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Displaying 84-98 of 204 results

2001 Exhibit: Declaration of Philip J Graves in Support of Unopposed Motion to App...

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 2001-40 Exhibit - Declaration of Philip J Graves in Support of Unopposed Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice on Behalf of Patent Owner Smart Mobile Technologies LLC (P.T.A.B...

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2002 Exhibit: Declaration of Greer N Shaw in Support of Unopposed Motion to Appe...

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 2002-41 Exhibit - Declaration of Greer N Shaw in Support of Unopposed Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice on Behalf of Patent Owner Smart Mobile Technologies LLC (P.T.A.B....

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1010 Exhibit: Ex1010 US6097380 Crites

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1010-9 Exhibit - Ex1010 US6097380 Crites (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1030 Exhibit: Ex1030 US5565843 Meyvis

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1030-29 Exhibit - Ex1030 US5565843 Meyvis (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1032 Exhibit: Ex1032 621 cv 603 Dkt 30 Scheduling Order

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1032-31 Exhibit - Ex1032 621 cv 603 Dkt 30 Scheduling Order (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1027 Exhibit: Ex1027 US5764639 Staples

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1027-26 Exhibit - Ex1027 US5764639 Staples (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1031 Exhibit: Ex1031 US5729549 Kostreski

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1031-30 Exhibit - Ex1031 US5729549 Kostreski (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1002 Exhibit: Ex1002 13615365 501 FH

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1002-2 Exhibit - Ex1002 13615365 501 FH (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1005 Exhibit: Ex1005 US5949775 Rautiola

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1005-4 Exhibit - Ex1005 US5949775 Rautiola (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1013 Exhibit: Ex1013 US5842037 Haartsen

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1013-12 Exhibit - Ex1013 US5842037 Haartsen (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1017 Exhibit: Ex1017 US5953507 Cheung

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1017-16 Exhibit - Ex1017 US5953507 Cheung (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1006 Exhibit: Ex1006 US5689708 Regnier

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1006-5 Exhibit - Ex1006 US5689708 Regnier (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1035 Exhibit: Ex1035 US5654747 Ottesen

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1035-34 Exhibit - Ex1035 US5654747 Ottesen (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1020 Exhibit: Ex1020 US5774247 Taglione

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1020-19 Exhibit - Ex1020 US5774247 Taglione (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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1009 Exhibit: Ex1009 US5802467 Salazar

Document IPR2022-00808, No. 1009-8 Exhibit - Ex1009 US5802467 Salazar (P.T.A.B. Apr. 6, 2022)

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