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Displaying 54-68 of 124 results

23 Notice: Patent Owner Exhibit List

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 23 Notice - Patent Owner Exhibit List (P.T.A.B. Apr. 23, 2015)

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2 Petition: Petition for IPR of US Patent 7787431

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 2 Petition - Petition for IPR of US Patent 7787431 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 22, 2014)

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20 Notice: Patent Owners Notice of Deposition of Zygmunt J Haas, PhD

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 20 Notice - Patent Owners Notice of Deposition of Zygmunt J Haas, PhD (P.T.A.B. Mar. 25, 2015)

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18 Notice: Notice of Stipulation to Adjust Schedule

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 18 Notice - Notice of Stipulation to Adjust Schedule (P.T.A.B. Mar. 25, 2015)

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19 Notice: Patent Owners Notice of Deposition of Stephen Hayes

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 19 Notice - Patent Owners Notice of Deposition of Stephen Hayes (P.T.A.B. Mar. 25, 2015)

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15 Notice: Petitioner Updated Mandatory Notices IPR2014 01195

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 15 Notice - Petitioner Updated Mandatory Notices IPR2014 01195 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 27, 2015)

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14 Notice: Patent Owners Amended Mandatory Notices

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 14 Notice - Patent Owners Amended Mandatory Notices (P.T.A.B. Feb. 20, 2015)

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13 Rehearing Request in re Institution Decision Granted: Petitioners Request for R...

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 13 Rehearing Request in re Institution Decision Granted - Petitioners Request for Rehearing (P.T.A.B. Feb. 18, 2015)

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10 Preliminary Response: Patent Owner Preliminary Response

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 10 Preliminary Response - Patent Owner Preliminary Response (P.T.A.B. Nov. 5, 2014)

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9 Notice: Related Matters

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 9 Notice - Related Matters (P.T.A.B. Nov. 3, 2014)

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6 Power of Attorney: Power of Attorney

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 6 Power of Attorney - Power of Attorney (P.T.A.B. Oct. 24, 2014)

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2006 Exhibit: Intellectual Ventures II LLCs Demonstratives for Oral Argument

Document IPR2015-01664, No. 2006-7 Exhibit - Intellectual Ventures II LLCs Demonstratives for Oral Argument (P.T.A.B. Oct. 3, 2016)

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1023 Exhibit: Petitioners Oral Hearing Demonstratives

Document IPR2015-01664, No. 1023-6 Exhibit - Petitioners Oral Hearing Demonstratives (P.T.A.B. Oct. 3, 2016)

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4 Power of Attorney: Power of Attorney

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 4 Power of Attorney - Power of Attorney (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2014)

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5 Notice: Related Matters

Document IPR2014-01195, No. 5 Notice - Related Matters (P.T.A.B. Aug. 12, 2014)

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