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1035 Exhibit: Exhibit 1035 McGraw Hill Dictionary of Electrical Computer Engineering Part 2 of 4

Document IPR2018-00643, No. 1035-41 Exhibit - Exhibit 1035 McGraw Hill Dictionary of Electrical Computer Engineering Part 2 of 4 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019)
{ ilek-tro,di-na'mam-ad-ar| current that flows when there is no radiant flux electroexplosive ena] An initiator or a system incident on the photocathode ina phototube or in which an electric impulseinitiates detonation camera tube, Also knownas darkcurrent, {i'lek or deflagration of an explosive.
| ijlek: arealight source employingthe principle of elec- trd-mag'ned-ik 'ka,thdd 'ra ,tiib } troluminescence: consists of a suitable phosphor electromagnetic compatibility=|ELecTR] The ca- placed between sheet-metal electratls, one of pability of electronic equipment or systems which is essentially transparent, with an alter- to be operated in the intended electromag- nating current applied between the electrodes.
Also known as azimuth marker incorporating vacuum tubes or solid-state de- | ilekiranik ‘aza-math mark-ar | vices and used to control the actionor position electronic bearing cursor ELECTR) Of a marine of equipment; for example.
a valve operator radar set, the bright rotatable radial line on [ijlektranik kan'tral-ar } the plan position: indicator used for bearing electronic counter |eLectr| A circuit using elec- determination.
Capable of acting as the pos- |ELEcTR] A generatorin electron-tube generator itive electrode in an electric cell { i,lek-tro which direct-current energyis converted to radio- imir-ar } 'paz-ad:iv } frequency energy by an electron tube in an ‘tron-tube electroresistive effect |ELECTR| The change in oscillator circuit.
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1030 Exhibit: Second Declaration of John Villasenor

Document IPR2018-00643, No. 1030-35 Exhibit - Second Declaration of John Villasenor (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019)
Tektronix appears to support its construction based on the following statement in the ’719 Patent—“[t]he ’719 patent describes that via the selector 53, ‘circuitry that can be optimized for analysis in the frequency domain, such as the downconverter 57 …, can be added to a single channel.’” POR, 13; Case IPR2018-00643 Attorney Docket No: 44276-0002IP1 Ex.1001, 7:3-6.
Accordingly, this disclosure in the ’719 Patent is clear evidence to me that Tektronix and Dr. Blalock have no basis (even intrinsically) for their assertion that a time domain channel cannot include circuitry for removing or distorting frequency components of a signal.
The “[p]rocessor 520 reads this information and determines the estimate of the noise level of the channel based on a percentage of the symbol periods that the output of filter 510 exceeded or fell below a set threshold.”
For instance, the processor 520 would have to include a memory in order to determine the percentage of the symbol periods that the output of filter 510 exceeded or fell below a set threshold and the estimated noise level.
Processor 520 reads this information and determines the estimate of the noise level of the channel based on a percentage of the symbol periods that the output of filter 510 exceeded or fell below a set threshold.” R&S-1007, ¶[0052].
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1035 Exhibit: Exhibit 1035 McGraw Hill Dictionary of Electrical Computer Engineering Part 3 of 4

