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Displaying 69-83 of 235 results

1045 Exhibit: Declaration of Rakesh Kapoor

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1045-39 Exhibit - Declaration of Rakesh Kapoor (P.T.A.B. Sep. 30, 2020)

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1084 Exhibit: Mayzaud et al, Changes in lipid composition of the Antarctic krill Euph...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1084-68 Exhibit - Mayzaud et al, Changes in lipid composition of the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba in the Indian sector of the Antarctic Ocean influence of geographical lo...

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1030 Exhibit: Tehoharides, US Patent Application Publication No US20060013905 ...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1030-29 Exhibit - Tehoharides, US Patent Application Publication No US20060013905 A1, Anti Inflammatory Compositions For Treating Multiple Sclerosis (P.T.A.B. Sep. 30...

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1167 Exhibit: Ballantine, JA, Roberts, JC, and Morris, RJ 1980, Marine Sterols XII T...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1167-95 Exhibit - Ballantine, JA, Roberts, JC, and Morris, RJ 1980, Marine Sterols XII The Sterols of Some Pelagic Marine Crustaceans J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 47, 25 33 (P.T.A....

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1035 Exhibit: Breivik, US Patent Application Publication No US 20100143571 A1, P...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1035-32 Exhibit - Breivik, US Patent Application Publication No US 20100143571 A1, Process for Production of Omega 3 Rich Marine Phospholipids from Krill Breivik I (P.T.A...

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1070 Exhibit: Krill Bill Online Purchase Order and Specification Pages from 2006 h...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1070-61 Exhibit - Krill Bill Online Purchase Order and Specification Pages from 2006 httpswebarchiveorgweb20060715103715http wwwkrillbillcom80purchasehtm httpsweb...

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1155 Exhibit: Inter Partes Review Certificate US 9,028,877 Kl cancelling all claims o...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1155-90 Exhibit - Inter Partes Review Certificate US 9,028,877 Kl cancelling all claims of US Patent No 9,028,877, issued March 12, 2020 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 30, 2020)

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1100 Exhibit: Higuera Ciapara, et al, Astaxanthin A Review of its Chemistry and App...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1100-75 Exhibit - Higuera Ciapara, et al, Astaxanthin A Review of its Chemistry and Applications, Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2006462185 96 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 30, 2020)

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1039 Exhibit: Grynbaum, M, et al Unambiguous detection of astaxanthin and astax...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1039-36 Exhibit - Grynbaum, M, et al Unambiguous detection of astaxanthin and astaxanthin fatty acid esters in krill Euphausia superba Dana, J Sep Sci, 28, 1685¿¿¿1693 20...

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1027 Exhibit: Saether et al, Lipolysis post mortem in North Atlantic krill Comp Bioch...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1027-26 Exhibit - Saether et al, Lipolysis post mortem in North Atlantic krill Comp Biochem Physiol Vol 83B, No 1, pp 51 55, 1986 Saether (P.T.A.B. Sep. 30, 2020)

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1051 Exhibit: Federal Register, Vol 62, No 74, pp 18938 18964, April 17, 1997

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1051-45 Exhibit - Federal Register, Vol 62, No 74, pp 18938 18964, April 17, 1997 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 30, 2020)

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1029 Exhibit: Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd ed, p 732, 1983

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1029-28 Exhibit - Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd ed, p 732, 1983 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 30, 2020)

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1101 Exhibit: Lambertsen, et al, Method of Analysis of Astaxanthin and its Occurre...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1101-76 Exhibit - Lambertsen, et al, Method of Analysis of Astaxanthin and its Occurrence in some Marine Products, J Sci of Food and Agriculture, 1971, Vol 22, February (P...

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1023 Exhibit: Federal Register Notice of Institution of Investigation 337 TA 1019 on...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1023-16 Exhibit - Federal Register Notice of Institution of Investigation 337 TA 1019 on September 16, 2016 by the ITC 81 Fed Reg pages 63805 63806 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 30, 20...

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1024 Exhibit: 1024 Part 7 Pages 2701 3083 File History to US Patent No 9,034,388...

Document IPR2020-01532, No. 1024-24 Exhibit - 1024 Part 7 Pages 2701 3083 File History to US Patent No 9,034,388 B2, Serial No, 12057,775 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 30, 2020)

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