PGR2020-00031, No. 1032-32 Exhibit - US Patent Application Publication 20100114674 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
As a result, different proposals are made in this field with the main objective of mitigating this lack of security and auditability in electoral processes based on DREs.
These proposals, such as those described in EP-B1-1 224 767, WO-A3-02/077754, WO-A2-03/071491, WO-A1-03/050771 and the patent application PCT/ES04/000350, assure the correct develop ment of the electoral process by means of cryptographically protecting the digital votes cast and generating a verifiable record for the voter.
This solution, also known as the Mercuri method, requires the protection of the printed vote from any voter manipulation by means of putting a transparent Surface (glass or viewer) in front the printout.
This group includes solutions such as those proposed in US2003/006282-A1, US 2004/0195323-A1 or the Keller A. M. et al. publication, A PC-Based Open Source Voting Machine with an Accessible Voter Verifiable Paper Ballot.
A system according to claim 69, characterized in that said verification module is a printer or an audio device, cho Sen from the group comprising at least headphones or loud speakers.
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1032-32 Exhibit - US Patent Application Publication 20100114674 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1021-21 Exhibit - Kim et al, Improved Support for Machine Assisted Ballot LevelAudits, 1 USENIX Journal of Election Technology and SystemsJETS 88 2013 (P.T.A.B. Feb....
The need to re-derive this information, the scale of elections, the diversity of ballot formats and voter marks, and the imperfections in scanned images make this a challenging image-processing task.
Ballot interpretation and target verification re- main mostly unchanged, compared to the previous version of OpenCount [Wang et al. 2012]; our new work primarily affects the first two stages.
However, while pro- cessing ballots from the June 2012 primary, we found that this approach was inadequate: the number of different precincts is large enough that this imposes an overwhelming burden on the operator.
Finally, let d(li,l j) represent the pairwise penalty of two adjacent digits 4The operator identifies the location where the precinct number is printed on the ballot during attribute definition.
Examples of such visual discrepancies include varying image dimensions, text lines wrapped at different locations, and inconsistent spacing between the words in candidate names.
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1021-21 Exhibit - Kim et al, Improved Support for Machine Assisted Ballot LevelAudits, 1 USENIX Journal of Election Technology and SystemsJETS 88 2013 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1024-24 Exhibit - US Patent Application Publication 20090289115 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
The random generated number, field 387, is a ran domly-generated unique identifier that is printed on a ballot prior to the election, and may or may not be traceable to the identity of a particular voter or Voting machine, as desired for security and privacy.
The calculation or coding process for producing the relational check number can be closely held in confidence within an official election entity or organization and is not information that is available to the public, and so some degree of security is provided thereby.
It is noted that while the field data and the relational check number or code are referred to as “numbers.” each may include numerical, alphabetic, alpha-numeric and other char acters and symbols, conventional or arbitrary, as may be desired.
In addition, a voterinterface VI for allowing visually impaired voters to vote without assistance may employ a modified standard keyboard (of which only certain keys are responded to) in combination with an aural device.
The image of each ballot read 320a, 320b is preferably stored 332, e.g., for later verification, auditing, confirmation and/or comparison with the paperbal lots and the like, and may be printed and/or otherwise pub lished 334, in whole or in part, in connection therewith.
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1024-24 Exhibit - US Patent Application Publication 20090289115 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1007-7 Exhibit - Certified Translation of BR102013018558A2 ¿¿¿Nadaf¿¿¿ (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
The article was suspended by protective order issued in Direct Action for Unconstitutionality (ADI) No. 4547 filed with the Federal Supreme Court by the Office of the Attorney General of the Union.
Using the corresponding button on the screen (2), or via the repurposed mechanical keyboard from the Electronic Urn (T), the voter chooses his candidates, displaying the respective photographs and other possible information.
The ballot (14) will also show the complete vote by the voter encoded in a two- dimensional bar code, which will also contain the digital signatures of the Elections Judge and the other institution auditing the process (15).
The equipment (19) will be supplied with the information conveyed to the independent storage urn (11), or by the printed verification ballots (14) with a seal, in an auditing process, with various tasks carried out in the same mechanically automated routine.
VERIFICATION BALLOTS,” according to Claim 9, characterized by reading bar codes (16), (17) or (18), and electronic counting of ballots (14), stored in the module (26), followed by sealing, forming a block (29) ejected at the output (27), that receives a radio frequency chip at the labeler (28), used as a polling station, to form a system characterized by the collection of electronic votes and votes printed on paper, with double biometric identification, operated by the voter himself.
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1007-7 Exhibit - Certified Translation of BR102013018558A2 ¿¿¿Nadaf¿¿¿ (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1022-22 Exhibit - US Patent Application Publication 20060041468 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
0.025 The foregoing aspects and other features of the present invention are explained in the following description, taken in connection with the accompanying drawings, wherein: 0.026 FIG. 1 is a block diagram of the pertinent compo nents of the electronic input device by which the voter would make his Selections.
