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Displaying 69-83 of 248 results

1042 Exhibit: Second Declaration of Bruce McNair

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 1042 Exhibit - Second Declaration of Bruce McNair (P.T.A.B. Oct. 14, 2020)

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2003 Exhibit: Complaint for Patent Infringement, 4361423 Canada Inc dba Anywhe...

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 2003-35 Exhibit - Complaint for Patent Infringement, 4361423 Canada Inc dba AnywhereCommerce v Square, Inc (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2020)

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2004 Exhibit: Declaration of Ivan Zatkovich

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 2004-36 Exhibit - Declaration of Ivan Zatkovich (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2020)

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2006 Exhibit: Declaration of Jason Jackson

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 2006-38 Exhibit - Declaration of Jason Jackson (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2020)

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2005 Exhibit: Edaboardcom, RJ11 pinout informations

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 2005-37 Exhibit - Edaboardcom, RJ11 pinout informations (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2020)

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2001 Exhibit: IPR2014 00312, Square, Inc v REM Holdings 3, LLC, Paper No 6, Cor...

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 2001-33 Exhibit - IPR2014 00312, Square, Inc v REM Holdings 3, LLC, Paper No 6, Corrected Petition for Inter Partes Review (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2020)

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2002 Exhibit: K VanHemert, How Apple¿¿¿s Lightning Plug Guru Reinvented Square...

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 2002-34 Exhibit - K VanHemert, How Apple¿¿¿s Lightning Plug Guru Reinvented Square¿¿¿s Card Reader (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2020)

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2002 Exhibit: K VanHemert, How Apple¿¿¿s Lightning Plug Guru Reinvented Square...

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 2002 Exhibit - K VanHemert, How Apple¿¿¿s Lightning Plug Guru Reinvented Square¿¿¿s Card Reader (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2020)

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2003 Exhibit: Complaint for Patent Infringement, 4361423 Canada Inc dba Anywhe...

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 2003 Exhibit - Complaint for Patent Infringement, 4361423 Canada Inc dba AnywhereCommerce v Square, Inc (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2020)

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2005 Exhibit: Edaboardcom, RJ11 pinout informations

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 2005 Exhibit - Edaboardcom, RJ11 pinout informations (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2020)

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3002 Exhibit: Email

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 3002-31 Exhibit - Email (P.T.A.B. Jun. 10, 2020)

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3003 Exhibit: Table

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 3003-32 Exhibit - Table (P.T.A.B. Jun. 10, 2020)

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3002 Exhibit: Email

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 3002 Exhibit - Email (P.T.A.B. Jun. 10, 2020)

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3003 Exhibit: Table

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 3003 Exhibit - Table (P.T.A.B. Jun. 10, 2020)

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3001 Exhibit: Ex 3001

Document IPR2019-01625, No. 3001-30 Exhibit - Ex 3001 (P.T.A.B. May. 28, 2020)

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