Patent and Trademark Office; US, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Papenivork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number Also Form PTO-1050
ether than the applicant; a registered axiomey or agent; or {he assigns: at other party in interest as shawl: b I the rte-cows ofiha United Strum Patent and Tradem'ark Office” Anfiwrizad Signature Typed or minted name SEEN“: $Wi$§m Ragisatratim No. mewmww
Fer gene and vainahie censidereiinn, the receipt anti sufficiency ni‘ wiiieh are hereby acknnwiedged, WRGECAL Biflifii’iicsi LLC (hereinafter referred in as “ASSiGNC§R”i, having its principai piece (ii hneiness at 60 Chastain Center Snuieveri‘i, Suite iii), Kennesew, GA 33144, is; the owner (if the entire right, titie and interest of any inventiens that reiete :0 er enuid he derived from:
ASSiGNQR HEREBY AGREES {a} to communicate te ASSEGNEE, its successors and assigns, or their representative or agents, eii facts and informetien known or evaiienie ta ASSEGNQR teseecting said inventien Oi“ inventiens, improvements, and modifications inciutiing evidence for interference, reexamination, reissue, enpositien, revecation, extensien, or infringement purpeses er ether iegal, judiciai, er administrative proceedings, whenever requested by ASSiGNi—Ei—Z; (is; to execute anti deiiver, upen request by ASSEEGNEE, aii iawiui papers inciuding, but not iimited m, nriginai, divisionai, centinuatien, and reissue appiicetiens, reneweis, assignments: powers of atterney, oaths, affidavits, and deciarations, depositions; ant;i id} to previde eii reasonetiie assistanee tn ASSEGNEE, its successors and assigns, in ebteining and enfercing primer titie in and preteetien fer said inventien or inventions, improvements, and madificatiens under the inteiiectuai property Haws at the United States and muntries fereign theteto.
This paper is timely filed atong with or before the payment of the issue fee Applicants note, with approval, that the Title of the invention was amended to read “Improved Placenta} Tissue Grafts” in the Notice ofAlIowance.