of the seni ; power radiated by a given emission { 'ak-yo (‘ag pi y any position on theface of the PPL wpid 'band,width} “Snap ‘plan pa,zish-an 'in-da,kid-ar ) OCR Sr¢ optical character recognition off-hook §=jcoMMUN] The active state octal base {ELECcTR| Tube base having a central loap) ofa subserlber or PBX user loop aligning key and positioned for eight equally huik | of spaced pins.
[ ‘dil {fild ,ka-bal } Ror ro return the zero-frequeney output oll-Immersed [ELEC| Property of a transformer, Rte zerovolts, due to device mismatching reactor, regulator, or similar apparatus whose Me input stage | ‘ofset wol-tt| | , coils are immersedin an insulating liquid thatis alt Tsecl the unit of electrical resistance in usually, but not necessarily, oil.
_('Semik dis-0'p3-shon| sii residual gases left after evacuation { 6'meg-o itran } ohmic loss Se ohmicdissipation, ['demik las | Ipment not ghmicresistance=[ELEC] Property of a substance, OMGobject model See Object Management Group irily discon.
{ ,4p-a'rd-shanz risarch } Beeld Tere hardware operates andgligste | | oy mputer : it gives fa~ operatlons sequence [CONT sys| The logical se- iorkthataf \ 4 feresuls divided bythe total timescheduled ries of procedures that constitute the task for a ‘and.
being in sucha state of repair as to Operator interrupt=|compiit sci] A step whereby sed parallel immediately usable—{ Sp-3'ra-shan-al } control is passed to the monitor, and a message, onal amplifler { properdis [ELECTR] An amplifier hav- usually requiringa typed answer.is printed onthe ree impede ‘It ‘Aigh direct-current stability and high im- console typewriter—| '&p-a,rad-ar ‘insta,rapt| i (‘Spain unity to oscillation.