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Displaying 84-98 of 108 results

1001 Exhibit: Exhibit 1001

Document IPR2020-00117, No. 1001 Exhibit - Exhibit 1001 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 31, 2019)

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1006 Exhibit: Exhibit 1006

Document IPR2020-00117, No. 1006 Exhibit - Exhibit 1006 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 31, 2019)

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1008 Exhibit: Declaration of Dr Michael Foley

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1008-12 Exhibit - Declaration of Dr Michael Foley (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1012 Exhibit: Internet Archive Capture of httpwwwbluetoothcom80news archivearc...

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1012-10 Exhibit - Internet Archive Capture of httpwwwbluetoothcom80news archivearchiveasp from March 4, 2000 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1006 Exhibit: Declaration of Dr Jon Weissman

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1006-13 Exhibit - Declaration of Dr Jon Weissman (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1003 Exhibit: US Patent No 5,887,063 to Varadharajan et al

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1003-3 Exhibit - US Patent No 5,887,063 to Varadharajan et al (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1002 Exhibit: Prosecution History of US Patent No 7,136,999

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1002-14 Exhibit - Prosecution History of US Patent No 7,136,999 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1007 Exhibit: Curriculum Vitae of Dr Jon Weissman

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1007-6 Exhibit - Curriculum Vitae of Dr Jon Weissman (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1004 Exhibit: Specification of the Bluetooth System, Wireless Connections Made E...

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1004-4 Exhibit - Specification of the Bluetooth System, Wireless Connections Made Easy, Core, Volume 1, Version 10B, December 1, 1999 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1011 Exhibit: Internet Archive Capture of httpwwwbluetoothcom80developer specif...

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1011-9 Exhibit - Internet Archive Capture of httpwwwbluetoothcom80developer specificationorderasp from March 1, 2000 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

cite Cite Document

1010 Exhibit: Internet Archive Capture of httpwwwbluetoothcom80developer specif...

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1010-8 Exhibit - Internet Archive Capture of httpwwwbluetoothcom80developer specificationcoreasp from March 1, 2000 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

cite Cite Document

1005 Exhibit: US Patent No 6,772,331 to Hind et al

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1005-5 Exhibit - US Patent No 6,772,331 to Hind et al (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1009 Exhibit: Internet Archive Capture of httpwwwbluetoothcom80developer specif...

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1009-7 Exhibit - Internet Archive Capture of httpwwwbluetoothcom80developer specificationspecificationasp from March 1, 2000 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1007 Exhibit: Curriculum Vitae of Dr Jon Weissman

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1007 Exhibit - Curriculum Vitae of Dr Jon Weissman (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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1002 Exhibit: Prosecution History of US Patent No 7,136,999

Document IPR2019-01337, No. 1002 Exhibit - Prosecution History of US Patent No 7,136,999 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 16, 2019)

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