In sum, the generalized API module 218 allows a single standard thread to multiple users to connect any of their applications with the gateway 204 to perform any of storage, upload, retrieval, download, modify, search, and other allied functions at the cloud stores.
A gateway can also categorize or assign weights to cloud service providers based on their priority, response time, feedback, performance, and other evaluation parameters and accordingly upload chunks by choosing the most optimal set of containers.
As can be seen, multiple structural elements including client application/browser, proxy, policy database, searchable encryption engine, cloud provider API mediation, and a plurality of containers are present in the architecture of the proposed system.
Onr evaluation on a real-world test-bed show that Dragonfrnit is able to work with several doud providers such as Google-Drive and Dropbm: simultmwously and is abfo to respond to search requests within a few seconds proving a reasonable performance overhead for practical usage.
Our evaluation on a real world test--bed sho\vecl that Dragonfruit is able w work with several cloud providers such as Google-Drive and Dropbox simultaneously and respond to data search requests within few seconds proving a reasonable performance overhead for practical usages.