Document IPR2018-00643, No. 1035-4 Exhibit - Exhibit 1035 McGraw Hill Dictionary of Electrical Computer Engineering Part 3 of 4 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019)
{ ab'zar-var } {'ddi,spla } " |ENG| Decreasing value of func- obsolescence odorlferous homing=|ELECTR| Homin, tional and physical assets or value of a product : : ne anon, ionized air produced by the exhaust pa. orfacility from technological changes rather than deterioration { ,4b:sa'les-ans} snorkeling submarine | ,9-do'rif-o-rag tha i occlusion |compuT sci] In computervision, the OEM |ELectR] Abbreviation for Onginal obstruction ofa view —_{ a'klil-zhon } ment manufacturer, Generally desetibas factory-installed equipment occupied bandwidth [COMMUN] Frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above off-center plan position Indicator planposition indicatorin which the center lA its upper frequency limits, the mean powers display that represents the locationof thea : radiated are each equal to 0.5% of the total mean can be moved from the center of the seni ; power radiated by a given emission { 'ak-yo (‘ag pi y any position on theface of the PPL wpid 'band,width} “Snap ‘plan pa,zish-an 'in-da,kid-ar ) OCR Sr¢ optical character recognition off-hook §=jcoMMUN] The active state octal base {ELECcTR| Tube base having a central loap) ofa subserlber or PBX user loop aligning key and positioned for eight equally huik | of spaced pins.
[ ‘dil {fild ,ka-bal } Ror ro return the zero-frequeney output oll-Immersed [ELEC| Property of a transformer, Rte zerovolts, due to device mismatching reactor, regulator, or similar apparatus whose Me input stage | ‘ofset wol-tt| | , coils are immersedin an insulating liquid thatis alt Tsecl the unit of electrical resistance in usually, but not necessarily, oil.
_('Semik dis-0'p3-shon| sii residual gases left after evacuation { 6'meg-o itran } ohmic loss Se ohmicdissipation, ['demik las | Ipment not ghmicresistance=[ELEC] Property of a substance, OMGobject model See Object Management Group irily discon.
{ ,4p-a'rd-shanz risarch } Beeld Tere hardware operates andgligste | | oy mputer : it gives fa~ operatlons sequence [CONT sys| The logical se- iorkthataf \ 4 feresuls divided bythe total timescheduled ries of procedures that constitute the task for a ‘and.
being in sucha state of repair as to Operator interrupt=|compiit sci] A step whereby sed parallel immediately usable—{ Sp-3'ra-shan-al } control is passed to the monitor, and a message, onal amplifler { properdis [ELECTR] An amplifier hav- usually requiringa typed answer.is printed onthe ree impede ‘It ‘Aigh direct-current stability and high im- console typewriter—| '&p-a,rad-ar ‘insta,rapt| i (‘Spain unity to oscillation.
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2023 Exhibit: Villasenor Deposition Transcript dated 4 12 19

Document IPR2018-00647, No. 2023 Exhibit - Villasenor Deposition Transcript dated 4 12 19 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 29, 2019)
"Figure one depicts in block diagram form a digital storage oscilloscope 10 of the present invention adapted to digitize an analog of input signal V sub T to store a compact data sequence representation of a selective frequency band of the V sub N signal, and subsequently to produce time and frequency domain displays of the band according to the story data sequence."
If the board determines that a channel as claimed in the '719 patent ends at acquisition memory, do you agree that Hansen does not disclose a two-channel test of measurement instrument?
Looking at column three, line 42, where it begins, "Figure one depicts in block diagram form a digital storage oscilloscope 10 of the present invention."
So in preparing your analysis, did you do any research as to what a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand to be the meaning of acquisition in the context of digital storage oscilloscope when you're analyzing the Hansen reference as to any invalidity issues for the '719 patent?
Q. I'm asking whether you did any research as to what a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand as to the meaning of acquisition in the context of a digital storage oscilloscope that is referred to in Hansen when you were preparing your analysis?
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1032 Exhibit: US Patent No 7,860,674 to Freidhof et al

Document IPR2018-00647, No. 1032 Exhibit - US Patent No 7,860,674 to Freidhof et al (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019)
The fact that phase and respectively timeerrors in the two paths of the measured signal—analog-digital converter or triggering system—are mutually superposed and under extreme conditions can bring about a doubling ofthe effect can be seen as an additional disadvantage.
In this manner, an occurring triggering offset can be minimized corresponding to the numberof selected, additional, sampled values of the reference signal, which are calculated by meansofinterpola- tion—preferably by means of polyphasefilter.
In this context, a technically-meaningful compromise must be found betweenthe realized accuracy in determining the triggering time and the numerical cost of calculating the additional sampled values S;' of the reference signal S, by meansofinterpolation.
Following this, in procedural stage S120, the additional sampled valueS,,,,' of the reference signal S, in the middle ofthe timeinterval observedin iterative step j+1 is determined by interpolation.
While the invention has been described in connection with a number of embodiments and implementations, the inven- tion is not so limited but covers various obvious modifications and equivalent arrangements, which fall within the purview ofthe appended claims.
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1031 Exhibit: Deposition Transcript of Dr Blalock

Document IPR2018-00647, No. 1031 Exhibit - Deposition Transcript of Dr Blalock (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019)
Q. Well, will you then agree with me, at least for the purposes of this deposition, that if you do not understand a question, it wasn't clear, you didn't hear it or something else of that nature, that you will ask it to be repeated or GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
A. As I said, I've written papers that covered circuits and systems relevant to channels and signal processing and all the key elements in GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
Many of those patents cover signal processing topics, data acquisition, many of the issues encountered in GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
In my own -- I will say, though, that in the ultrasound field I designed products that had fully integrated signal processing front end, they had preamplifiers, band pass filters, samplers, A-to-D converters.
Part of the background is saying, look, in the past we've had these sort of conventional digital oscilloscopes and we've had these spectrum analyzers and these were in separate boxes and to get a really good frequency domain GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
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1033 Exhibit: US Patent No 6,310,566 to McNeely