In the event that the bar code is unreadable, either an optical character recognition Scanner may be employed to read the printed names or the ballot may be automatically Segregated for examination by election officials.
Using this ballot map, which those skilled in the computer arts will recognize as a lookup table, the control unit would print the name or Selection assigned to the bar code that the user actually scanned.
You are allowed to make up to three.” The above is merely illustrative of the fact that the control unit can be preprogrammed to respond to range of fixed inputs that generate a variety of responses and voter feedback appropriate to governing rules of any election.
The voter verifiable voting system of claim 13 wherein the computing unit is an application Specific integrated circuit, the input device is a bar code reader, and the electronic tally is Stored in removable nonvolatile elec tronic memory.
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1022-22 Exhibit - US Patent Application Publication 20060041468 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1047-47 Exhibit - US Reissue Patent No RE40,449 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
43, No. 11, Nov. 2000, U. S. A. Rebecca Mercuri, "Corrupted Polling," Inside Risks, Com- munications of the Association for Computing Machinery, vol.
94 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets 235/386 235/51 713/176 235/386 Voting Station (VS) it Ballot Scanning Machine (0Ptiinal) Input Device 3 Keyboard, etc. Colnrillcr (C) 2 Voting 2a Program Display Device 4 Visual or Auditory Printing Election Systems & Software, LLC - Exhibit 1047 Election Systems & Software, LLC v. Hart Intercivic, Inc.
Michael Stanton (Translator), Agencia 0 Estado de Sao Paulo, "The Importance of Recounting Votes", (on website, Nov. 2000, Bra- zil.
The voting system of claim 1 wherein one of said at ing input from a voter connected to said computer; least one of the data storage devices is removable media.
The voting system of claim 56 wherein the election ballot presented is displayed in increments of each candi- date or issue to be decided upon.
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1047-47 Exhibit - US Reissue Patent No RE40,449 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1025-25 Exhibit - US Patent Application Publication 20190213820 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
[ 0069 ] In some embodiments of the present disclosure , the high level election process 300 may be implemented using a web application accessed through a computer and a web browser , a native application on a computer , a native app on a mobile device , or a general - purpose software tool such as a portable document format ( PDF ) reader - writer that can help the voter fill in a downloaded form .
[ 0073 ] In some embodiments , the various electoral dis tricts and geographic data combine to define the set of ballots needed for that election in that jurisdiction .
However , at a legally defined point in time , typically the deadlines for re - districting and other subsidiary activities , the jurisdiction definition is fixed for the upcoming election .
names of candidates ) is defined by an independently created JED and a set of ballot design rules that can be adjusted on a per - jurisdiction basis .
Federal Information Processing Standards ( FIPS ) unique numeric identifier for a vote tallying district ; an ordinal number combined with a county and state name ( e .
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1025-25 Exhibit - US Patent Application Publication 20190213820 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1038-38 Exhibit - Krawczyk et al, IETF Request for Comments 2104 HMACKeyed Hashing for Message Authentication 1997httpstoolsietforgpdfrfc2104pdf (P.T.A.B. Feb. 2...
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1038-38 Exhibit - Krawczyk et al, IETF Request for Comments 2104 HMACKeyed Hashing for Message Authentication 1997httpstoolsietforgpdfrfc2104pdf (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1042-42 Exhibit - WO 04038632 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1042-42 Exhibit - WO 04038632 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1027-27 Exhibit - Toledo et al, Election Tally Sheets Processing System,Proceedings of the 12th IAPR Workshop on Document AnalysisSystems DAS 2016, at 364 (P.T.A.B...
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1027-27 Exhibit - Toledo et al, Election Tally Sheets Processing System,Proceedings of the 12th IAPR Workshop on Document AnalysisSystems DAS 2016, at 364 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1005-5 Exhibit - US Patent No 7,406,201 ¿¿¿Heilper¿¿¿ (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1005-5 Exhibit - US Patent No 7,406,201 ¿¿¿Heilper¿¿¿ (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1030-30 Exhibit - Ashford, QR Codes and Academic Libraries Reaching MobileUsers 2010,httpsdigitalcommonsgeorgefoxeducgiviewcontentcgirefererhttpscholargoogleco...
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1030-30 Exhibit - Ashford, QR Codes and Academic Libraries Reaching MobileUsers 2010,httpsdigitalcommonsgeorgefoxeducgiviewcontentcgirefererhttpscholargooglecomhttpsredir1article101
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1029-29 Exhibit - US Patent No 5,726,435 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1029-29 Exhibit - US Patent No 5,726,435 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1014-14 Exhibit - US Patent No 9,361,531 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1014-14 Exhibit - US Patent No 9,361,531 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1011-11 Exhibit - US Patent No 3,609,685 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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PGR2020-00031, No. 1011-11 Exhibit - US Patent No 3,609,685 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 24, 2020)
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