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Displaying 84-98 of 166 results

1025 Exhibit: “Rotor,” Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, K Dictionaries Ltd 2010, available at httpswwwthefreedictionarycomrotor

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1025-23 Exhibit - “Rotor,” Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, K Dictionaries Ltd 2010, available at httpswwwthefreedictionarycomrotor (P.T.A.B. Feb. 1...
(Aeronautics) a device having blades radiating from a central hub that is rotated to produce thrust to lift and propel a helicopter 3.
(Physical Geography) a violent rolling wave of air occurring in the lee of a mountain or hill, in which the air rotates about a horizontal axis [C20: shortened form of rotator] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ro•tor (ˈroʊ tər)
2. a system of rotating airfoils, as the horizontal ones of a helicopter or of the compressor of a jet engine.
Copyright © 2003-2022 Farlex, Inc Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is
This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.
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1019 Exhibit: Funderburk US Publication No 20040133164

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1019-17 Exhibit - Funderburk US Publication No 20040133164 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
(76) Inventors: Jeffery V. Funderburk, Fremont, CA (US); Duane O. Yamasaki, El Cerrito, CA (US); Brian Van Hiel, Marietta, GA (US); Stephen J. Flynn, Peachtree City, GA (US); Bradley D. Kelemen, Longmont, CO (US) Correspondence Address: PARSONS HSUE & DE RUNTZ, LLP
The carrier 204 drives the sensor 42 and, optionally, the intro ducer 120 into the skin of the patient using, for example, a cocked or wound Spring, a burst of compressed gas, an electromagnet repelled by a Second magnet, or the like, within the insertion gun 200.
In one embodiment, two or more components of the housing 45, for example, the base 74 and the cover 76, fit together tightly to form a hermetic, waterproof, or water resistant Seal So that fluids can not flow into the interior of the on-skin sensor control unit 44.
This may be useful to avoid corrosion currents and/or degradation of items within the on-skin Sensor control unit 44, Such as the conductive contacts, the battery, or the electronic components, particularly when the patient engages in Such activities as showering, bathing, or Swimming.
When in the normal outward position, shoulders 402 on the outer Sur faces of tabs 322 engage the rim 404 of opening 376 to prevent the actuator button 324 from being depressed, thereby avoiding accidental firing of inserter 310.
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1013 Exhibit: Scheduling Order Scheduling Order in Abbott Diabetes Care Inc, et al v Dexcom, Inc, 121 cv 00977 D Del, dated December 2, 2021

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1013-11 Exhibit - Scheduling Order Scheduling Order in Abbott Diabetes Care Inc, et al v Dexcom, Inc, 121 cv 00977 D Del, dated December 2, 2021 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022...
and planning conference pursuant to Local Rule 16.1, and the parties having determined after discussion that the matter cannot be resolved at this juncture by settlement, voluntary mediation, or binding arbitration; IT rs ORDERED that:
1 The parties agree that good cause is presumed (rebuttable) when an expert's report addresses more than three unrelated patents on subjects of infringement, noninfringement, validity, or invalidity.
No later than seven (7) days before the Status Conference of Paragraph 8, counsel shall submit a letter to the Court with an interim report on the nature of the matters in issue and the progress of discovery to date.
That submission shall be accompanied by a computer diskette or thumb drive (in WordPerfect or Word format) which contains the instructions, proposed voir dire, special verdict forms, and jury interrogatories.
For the purpose of completing pretrial preparations, counsel should plan on each side being allocated a total of~ hours to present their case.
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1027 Exhibit: Merriam Webster The Merriam Webster Dictionary, Merriam Webster, Incorporated 2005