Document IPR2018-00647, No. 1033 Exhibit - US Patent No 6,310,566 to McNeely (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019)
Known, classical interpolator configurations have been thought to be optimal in terms of maximizing performance and minimizing the hardware complexity involved,1.e., the numbers of adders, multipliers, registers etc. that are used.
However, the sample rate converter, interpolator and digital filter systems and the methodsoftheir derivation presented herein provide improvements over the knownfilter designs in both performance and reduced complexity.
FIG. 4 showsa table indicating coefficient values and the effective filter delay in conjunction with the corresponding position index signal for the reduced complexity digitalfilter of unit 40 of FIG. 3.
Important objectives in sample rate converter design are: 1) maximizing performance including minimizing alias (i.e. interference) components in the Pass Band, and 2) minimiz- ing complexity (e.g. measured in the number of adders required for an implementation).
a sequence of cascaded interpolators, an advantageous sample rate converter configuration is derived offering reduced complexity and improved performance overprevi- ously deemed optimal arrangements.
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1030 Exhibit: Second Declaration of John Villasenor

Document IPR2018-00647, No. 1030 Exhibit - Second Declaration of John Villasenor (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019)
Tektronix appears to support its construction based on the following statement in the ’719 Patent—“[t]he ’719 patent describes that via the selector 53, ‘circuitry that can be optimized for analysis in the frequency domain, such as the downconverter 57 …, can be added to a single channel.’” POR, 12; R&S- 1001, 7:3-6.
Accordingly, this disclosure in the ’719 Patent is clear evidence to me that Tektronix and Dr. Blalock have no basis (even intrinsically) for their assertion that a time domain channel cannot include circuitry for removing or distorting frequency components of a signal.
Indeed, if Tektronix’s characterization that the conventional oscilloscope performs the operations of receiving, conditioning, acquiring, and “post-acquisition” processing were to be adopted, even the test and measurement instrument claimed by the ’719 Patent possesses these characteristics.
As I had noted earlier in ¶¶[65]-[67], a POSITA would have readily appreciated that lines drawn across Hansen’s FIG. 2 (signal flow diagram) Case IPR2018-00647 Attorney Docket No: 44276-0002IP2 correspond to different paths implemented in Hansen’s system shown in FIG. 1.
Tektronix argues that Petitioner fails to satisfy its burden of obviousness of Case IPR2018-00647 Attorney Docket No: 44276-0002IP2 claim 7 by allegedly going beyond the disclosure of Hansen and relying solely on my declaration for support.
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1034 Exhibit: US Patent No 6,487,573 to Jiang et al

Document IPR2018-00647, No. 1034 Exhibit - US Patent No 6,487,573 to Jiang et al (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019)
Tor A. Ramstad, “Digital Methods for Conversion Between Arbitrary Sampling Frequencies,” IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol.
These three components are expen- formed to generate thousandsof sets of required polyphase sive and consumea large amount of power, if designed for filter coefficients in real time, expends significant computa- minimum signal degradation.
Real- SRCsystemsfor filter coefficients alone, in addition to their time, all-digital SRC systems are becoming more and more computational complexities falling in the neighborhood of significant because digital processing of signals, such as 10 MIPs for one channel of high quality audio.
As an initial matter in that regard, only FIR filters are utilized in the embodiments disclosed herein, because they offer linear phase responses andeffi- cient polyphase implementations in multirate processing.
FIG. 7 is a block diagram of the SRC filter 140 of FIG. 6 expanded in detail to assist in understanding the selection process back through the stages, as explained above in connection with FIG. 5.
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1035 Exhibit: US Patent No 5,880,973 to Gray et al

