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Displaying 84-92 of 92 results

1015 Exhibit: McManamon, Optical Phased Array Technology

Document IPR2014-00462, No. 1015 Exhibit - McManamon, Optical Phased Array Technology (P.T.A.B. Feb. 26, 2014)
Application of a relatively low voltage, on the order of l—lO V, reorients the liquid crystal molecules and changes the effective index of refraction as seen by light polarized along the direction of quiescent molecular orientation.
Actual devices can show somewhat higher efficiencies at small angles due to roundoff of the quantized stair-step edges as a result of finite spatial response of the liquid crystals as described below.
For a basis of comparison, consider a megapixel active matrix display, which probably represents the current state of the art for leadout quantity and is realized only by using highly multiplexed addressing schemes.
Further advantages of liquid crystals include a very low power density required for addressing, typically a few pW/cm2 for displays of similar construction [34], and the ability to fabricate phase shifters lithographically to dimensions of the order of a wavelength.
The dotted line directly above the profile envelopes represents the theoretical steering efficiency fall off due to the quantization of the desired linear phase ramp by a digitized stepwise approximation [23] as expressed in (2).
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1006 Exhibit: Parker Thesis

Document IPR2014-00462, No. 1006 Exhibit - Parker Thesis (P.T.A.B. Feb. 26, 2014)
Keywords: Ferroelectric liquid crystal (FLC), spatial light modulator (SLM), WDM, computer generated hologram (CGll), digital holographic wavelength filter, phase modulation, tunable laser, EDFA gain equalisation Acknowled gements I would foremost like to thank my supervisor Robert Mears who has been the main source of inspiration and motivation behind my Ph.D. His advice, suggestions, help, open-mindedness and light-handed approach to my work, has given me the freedom to explore, experiment and discover, so ensuring that my Ph.D. was the enjoyable, fulfilling and stimulating op portunity for research in a first-class environment, which was everything I had hoped for.
Many thanks to my friends in Cambridge who have made the past four years so enjoy able, exciting, stressful and fun, and who have left me with so many memories, notably Brendan, Kent, Barry, Ian, Freddy and Rachel, Charlanne, as well as Irene, Eileen, Fiona and Geeta at Addenbrookes!
The advent of the Information Superhighway mostly in the form of the World Wide Web and the Internet has even occurred during the relatively short period of this Ph.D. Digitalisation, a global fibre-optical network incorporating all optical amplifiers, ever faster and more powerful personal computers have underpinned this trans formation in the way we live.
However, dynamic holographic interconnec tion usiug a ferroelectric liquid crystal (FLC) spatial light modulator (SLM) to act as a reconfigurable CGH was subsequently suggested[95] and successfully demonstrated by vari ous groups[96]{97]{98][99].
During the course of this Ph.D., a holographic wavelength filter has been developed and used to perform WDM demultiplexing[101][102], to act as the tuning element of a tunable erbium-doped fibre laser[102] and to demonstrate active gain equali sation and channel management.
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1001 Exhibit: US Patent No 8,089,683

Document IPR2014-00462, No. 1001 Exhibit - US Patent No 8,089,683 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 26, 2014)
The aberrated propagating waves may diffract into intensity fluctuations creating significant unwanted coupling of light into other output optical fibres, leading to levels of crosstalk that impede operation.
In some embodiments, some or all on-chip circuitry may operate in parallel for each pixel which may provide huge time advantages; in any event the avoid ance of the need to transfer data off chip and thereafter to read in to a computer allows configuration and reconfiguration to be faster.
In yet another embodiment of this class, misalignment and focus errors are detected by measuring the power coupled into 45 strategically placed sensing devices, such as photodiode arrays, monitor fibres or a wavefront sensor.
Many of the embodiments of the invention centre upon the realisation that the problems of the prior art can be solved by 20 The first component experiences the selected phase change using a reflective SLM having a two-dimensional array of on the inward pass of the beam towards the aluminium layer 230, which acts as a mirror.
The additional input 16 causes the processing circuitry 11 to modify the holograms displayed by applying a discrete approximation of a non-linear phase modulation so that the SLM 10 synthesises a corrective optical element such as a lens or an aberration corrector.
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1010 Exhibit: Tomlinson, LEOS 1995