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1027-28 Exhibit - Merriam Webster The Merriam Webster Dictionary, Merriam Webster, Incorporated 2005 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
of something memo- re-born \-'born\ adj : born-again : accept as true or authoritative 6 : to be the subject of rized 3: a classroom exercise in which pupils answer wee gain : REGENERATED, Re aNDERGO, EXPERIENCE <~ a shock) 7 : to changein- questions on a lesson they have studied coming radio waves into soundsorpictures 're-bound \é-'baund, ‘ré-batnd\ vb 1: to spri re-cite \ri-'sit\ vb re-cit-ed; re-cit-ing 1: to repeat verba- wceiveet \ri-'sé-var\ nm 1: one that receives 2: a person on oras if on impact with another body 2 ane back tim (as something memorized) 2: to recount in some de- ‘gall appointed to receive and have charge of property 2 ee a setbackorfrustration * 10 recover tail: RELATE 3: to reply to a teacher’s questions on a or money involved in-a lawsuit 3: a device for convert- lesson — re-cit-er 7 re-bound\'ré-,baund\ n 1: the action ‘ of rebound; +9 electromagnetic wavesor signals into audio or visual : a rebounding ball 3: ar Nnding reck-less \'re-klos\ adj : lacking caution ad eaction to setback or frustra.
to recede 2: pro- re-call \ri-"kdl, 'ré-,kol\ 2 1: a summons to return 2 draw back : RETREAT 2: to spring backto oras if toa ducing or being a bodily characteristic that is masked or : the procedure of removing an official by popular vote starting point ¢ Synonyms SHRINK, FLINCH, WINCE, not expressed when:acontrasting dominant gene-ortrait
1: inversely related 2 than onespecies of organism i to experience again <~ happytimes) i MUTUAL, SHARED 3: serving to reciprocate 4: mutu- re-cast \()ré-'kast\ vb 1: to cast again 2: REVISE, RE- re-com-bi-na-tion \,ré-,kam-ba-'na-shon\ n : the forma- are ly Corresponding — re-cip-ro-calely adv MODEL <~ a sentence) tion of new combinations of genes ciprocaln 1 : something in a reciprocalrelationship to recd_abbr received rec-om-mend\,re-ka-'mend\ vb 1: to present as deserv- another 2 : one of a pair of numbers (as % and 34) whose Productis one re-cede \ri-'séd\ vb re.ced-ed; re-ced-ing 1 ing of acceptanceortrial 2: to give in charge : COMMIT icts iful of eal ac-
ing : SHOVE 3: vigorous enterprise : ENERGY INAor RNA mstituents of to fasten glass in sashes 2 : one whois easily manipu- push-button adj 1: operated or done by means of push irism \pyur-i-zom\ n : rigid adherenceto orinsistence lated — putty vb buttons 2: using or dependent on complex and more or n purity or nicety esp.
by closing an electric circuit 7th century Protestant group in England and New En- the night) 5: BUILD 6: to engage in 7 : CONTRIBUTE, PAY — put up with : TOLERATE 2 hurch of England 2 : one whopractices: or preaches a Push-er\'pii-shar\ ” : one that pushes; esp : one that push- Ipuz-zie \"po-zal\ vb puz-zled; puz-zling 1 : to bewilder ricter or professedly purer moral code than that which es illegal drugs mentally : PERPLEX 2: to solve with difficulty or .inge- revails — pu-ri-tan-i-cal \,pyiir-o-'ta-ni-kal\ adj — pu- Push-over\-,6-var\ 2 1 : something easily accomplished nuity <~ out ariddle>) 3:to be in a quandary <~ over -tan.i-cal-ly ady what to do> 4: to attempt a solution of a puzzle <~ 2: an opponent easy to defeat 3: SUCKER sriety \pyur-o-té\ n : the quality or state of being pure push-up\-,ap\ 7 : a conditioning exercise performed in a over a person's words> ¢ Synonyms MYSTIFY, BEWIL- rl \'parl\ 7 : a stitch in knitting Prone position by raising and lowering the body with the DER, NONPLUS, CONFOUND — puz-zle-ment n — puz- rl vb : to knit in purl stitch zler n 5; Straightening and bending of the arms while keeping the
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1008 Exhibit: Yodfat US Publication No 20080319414