Document IPR2018-00647, No. 1035 Exhibit - US Patent No 5,880,973 to Gray et al (P.T.A.B. Mar. 22, 2019)
Circuit noise, however, is random, caused for example by fluctuations in electrical power sources, atmospheric distur- bances (such as lightening, physical shock, high energy radiation particles), or other unpredictable events.
The GRAYCHIP™GC4114 Quad Transmit chip is the first ver- sion of this product to include an embodiment of the invention and will be commercially available from GRAY- CHIPInc., 2185 Park Boulevard, Palo Alto, Calif. 94306, the assignee of this patent application.
As illustrated in FIG. 1, digital transmit circuit 100 is partitioned into two identical segments 136, 138, which respectively process the complex sample components (real (Q) and imaginary (D) of a signal.
Accordingly, exclusive-OR gate 600 asserts autore- set signal 222 when an overflow is detected, thereby auto- matically and promptly recovering CIC interpolation filter 104 without requiring system level intervention.
The communication system in this embodi- mentinitializes storage register 702, over data bus 708, with a predetermined threshold governed by A(R“~), where A is the maximum amplitude (magnitude) of the input samples to CIC interpolation filter 104.
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2017 Exhibit: Exhibit 2017

Document IPR2018-00643, No. 2017-28 Exhibit - Exhibit 2017 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 17, 2018)
General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its Internet server at http://www.usitc.gov.
The public record for this investigation may be viewed on the Commission's electronic docket (EDIS) at http://edis.usitc.gov.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission instituted this investigation on March 16, 2018, based on a complaint filed by Tektronix, Inc. of Beaverton, Oregon (“Tektronix”).
In view of the consent orders, on August 22, 2018, Tektronix moved to terminate the investigation in its entirety based on withdrawal of the complaint as to any remaining accused products.
The ID finds that the motion complies with Commission Rule 210.21(a), 19 CFR 210.21(a), and that no extraordinary circumstances exist that would prevent termination of the investigation.
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2020 Exhibit: Exhibit 2020

Document IPR2018-00643, No. 2020-31 Exhibit - Exhibit 2020 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 17, 2018)
No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers.
For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978—750—8400.
In keeping within the scope established with the first edition, most terms pertaining to computer science, information technology, and software engineering that are not directly linked to the underlying hardware were omitted.
Once again I want to thank Nora Konopka and the fine editorial and production staff at Taylor & Francis, especially Helena Redshaw and Amy Rodriguez, for helping to bring this second edition into being.
(186971928) Sagnac, Georges French scientist and professor at the Univer- sity of Lille and the University of Paris, active in the investigation of radiation produced by X—rays, and the optics of interference.
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2018 Exhibit: Exhibit 2018

Document IPR2018-00643, No. 2018-29 Exhibit - Exhibit 2018 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 17, 2018)
A. I think it's -- I've been -- The first time I was retained for a patent matter, I believe, was in the mid-1990s, and so that was over 20 years ago, and I've done work on various cases since then, so it's a decent number, but I haven't kept a tally, so I don't recall.
I do know that the decision at the end was made to move forward with Engelse and Hansen, so that suggests that that was the art that was -- was deemed the most relevant and on point, but I don't remember the specifics, because it was -- I think it was almost two years ago.
Now, in this sentence it indicates "two years of experience in performing time and frequency analysis of signals such that the person would have grasped sufficient details regarding the design and operation of test and measurement systems."
So starting on paragraph 40 of the -- Engelse Declaration, I have a construction of time aligned with the important qualification that that's relevance -- in relation to the claims, and so I -- I wasn't attempting to construe the term in the background.
And so, turning back to the background section, and in particular line 33, when it indicates that "Such measuring instruments," and this is referring to having a -- oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer, that they're not time aligned, what does that mean to you?
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2014 Exhibit: Exhibit 2014

Document IPR2018-00643, No. 2014-34 Exhibit - Exhibit 2014 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 17, 2018)
I have written widely in the field of electrical engineering, including several editions of a textbook that is used across the world to teach principles of microelectronic circuit design to undergraduate and graduate students.
The test and measurement instruments disclosed in the ’719 patent includes an input channel similar to the one found in conventional oscilloscopes for enabling time domain analysis.
Thus, the circuitry in the time domain channel is selected and configured to maintain the full bandwidth, to the extent possible, so that the acquisition system can capture all frequency components of the input signal accurately for display in the waveform.
Engelse explains “[i]ntegrating the spectrum analysis function enables quick reaction to changes in noise on a communication medium to reduce negative impacts on the transport of data over the medium.” Ex. 1007, ¶29.
Engelse explains that this threshold value is established based on factors such as the type of modulation to be used to carry signals over the monitored frequency band or channel, expected power levels, and the like.
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2021 Exhibit: Exhibit 2021

Document IPR2018-00643, No. 2021-32 Exhibit - Exhibit 2021 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 17, 2018)

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