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Displaying 84-98 of 136 results

1006 Exhibit: Declaration of Juan C Lasheras, PhD DNA Genotek v Spectrum DNA,...

Document IPR2016-01152, No. 1006 Exhibit - Declaration of Juan C Lasheras, PhD DNA Genotek v Spectrum DNA, et al, Case No 15 cv 00661 SLR (P.T.A.B. Jun. 3, 2016)

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1018 Exhibit: US provisional application no 60523,104, filed Novem ber 19, 2003 by...

Document IPR2016-01152, No. 1018 Exhibit - US provisional application no 60523,104, filed Novem ber 19, 2003 by ODonovan (P.T.A.B. Jun. 3, 2016)

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1022 Exhibit: Proof of Service, case 115 cv 00355 SLR, USDC D Del Dkt 5

Document IPR2016-01152, No. 1022-2 Exhibit - Proof of Service, case 115 cv 00355 SLR, USDC D Del Dkt 5 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 3, 2016)

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1010 Exhibit: PCT Patent Publication WO9803265 Japanese

Document IPR2016-01152, No. 1010 Exhibit - PCT Patent Publication WO9803265 Japanese (P.T.A.B. Jun. 3, 2016)

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2002 Exhibit: Exhibit 2002

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 2002 Exhibit - Exhibit 2002 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 3, 2016)

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2001 Exhibit: Exhibit 2001

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 2001 Exhibit - Exhibit 2001 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 3, 2016)

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1020 Exhibit: Declaration of Michael J Sacksteder in Support of Motion for Pro Hac ...

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 1020 Exhibit - Declaration of Michael J Sacksteder in Support of Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission (P.T.A.B. Feb. 2, 2016)

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1021 Exhibit: Declaration of Melanie L Mayer in Support of Motion for Pro Hac Vice ...

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 1021 Exhibit - Declaration of Melanie L Mayer in Support of Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission (P.T.A.B. Feb. 2, 2016)

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1011 Exhibit: Expunged

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 1011-3 Exhibit - Expunged (P.T.A.B. Dec. 15, 2015)

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Document IPR2016-00060, No. 1011-4 Exhibit - SUBSTITUTE ANCESTRY EX 1011 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 15, 2015)

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1011 Exhibit: Expunged

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 1011-2 Exhibit - Expunged (P.T.A.B. Dec. 15, 2015)

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1008 Exhibit: PCT Patent Publication WO 2003104251 to DNA Genotek, Inc ex US ...

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 1008 Exhibit - PCT Patent Publication WO 2003104251 to DNA Genotek, Inc ex US designations and Birnboim US designation (P.T.A.B. Oct. 20, 2015)

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1017 Exhibit: Declaration of Terry Layton PhD in Support of Defendants Opposition...

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 1017 Exhibit - Declaration of Terry Layton PhD in Support of Defendants Opposition to DNA Genoteks Motion for Preliminary Injunction (P.T.A.B. Oct. 20, 2015)

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1007 Exhibit: US Patent No 7,645,424 to ODonovan

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 1007 Exhibit - US Patent No 7,645,424 to ODonovan (P.T.A.B. Oct. 20, 2015)

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1010 Exhibit: PCT Patent Publication WO9803265 Japanese

Document IPR2016-00060, No. 1010 Exhibit - PCT Patent Publication WO9803265 Japanese (P.T.A.B. Oct. 20, 2015)

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