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1008-6 Exhibit - Yodfat US Publication No 20080319414 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
In addition, the cannula has only a single length size and penetrates the skin only at a certain angle; the patient cannot adjust these param eters based on various insertion sites and other clinical requirements.
In some embodiments, the present invention relates to a device and a method for automatic insertion of a sensor, which can be suitable for continuous analyte (e.g., glucose) monitoring and which can be adhered to a patient's skin.
For a better understanding of the present invention, including the various objects and advantages thereof, refer ence is made to the following description, which is to be taken in conjunction with the accompanying illustrative drawings.
The anchoring means (302), (304) can be latches, snap-fit mechanisms, VELCROR) devices, etc. As can be understood by one skilled in the art, the examples shown in FIGS. 8a-b are provided here for illustrative, non-limiting purposes only and the present invention can be used with any types of inserters into which the cannula cartridge unit (700) can be loaded.
Alternatively, the inserter (90) can include a mechanism that releases the latch (304) from the correspond ing notch (904), either automatically after the penetrating member has been retracted back into the protector, or upon manual actuation by the user/patient.
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1015 Exhibit: Stafford US Publication No 20070027381

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1015-13 Exhibit - Stafford US Publication No 20070027381 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
In such embodiments, the insertion mechanism 102 may be easily and readily rotated by the movement of a user's thumb or any other finger along the opening portion of the cavity 105 as shown.
In one embodiment, as discussed above, the insertion mechanism 102 may be spring loaded so as to provide the force needed to trigger the introducer 103 to be deployed through a surface such as a patient's skin.
Referring to the Figure, it can be seen that upon the deployment of the introducer 103 and correspondingly the sensor 104, the insertion mechanism 102 is configured to be displaced within the cavity 105 of the housing to return to the initial pre-deployment position.
[0041] Referring back to FIGS. 8-11, the coil spring insertion mechanism 800 in one embodiment of the present invention may be provided to the patient in fully assembled configuration with the sensor 104 and skin attachment or adhesive (not shown).
More specifi cally, when the lever 803 is pushed back, the torsion spring 801 triggers the introducer 802 to be driven downward into the skin of the patient.
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1026 Exhibit: “Rotate,” Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, K Dictionaries Ltd 2010, available at httpswwwthefreedictionarycomrotate

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1026-24 Exhibit - “Rotate,” Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, K Dictionaries Ltd 2010, available at httpswwwthefreedictionarycomrotate (P.T.A.B. Feb...
(of staff) to replace or be replaced in turn adj (Botany) botany designating a corolla the united petals of which radiate from a central point like the spokes of a wheel roˈtatable adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
[1800–10; < Latin rotātus, past participle of rotāre to cause to spin, move in a circle, derivative of rota wheel; see -ate1] ro′tat•a•ble, adj.
≡ follow in sequence, switch, alternate, interchange, take turns The members of the club can rotate.
Please let us know Remove Ads Copyright © 2003-2022 Farlex, Inc Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.
This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.
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1010 Exhibit: List US Patent No 7,223,276

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1010-8 Exhibit - List US Patent No 7,223,276 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
By comprehen sive Scientific research, it was demonstrated that by means of an intensive therapy with at least four blood analyses per day, a dramatic decrease of the most severe consequences of diabetes mellitus (for example, a retinal pathology with resulting blindness of the patient) can be achieved.
The first sleeve 30 is non-rotatably guided by means of a longitudinal locking catch, with reference to the rotational direction groove (not shown), Such that it can only carry out a R of the drive rotor 24, is designated as the forward translation movement.
In the position P1 (in the case shown, at a puncture depth of 1 mm and an angle of 30°), a protective film covering the lancet receiving recesses 9 at the rear of the revolver head 4 is pierced by means of the front end of the pushrod 18 (FIG. 1).
To this end the shown embodiment comprises a separating disc 68 made, for example, of metal, which lies on a plateau of the drive rotor 24 in Such a manner that the circumferential gap remains.
The blood removal system of claim 16, wherein a maximum displacement of the lancet in the puncturing direction is determined by a lower reversal point of a control curve defined by the recess.
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1020 Exhibit: Hoss US Patent No 7,169,600

