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Displaying 84-98 of 210 results

1021 Exhibit: Ex 1021 2013 12 12 Decision Vacating Inter Partes Reexamination

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1021-20 Exhibit - Ex 1021 2013 12 12 Decision Vacating Inter Partes Reexamination (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1043 Exhibit: Ex 1043 Audio Streaming

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1043-42 Exhibit - Ex 1043 Audio Streaming (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1015 Exhibit: Ex 1015 Declaration Decasper

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1015-14 Exhibit - Ex 1015 Declaration Decasper (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1031 Exhibit: Ex 1031 rfc2068

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1031-30 Exhibit - Ex 1031 rfc2068 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1039 Exhibit: Ex 1039 rfc1827

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1039-38 Exhibit - Ex 1039 rfc1827 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1006 Exhibit: Ex 1006 US9591104

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1006-6 Exhibit - Ex 1006 US9591104 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1040 Exhibit: Ex 1040 SSL 30 1996

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1040-39 Exhibit - Ex 1040 SSL 30 1996 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1046 Exhibit: Ex 1046 Network Firewalls

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1046-45 Exhibit - Ex 1046 Network Firewalls (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1012 Exhibit: Ex 1012 Smith The AltaVista firewall 1997

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1012-11 Exhibit - Ex 1012 Smith The AltaVista firewall 1997 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1049 Exhibit: Ex 1049 rfc879

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1049-48 Exhibit - Ex 1049 rfc879 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1047 Exhibit: Ex 1047 rfc791

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1047-46 Exhibit - Ex 1047 rfc791 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1014 Exhibit: Ex 1014 Decasper Router plugins 1998 10

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1014-13 Exhibit - Ex 1014 Decasper Router plugins 1998 10 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1034 Exhibit: Ex 1034 Awards and Recognition Check Point Software

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1034-33 Exhibit - Ex 1034 Awards and Recognition Check Point Software (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1050 Exhibit: Ex 1050 rfc1919

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1050-49 Exhibit - Ex 1050 rfc1919 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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1042 Exhibit: Ex 1042 Complaint NDCA 3 10 cv 04234 1

Document IPR2020-00585, No. 1042-41 Exhibit - Ex 1042 Complaint NDCA 3 10 cv 04234 1 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 13, 2020)

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