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Displaying 54-55 of 55 results

1004 Exhibit: EX1004 US Patent Publication No 20020042290 to Williams et al

Document IPR2023-00796, No. 1004 Exhibit - EX1004 US Patent Publication No 20020042290 to Williams et al (P.T.A.B. Apr. 5, 2023)
Since mobile Subscribers cannot detect Signals below a minimum threshold level of power, increas ing antenna gain extends the distance a carrier wave can travel.
For example, a receive apparatus chain may include an antenna element, cables, filters, RF electronics, physical connec tions, and an analog-to-digital converter, assuming the pro cessing is digital.
Due to normal variances in the manufac ture of the antenna array elements, connecting cables, and transmit and receive electronicS chains, there will be differ ing errors and non-linearities introduced by Signal paths comprising combinations of these components.
Their processed (modulated and encoded) outputs are Supplied to the digital array processor 160, which can apply appropriate net weighting factors to each active channel and for each transmit apparatus chain associated with each antenna ele ment 110.
It should be understood that the examples and embodiments described herein are for illustrative purposes only and that various modifications or changes in light thereof will be Suggested to persons skilled in the art and are to be included within the Spirit and purview of this application.
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1008 Exhibit: EX1008 Roh, A Base Station Smart Antenna System for CDMA Cellular

Document IPR2023-00796, No. 1008 Exhibit - EX1008 Roh, A Base Station Smart Antenna System for CDMA Cellular (P.T.A.B. Apr. 5, 2023)
1.2 Overview of proposed system Transmitting signals with smart antennas is considerably more difficult than receiving sig- nals, for reasons which will be explained in Section 5.1.
1.3 Document overview In this thesis we investigate the possibility of using an adaptive antenna array with cellular CDMA, with special attention devoted to a simple proposed system.
They estimate the array response vector of the desired mobile as the generalized principal eigenvector of a pair of covariance matrices, which provides the optimal set of weights.
They examine the performance of this method by computer simulation and conclude that system capacity increases by a factor equal to the number of antennas per cell site.
[2] S. Choi, "Design of an adaptive antenna array for tracking the source of maximum power and its application to CDMA mobile communications," IEEE Trans.
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