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1020-18 Exhibit - Hoss US Patent No 7,169,600 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
(*) Notice: (75) Inventors: Udo Hoss, Sherman Oaks, CA (US); Hans-Joerg Pfleiderer, Ulm (DE); Ralf Gessler, Baienfurt (DE); Hans-Ulrich Zieten, Illerrieden (DE); Rolf Fussgaenger, Blaustein-Weidach (DE) (73) Assignee: Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim
Taking this as a starting point the object of the invention is to avoid the aforementioned disadvantages and in par ticular concentration disturbances in the body fluid and to enable an exact glucose determination with a reduced dialy sis period.
In order to avoid this dead time, it is also conceivable that the duration of the momentary transport interval could be extended when there is a deviation to ensure that the perfusion liquid containing the re-adjusted glucose content can immediately pass into the microdialysis probe 10.
This can be accomplished without additional measurements by the fact that the initial content of the glucose in the perfusate is determined by means of the evaluation unit 22 from the actual adjustable variable i.e. the Switching frequency of the valve 20, optionally by compari son with assigned calibration values.
In order to take into account further influence parameters, the tissue glucose concentration may be calculated as fol lows: Sg c=|s, 1-, ps, - aco too = -- - 1. a. where a and b are empirically determined correction factors compensating for diffusion and mixing and remaining recov ery effects during the transport interval.
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1014 Exhibit: Say US Patent No 6,175,752

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1014-12 Exhibit - Say US Patent No 6,175,752 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
Denisevich, P. et al., “Unidirectional Current Flow and Charge State Trapping at Redox Polymer Interfaces on Bilayer Electrodes: Principles, Experimental Demonstra tion, and Theory,” J. Am. Chem.
Paddock, R. et al., “Electrocatalytic reduction of hydrogen peroxide Via direct electron transfer from pyrolytic graphite electrodes to irreversibly adsorbed cytochrome c peroxi dase,” J. Electroanal.
et al., “The Interference of AScorbate and Urea in Low-Potential Electrochemical Glucose Sensing, Proceed ings of the Twelfth Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 12(2):487–489 (Nov. 1-4, 1990).
In addition, these devices are typically large, bulky, and/or inflexible, and many can not be used effectively outside of a controlled medical facility, Such as a hospital or a doctor's office, unless the patient is restricted in his activities.
Generally, the present invention relates to methods and devices for the continuous and/or automatic in Vivo moni toring of the level of an analyte using a Subcutaneously implantable Sensor.
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1023 Exhibit: Jain et al, Wound Rotor Induction Generator With Sensorless Control and Integrated Active Filter for Feeding Nonlinear Loads in a Stand Alone Grid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 551 January 2008

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1023-21 Exhibit - Jain et al, Wound Rotor Induction Generator With Sensorless Control and Integrated Active Filter for Feeding Nonlinear Loads in a Stand Alone Grid, IEEE ...
Considering the prime mover characteristics, the wound rotor induction machine with field-oriented control is very attractive for high performance variable speed generation application.
Recently, work has been reported which attempted sensorless control of a stand- alone doubly fed generator [9] based on the model reference adaptive system observer scheme.
[8] R. Pena, J. C. Clare, and G. M. Asher, “A doubly fed induction generator using back-to-back PWM converters supplying an isolated load from a variable speed wind turbine,” Proc.
[11] R. Pena, R. Cardenas, J. Proboste, J. Clare, and G. Asher, “A hybrid topology for a variable speed wind-diesel generation system using wound rotor induction machines,” in Proc.
[6] J. M. Carrasco, L. G. Franquelo, J. T. Bialasiewicz, E. Galvan, R. C. Portillo Guisado, M. A. M. Prats, J. I. Leon, and N. Moreno-Alfonso, “Power-electronic systems for the grid integration of renewable energy sources: A survey,” IEEE Trans.
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1006 Exhibit: Safabash US Patent No 7,207,974