Document IPR2014-00462, No. 1010 Exhibit - Tomlinson, LEOS 1995 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 26, 2014)
With some switch and multiplexer technologies, it is necessary to use dilated architectures, which increase the complexity of the cross-connect, in order to meet system In requirements for crosstalk rejection.
In simple point-to-point multiwavelength systems, wavelength- selective components with a crosstalk rejection of -15 dB are sufficient (provided that all the signals have similar intensities).
Multiplexers using multilayer dielectric filters generally provide the largest useable bandwidths, but it is difficult to achieve channel spacings of <2 nm with this technology.
Semiconductor switch elements, with switchable optical amplifiers, may be able to provide sufficient crosstalk rejection, but the technology needs further development to establish its capabilities.
A recently-described technology, using liquid- crystal switch elements, appears to provide the required crosstalk rejection, but in a bulk- op tic s configuration.
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1014 Exhibit: Chambers Dictionary

Document IPR2014-00462, No. 1014 Exhibit - Chambers Dictionary (P.T.A.B. Feb. 26, 2014)
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holders.
Used to describe an assembly of two or more individual radiating elements, appropriately spaced and energized to achieve desired directional properties.
Crushing so conducted that the rock falling through the machine is free to drop 'clear of the zone of comminution when broken smaller than the exit orifice or set.
A small strip of wood of triangular cross-section packed beneath the lower courses of slates or tiles on a roof to throw off the water which might otherwise get under the flashing.
Light steel wire pin, bent into ring at one end and perhaps flagged with piece of bright cloth, used to mark measured lengths in chain traversing.
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1005 Exhibit: Warr Thesis

Document IPR2014-00462, No. 1005 Exhibit - Warr Thesis (P.T.A.B. Feb. 26, 2014)
Attention is drawn to the fact that the copyright of this dissertation rests with its author.
This copy of the dissertation has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with its author.
In accordance with the Law of Copyright no information derived from the dissertation or quotation from it may be published without full acknowledgement of the source being made nor any substantial extract from the dissertation published without the author's written consent. '
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1012 Exhibit: Crossland Biography

Document IPR2014-00462, No. 1012 Exhibit - Crossland Biography (P.T.A.B. Feb. 26, 2014)
Emeritus Professor Bill Crossland Bill Crossland held the position of Group Leader of the Photonics & Sensors Group in the Cambridge University Engineering Department from 1992, when he was appointed Northern Telecorn Professor of retirement at the end of until his Photonics, September 2009.
He is also Guest Professor at Southeast University, Nanjing, PR China.
Research includes: Display displays technology and liquid crystal Plastic liquid crystal devices Tuneable dielectrics crystal liquid high frequency Real-time holographic devices for displays and telecommunications systems Riquid crystal-carbon nanotubes colloids Applications include: Holographic display technology Phase-only holography using LCOS devices liquid crystal displays using Large panel frame sequential colour techniques Reflective colour displays for e-book and e poster applications Tuneable antennae structures for radio and
2/25/2014 P & S Group - Prof. Bill Crossland microwave devices using modules Telecommunications programmable phase gratings and holograms Bill Crossland has been responsible for more than 50 patents and patent applications in the field of liquid crystal devices.
He is generally regarded as the founding father of liquid crystal over silicon (LCOS) technologies.
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1007 Exhibit: Letter from Louise Clarke

Document IPR2014-00462, No. 1007 Exhibit - Letter from Louise Clarke (P.T.A.B. Feb. 26, 2014)

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1002 Exhibit: File History of US Patent No 8,089,683

Document IPR2014-00462, No. 1002 Exhibit - File History of US Patent No 8,089,683 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 26, 2014)
The aberrated propagating waves may diffract into intensity fluctuations creating significant unwanted coupling of light into other output optical fibres, leading to levels of crosstalk that impede operation.
In some embodiments, some or all on-chip circuitry may operate in parallel for each pixel which may provide huge time advantages; in any event the avoidance of the need to transfer data off chip and thereafter to read in to a computer allows configuration and reconfiguration to be faster.
3274.1003-003 [0100] In yet another embodiment of this class, misalignment and focus errors are detected by measuring the power coupled into strategically placed sensing devices, such as photodiode arrays, monitor fibres or a wavefront sensor.
[0177] The additional input 16 causes the processing circuitry 11 to modify the holograms displayed by applying a discrete approximation of a non-linear phase modulation so that the SLM 10 synthesises a corrective optical element such as a lens or an aberration corrector.
[0245] Similar pseudo-amplitude modulation techniques may be extended to suppress the crosstalk created by clipping of the beam tails at the edges of each hologram and to tailor the coupling efficiency vs. transverse offset characteristic of the output fibres.
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