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Displaying 69-83 of 265 results

2007 Exhibit: Ex 2007 20210628 745641 1646900 Apple Response to Amended Co...

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2007-63 Exhibit - Ex 2007 20210628 745641 1646900 Apple Response to Amended Complaint (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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2002 Exhibit: Ex 2002 Motion artifact reduction in PPG using independent compon...

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2002-58 Exhibit - Ex 2002 Motion artifact reduction in PPG using independent component analysis (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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2001 Exhibit: Ex 2001 AliveCor POPR Expert Declaration 971 Petition 731 Patent

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2001-57 Exhibit - Ex 2001 AliveCor POPR Expert Declaration 971 Petition 731 Patent (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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2004 Exhibit: Ex 2004 2021 09 10 Apple Initial Invalidity Contentions

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2004-60 Exhibit - Ex 2004 2021 09 10 Apple Initial Invalidity Contentions (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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2003 Exhibit: Ex 2003 Motion artifact reduction in PPG for reliable signal selection

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2003-59 Exhibit - Ex 2003 Motion artifact reduction in PPG for reliable signal selection (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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2008 Exhibit: Ex 2008 2021 08 18 Respondent List of Terms to Be Construed

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2008-64 Exhibit - Ex 2008 2021 08 18 Respondent List of Terms to Be Construed (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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2006 Exhibit: Ex 2006 20210625 745515 1645864 Order 6 Setting Procedural Sch...

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2006-62 Exhibit - Ex 2006 20210625 745515 1645864 Order 6 Setting Procedural Schedule (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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2005 Exhibit: Ex 2005 337 TA 1228 Automated Storage and Retrieval Order No 6

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2005-61 Exhibit - Ex 2005 337 TA 1228 Automated Storage and Retrieval Order No 6 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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2008 Exhibit: Ex 2008 2021 08 18 Respondent List of Terms to Be Construed

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2008-64 Exhibit - Ex 2008 2021 08 18 Respondent List of Terms to Be Construed (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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2005 Exhibit: Ex 2005 337 TA 1228 Automated Storage and Retrieval Order No 6

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 2005-61 Exhibit - Ex 2005 337 TA 1228 Automated Storage and Retrieval Order No 6 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 16, 2021)

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1014 Exhibit: Selvaraj N, Jaryal A, Santhosh J, Deepak KK, Anand S Assessment o...

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 1014-13 Exhibit - Selvaraj N, Jaryal A, Santhosh J, Deepak KK, Anand S Assessment of heart rate variability derived from finger tip photoplethysmography as compared to e...

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1028 Exhibit: US Provisional Application No 61969,019

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 1028-27 Exhibit - US Provisional Application No 61969,019 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 9, 2021)

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1048 Exhibit: US Pat No 7,894,888 Chan

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 1048-47 Exhibit - US Pat No 7,894,888 Chan (P.T.A.B. Jun. 9, 2021)

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1033 Exhibit: Kleiger RE, Stein PK, Bigger JT Jr Heart rate variability measurement...

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 1033-32 Exhibit - Kleiger RE, Stein PK, Bigger JT Jr Heart rate variability measurement and clinical utility (P.T.A.B. Jun. 9, 2021)

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1031 Exhibit: US Patent Publication No 20120203491 Sun

Document IPR2021-00971, No. 1031-30 Exhibit - US Patent Publication No 20120203491 Sun (P.T.A.B. Jun. 9, 2021)

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