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Displaying 729-743 of 1,288 results

2009 Exhibit: Server Network Scalability and TCP Offload

Document IPR2018-00400, No. 2009 Exhibit - Server Network Scalability and TCP Offload (P.T.A.B. Apr. 16, 2018)

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2014 Exhibit: Evaluation of an Attempt at Offloading TCP IP Protocol

Document IPR2018-00400, No. 2014 Exhibit - Evaluation of an Attempt at Offloading TCP IP Protocol (P.T.A.B. Apr. 16, 2018)

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1031 Exhibit: Ex1031 Provisional Application 60061809

Document IPR2018-00400, No. 1031 Exhibit - Ex1031 Provisional Application 60061809 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2017)

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1016 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1016 Biersack, E W, Rtsche E, Demultiplexing on the ATM A...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1016-13 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1016 Biersack, E W, Rtsche E, Demultiplexing on the ATM Adapter Experiments with Internet Protocols in User Space, Journal on High Speed Net...

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Document IPR2018-00226, No. 2400-86 Exhibit - EXHIBIT 2400 PATENT OWNERS DOCUMENT REQUESTS TO PETITIONER (P.T.A.B. Oct. 11, 2018)

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1013 Exhibit: Ex1013 Stevens, W Richard and Gary R Wright, TCP IP Illustrated Vo...

Document IPR2018-00400, No. 1013-11 Exhibit - Ex1013 Stevens, W Richard and Gary R Wright, TCP IP Illustrated Volume 2 The Implementation, Addison Wesley 1995 3 of 3 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 27, 2017)

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1027 Exhibit: Ex1027 Dalton, C, et al, Afterburner Architectural Support for High Pe...

Document IPR2018-00400, No. 1027-24 Exhibit - Ex1027 Dalton, C, et al, Afterburner Architectural Support for High Performance Protocols, Networks and Communications Laboratories, HP Laboratories ...

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1005 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1005 US Patent No 5,768,618

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1005-5 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1005 US Patent No 5,768,618 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 3, 2017)

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1064 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1064 Librarian Declaration of Lisa Rowlison de Ortiz re YH T...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1064-38 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1064 Librarian Declaration of Lisa Rowlison de Ortiz re YH Thia and CM Woodside, A Reduced Operation Protocol Engine ROPE for a Multiple laye...

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1019 Exhibit: CAVIUM 1019 Padlipsky, M A, A Proposed Protocol for Connecting H...

Document IPR2017-01734, No. 1019-16 Exhibit - CAVIUM 1019 Padlipsky, M A, A Proposed Protocol for Connecting Host Computers to Arpa Like Networks Via Directly Connected Front End Processors, N...

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2002 Exhibit: 20161111 Defendants Invalidity Contentions

Document IPR2018-00400, No. 2002-54 Exhibit - 20161111 Defendants Invalidity Contentions (P.T.A.B. Apr. 16, 2018)

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1026 Exhibit: Kung, HT, Cooper, EC, et al, Network Based Multicomputers An Emer...

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 1026-21 Exhibit - Kung, HT, Cooper, EC, et al, Network Based Multicomputers An Emerging Parallel Architectures (P.T.A.B. May. 9, 2017)

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1056 Exhibit: Julian Satran et al SCSITCP SCSI over TCP

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 1056-33 Exhibit - Julian Satran et al SCSITCP SCSI over TCP (P.T.A.B. May. 9, 2017)

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1263 Exhibit: Ex 1263 Petitioners Demonstratives for September 13, 2018 Oral Arg...

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 1263-121 Exhibit - Ex 1263 Petitioners Demonstratives for September 13, 2018 Oral Argument Part 4 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 10, 2018)

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2700 Exhibit: Sistos Declaration

Document IPR2017-01405, No. 2700-116 Exhibit - Sistos Declaration (P.T.A.B. Sep. 5, 2018)

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