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1002 Exhibit: US 08479246 Patent File History Part A

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1002 Exhibit - US 08479246 Patent File History Part A (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
CA; Craig D. Berry, Los Angeles, CA; Allen D. Easty, Carollton, TX; The United States represents the largest, most dynamic marketplace in the world and is an unparalleled location for business investment, innovation, and commercialization of new technologies.
L..: ludwrdual X} Lorporalron or omcr prxvaxc group cmrty J Govcrnrrscnl The follmvirug feels) are subxniiiedi E Issue Foo {N0 small crzlity iiisltmalxi pcrxzziiled) LJ l’ul>li<:aii<>n ll Advance Order» +1.
if the Examiner appéies any in‘ the documents as prior 3:‘: against any ctiaimzs the agapéicatiazm and A;:>p%§ce2nt:ieiermia1es éhai the cites‘ Adscuments dc) not constiiute “;:sr§r;sr art" under United Séaies Saw, App£' ,ant reserves the right t<::» present to the afiéce the reievant facts and éaw regarding the appramate siatus Cf‘ such dacumemcs, Appiicant further reserves the fight to take ap:;:r0;:3riate aVct§c>n to e:=.tabiisE': the paiexitaibiiiiy of ‘thee déscéosed §.rwemion ever {he Eisted documents, shouéci cane gr more 9%’ ‘me dmzuments be appiiad against the cfiaims of the preseni application) if there is; away fee due in crmnecsiizrm with the féiéng of ‘(ms Staiement, piease Charge to our Deagmsii Account No. t’:“2f3»“§fi~:'38.
NOTE: The Issue Fee and Publication Fcc (if rcquircd) will not be accepted from anyone other than the applicant; a rcgistcrcd attorney or agent; or the assignce or other party in interest as shown by the records of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
including changes required by the attached Examiner's Amendment / Comment or in the Office action of Paper No./Mail Date Identifying indicia such as the application number (see 37 CFR 1.84(c)) should be written on the drawings in the front (not the back) of each sheet.
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1007 Exhibit: 592 Patent Reexamination

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1007 Exhibit - 592 Patent Reexamination (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
Imaging.‘ Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, Feb. 1994, Also appears i11 Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases II, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.
“Buying Music over the Internet”, R. Colombo, Liquid Audio White Paper, 1997. lntertainer, 1nc., May 24, 1999 Press Release, “Big Entertainment’s Bige.com Expands Distribution Reach on Intertainer’s On-Demand Entertainment Broadband Network,” available at http://WVWV.
A hidden inter- face link may also be used with a single pixel to make a cursor change indicate a hot mouse event o11 a specific part of the video stream, or be used for marketing a11d/or user feedback.
It will be appreciated that the hub pages may or , may not include ancillary video assets depending upon, for example, the system requirements and the storyboard intended to be designed around the primaqi content.
For example, a preferred interface link includes a graphic that is slightly beveled, fifty percent transparent, and approximately 60 by 50 m pixels in size.
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1002 Exhibit: US 08479246 Patent File History Part B

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1002-2 Exhibit - US 08479246 Patent File History Part B (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
“Buyin§ over the iniemet", R. Coiombo, .LiqL,:id>A;:id§O“i.’if?1it8 Paper, 199?.“ 1:"Dig--iiiiusic: Ar On Demand Music.-at Selection System Litiiizing (JATV Facilities," Consumer Eiectmnics, Voi.
Shea, Peter, i.eveiirg the Piayirag iei : A Study of Captioned iriieractive Video for Second Larsguage Learning, " “ 9;..§.i...E §§}_.____,..._. nr Hyperiink Anchor Gerieration in \/'ir;i::~:r; Sire:-zms using An Orihogcmai T E Srnith, Jason MCC.
When the USPTO processes the reply to the Notice, the USPTO will generate another Filing Receipt incorporating the requested corrections App|icant(s) Ron J. Hudson, Los Angeles, CA; Terrence T. Coles, Costa Mesa, CA; Craig D. Berry, Los Angeles, CA; Allen D. Easty, Carollton, TX; Power of Attorney: Thomas Martin--34383 Amedeo Ferraro-—37129 Karlton Butts-—39126 Todd Martin--42844 Domestic Priority data as claimed by applicant This application is a CON of 13/228,181 09/08/2011 which is a CON of 12/930,456 01/07/2011 ABN which is a CON of 09/921,097 07/31/2001 PAT 7870592 which claims benefit of 60/255,541 12/14/2000 Foreign Applications (You may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at the USPTO.
Part of a Department of Commerce initiative, this website includes self-help "toolkits" giving innovators guidance on how to protect intellectual property in specific countries such as China, Korea and Mexico.
SeIectUSA The United States represents the largest, most dynamic marketplace in the world and is an unparalleled location for business investment, innovation and commercialization of new technologies.
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1007 Exhibit: 592 Patent Reexamination