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1006-4 Exhibit - Safabash US Patent No 7,207,974 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
(75) Inventors: Jason H. Safabash, Los Angeles, CA (US); Susan M. McConnell, Woodland Hills, CA (US); Randy W. Adair, Valencia, CA (US); Jeffery V. Funderburk, Fremont, CA (US); April A. Marano, Manhattan, CA (US); Jeffrey F. Field, Camarillo, CA (US) (73) Assignee: Medtronic MiniMed, Inc., Northridge,
In operation, the safety lock arms thus prevent projection of the insertion set from the injector, in the event that the trigger member is actuated with the nose end of the barrel spaced from the skin of a patient.
More particularly, as shown best in FIGS. 59, the trigger assembly 34 comprises a main Support cap 60 having a mounting sleeve 62 protruding in a press-fit and preferably adhesively connected manner into the rear or aft end of the injector barrel 28.
from engagement with the shoulder 70 on the support cap 60, the drive spring 36 translates the plunger 30 with the insertion set 14 thereon with a rapid and controlled force and speed toward the advanced position, resulting in transcuta neous placement of the needle 12 and cannula 26, as viewed 5 in FIG. 15.
FIGS. 30–32 show the injector 210 with the plunger head 232 in the advanced position within the front or nose end of the barrel 128 which includes the wide cut outs 140 and the narrow slot 142 for respective slide-fit reception of the base wings 24 and the tubing 22 of the insertion set 14.
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1002 Exhibit: US Patent No10,945,649 File History, Part 2

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1002-26 Exhibit - US Patent No10,945,649 File History, Part 2 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
[0017] Fig. 26 is a perspective view of a delivery device, showing internal structure for distributing adhesive release agents according to an embodiment of the present invention.
[0020] The present invention relates, generally, to delivery devices, systems and methods for delivering infusion media, such as a drug, to a recipient, such as a medical patient.
In the embodiment of Fig. 3, the reservoir 24 (shown in cross-section) comprises a canister, for example, made of a suitable metal, plastic, ceramic, glass, composite material or the like, for containing a fluidic infusion media.
When the arm members 94 are pivoted such that the foot portions 96 are out of engagement with the threaded shaft 90, as shown in Fig. 9, the reservoir 24 may be separated from the motor 44 and removed from the delivery device 12.
The motor 44 may be controlled to operate ( drive fluid from the reservoir) in accordance with delivery program or profile data stored in an electronic storage device 274 connected to or otherwise associated with the processor 271.
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1009 Exhibit: Lai US Publication No 20100145377

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1009-7 Exhibit - Lai US Publication No 20100145377 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
the lancet enters the skin relatively fast, decelerates smoothly and gradually to Zero Velocity at maximum depth of penetra tion and retracts slowly and controllably.
Devices with such lancing mechanism, which relies on impact to define the lancet's penetration depth and to reverse its motion, are often perceived by the user as being noisy and painful.
Details of the configuration of the priming system are further illustrated in FIG.4, which shows an exploded bottom view of the top case of the lancing device according to one embodi ment of the present invention.
This feature allows the pain experienced by the user during lancing process to be reduced to the minimum level and serves as a significant improvement to the competitor's product.
A frame slot 37 is located in the middle of the probe actuator 15 and comprises of two different parts; an outer circular ring 38 for capping over the guide pin 21 of the bottom case 4 and a small protrusion 39 from the damper 35, located inside the circular ring 38 to be inserted to the frame slot 22 of the guide pin 21 of the bottom case 4.
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1012 Exhibit: 632 FH File History of US Patent No 10,292,632

Document IPR2022-00605, No. 1012-10 Exhibit - 632 FH File History of US Patent No 10,292,632 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 15, 2022)
0MB 0651-0032 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
0MB 0651-0032 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
In such embodiments, the user may control the operation of display device 1200 by utilizing a set of pre programmed motion commands, including, but not limited to, single or double tapping the Page 28 of 486
In a further aspect, the housing of data processing module 1600 may be configured to couple to or engage with on body electronics 1100 such that the two devices are combined or integrated as a single assembly and positioned on the skin surface.
[00197] As illustrated in FIGURE 34, in some embodiments, manually depressing the on body unit inserter 1228 can cause the torsion spring to wind as the rotor 1208 rotates, guided by the cam path.
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