~ , Owing to the elasticity of the part I, all play yare adapted to be used as pumps, motors, com- A is practically avoided upon a great length of the pressors, etc. .
The part 2 4maybe ceive a slight dispacement, in order to assure .the » contact between all of the gear elements without rotated, as herein represented'by a small flexible appreciable vplay and upon a great length.
The end~piece 6 is ñtted with a stumng-box 15 tact with this latter element in any cross section I0 which is pressed by screws I I, and thus the saidstuil‘lng-box separates the bearing I2 of the thereof.
‘ In the case the _cross-section of _the internal part 2 of the device being constantly circular, the elasticity may be obtained by providing the internal part 2a with circular packing rings Il (Fig. 4) which are optionallysplit, are very thin, 55 Flotek Exhibit 1013 2,028,407 and are in close contact; or further, by sur iet and outlet conduits in said casing.
ensuring a perfect tightness of the joints and It is evident that such rings Il or wire I5 providing for a closed tight axial space com v10 may be employed in conjunctionl with the tlrst~ prised between said male and female elements and ` mentioned arrangement, by rendering the core 2a wherein the iluid is contained, said space com of part 2 elastic.