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1007-4 Exhibit - 592 Patent Reexamination (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of applicant’s invention to modify Krapf and Armstrong’s system to include wherein partially transparent graphics are displayed, as taught by Call, for the advantage of indicating a particular message to the user.
It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of applicant’s invention to modify Krapf and Armstrong's system to include wherein partially transparent graphics are displayed, as taught by Call, for the advantage of indicating a particular message to the user.
It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of applicant’s invention to modify Krapfand Armstrong, and But|er’s system to include wherein partially transparent graphics are displayed, as taught by Call, for the advantage of indicating a particular message to the user.
It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of applicant’s invention to modify Krapf and Armstrong's system to include wherein moving images are displayed, as taught by Alonso, for the advantage of allowing the subscriber to dynamically interact with it.
It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of applicant’s invention to modify Krapfand Armstrong, and But|er’s system to include wherein moving images are displayed, as taught by Alonso, for the advantage of allowing the subscriber to dynamically interact with it.
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1007 Exhibit: 592 Patent Reexamination

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1007-5 Exhibit - 592 Patent Reexamination (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
It will provide access to telecommunications networks, databases, and information services over long distances, as well as facilitate the instantaneous exchanging of governmental, business, research, institutional, medical, and personal data, and teleconferencing and sharing of documents and infor- mation among organizations, workgroups, and individuals spread out over wide areas.
Typically, a link is created between a word, phrase, icon, image, or other object appearing in the display to another text file (hypertext) or to another program or media function (hypermedia) to deepen the user’s engagement in the system.
It is projected that a primary scenario for delivery of video—on—demand (VOD) in the future will be through an ollice workstation or an interactive television set at home connected via cable, fiber, or other high—bandwidtl1 link to network servers of a media services company for a local area.
For simplicity and ease of use, the television and set-top box should be controlled by a simple remote device which will include a light-beam pointer for pointing to menu choices, icons, windows, photographs, and other objects of interest appear- ing on the screen.
To support the above described architecture, the networking part of the system needs to be very efficient, avoiding quality degradation at the client side due to latency or packet loss that occur in the Internet.
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1009 Exhibit: Supplemental Obj and Answers to Hulus 1st set of ROGS

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1009 Exhibit - Supplemental Obj and Answers to Hulus 1st set of ROGS (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
Plaintiff objects to the Interrogatories to the extent that they purport to require the production of information that is neither relevant to the subject matter of this action nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.
Consistent with its obligations under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff will conduct a reasonable, good faith search for responsive materials.
Plaintiff objects to the Interrogatories to the extent they are premature and improperly seek discovery of legal positions or expert opinions within the scope of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(a)(2)(B).
all rights to object on any ground to the use of any of the information or documents that may be produced in response to these Interrogatories, or the subject matter thereof, in any subsequent proceedings, including the trial of this or any other action; and
Hulu, Exh. 1009, p.5 function) and for each element that you contend is present in each Accused Product under the doctrine of equivalents, a detailed explanation supporting your contention.
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1007 Exhibit: 592 Patent Reexamination

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1007-11 Exhibit - 592 Patent Reexamination (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
The ASP then asserts: The pausing at the video stream is accnmpiished thrnugh the use of ‘VCR’ iik€ commands which is: net to say the user needs to interact with ‘PLAY’, ‘STOP’ 0r ‘REWEND’ buttonsa, instead Vvistendahi teaches the EDM program uses VCR hike cnmmanda.
§ 1.903, the undersigned, on behalf of the Third Party Requester, hereby certifies that a copy of the following document: Change of Correspondence Address (1 page); was served on the Patent Owner via first class mail on the date indicated below.
The Patent Owner’s construction is inapposite — as the Examiner and Dr. Bove agree, the interaction with the link causes both (i) the interruption of streaming and (ii) delivering and displaying the ancillary content, and those two results need not occur in any particular order.
Thus, for example, although Wistendahl states that it may be desirable to pause the playback of the main video to allow a user to follow a hyperlink from a hot spot, the Patent Owner unreasonably concludes that the disclosure only la-1222487 Hulu, Exh. 1007, p.1519
As held by the Federal Circuit in Perfect Web Technologies, Inc. v. Infousa, Inc., an analysis of obviousness “may include recourse to logic, judgment, and common sense available to the person of ordinary skill that do not la-1222487 Hulu, Exh. 1007, p.1521
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1007 Exhibit: 592 Patent Reexamination

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1007-7 Exhibit - 592 Patent Reexamination (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
I am President of Gareth, Incorporated, providing consulting services to high technology companies internationally in the fields of computer science, software development and analysis,_and digital audio signal processing.
As discussed above with respect to independent claim 1, Wistendahl merely indicates that “it may be desirable to stop, pause, rewind, or otherwise control the playback with familiar VCR- like controls.” (vvistendahl at col. 16, line 67 to col.
From: To: Organization: Title: Summary: 1988 1 993 Frox, Inc., Milpitas, CA Digital Audio_ Systems Architect and Project Lead '' Member of VLSI design team that developed a custom stream-oriented move engine that linked an array of up to 16 Motorola 56000’s, operating synchronously at the instruction and sample level.
Features included subsampling, 24x24 AES- EBU serial link I/O, and both asynchronous parameter update and synchronous data movement to/from a host computer Debugged brass-board and ASIC implementation of move-engine with architects.
Reviewed thousands of digital camera technical drawings, schematics, block diagrams, parts lists, service manuals, engineering product specifications, technical manuals, industry standards, and user guides for specific analog and digital technologies such as CCDs, SDRAM, video DSPs, microprocessors, embedded software APIs, and other camera technologies at issue, wrote reports.
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1007 Exhibit: 592 Patent Reexamination

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1007-8 Exhibit - 592 Patent Reexamination (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
From: To: Organization: Title: Summary: 1988 1993 Frox, Inc., Milpitas, CA Digital Audio Systems Architect and Project Lead Member of VLSI design team that developed a custom stream-oriented move engine that linked an array of up to 16 Motorola 56000’s, operating synchronously at the instruction and sample level.
Features included subsampling, 24x24 ABS- EBU serial link I/O, and both asynchronous parameter update and synchronous data movement to/from a host computer Debugged brass—board and ASIC implementation of move-engine with architects.
Analysis was performed without benefit of source code: use of Internet packet sniffing and reverse engineering of downloaded databases established infringement sufficient to obtain favorable settlement.
Ezlgzzgcli-1 cm 7 Type of Matter: Law Firm: Case Name: Services Provided: Disposition: Date: management in the form of stack traces, documented significance of breakpoints to infringement arguments Settled.
2007 “Information Theory and Expectation in Music.” Lecture presented to the NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program (IGERT) seminar series at UCSB, November 30th, 2007, facilitated by Stephen Travis Pope and Curtis Roads.
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1005 Exhibit: US 7139813

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1005 Exhibit - US 7139813 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
Description of the Related Art Hypertext systems, such as the World Wide Web (WWW), contain objects, i.e. electronic documents, Which are cre atively linked to each other.
A more detailed description of the RTP is found in H. SchulZrinne, S. Casner, R. Fredrick, and V. Jaconson, “RTP: a transport protocol for real-time applications,” Request for Comments (Proposed Standard) 1889, Internet Engineering Task Force, January 1996, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.
Alternatively, the showing of the limited area in the picture frames and the focussing as speci?ed by the URL may be performed by the browser itself, provided that the video coding of the stream from the content server has suf?cient precision.
The switchover preparation schedules are not necessarily ?xed and can be adapted to speci?c environments by retum ing feedback information from the browsers to the content server pointed to by the selected link.
In yet a further embodiment, a switchover application may be downloaded to the browser 100, CPS 300, or service control means 500 either prior to the transmission of the link stream and actual content or at a given time displacement from the start of the video.
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1010 Exhibit: Hartanto SIrisena

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1010 Exhibit - Hartanto SIrisena (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
Considering the limited bandwidth of the wireless link, it is important that the error control mechanism be spectrally efficient.
The ARQ will send a negative acknowledgement (NAK) to request retransmission only if the packets are likely to be received before they are required for the frame playout.
As a specific implementation example of this adaptive, priority-aware hybrid error control architecture, we consider the use of hierarchical video coding in MPEG-2.
To cater for the jitter in the link, we define playout control time as the duration between the arrival instant and playback point of the first frame.
Hybrid Priority Adaptive 0.1 0.3 0.2 Round trip time (ms) 0.4 0.5 Frame loss rate 10−1 l ARQ degrades the most with increasing RTT.
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1007 Exhibit: 592 Patent Reexamination

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1007-9 Exhibit - 592 Patent Reexamination (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)
I am President of Gareth, Incorporated, providing consulting services to high technology companies internationally in the fields of computer science, software development and anaIysis,_and digital audio signal processing.
From: To: Organization: Title: Summary: 1988 1 993 Frox, Inc., Milpitas, CA Digital Audio Systems Architect and Project Lead I Member of VLSI design team that developed a custom stream-oriented move engine that linked an array of up to l6 Motorola 56000’s, operating synchronously at the instruction and sample level.
Type of Matter: Law Firm: Case Name: Services Provided: Disposition: Date: management in the form of stack traces, documented significance of breakpoints to infringement arguments Settled.
Client: Pixim, Inc. Services Provided: Created Developer's Guide documenting features, architecture, theory of operation, hardware, software and firmware for advanced wide dynamic range video camera sensor technology Cr)/mu/.
2007 “Information Theory and Expectation in Music.” Lecture presented to the NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program (IGERT) seminar series at UCSB, November 30th, 2007, facilitated by Stephen Travis Pope and Curtis Roads.
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1004 Exhibit: US 6496981

Document CBM2014-00052, No. 1004 Exhibit - US 6496981 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20, 2013)

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