In this work, we present ImageElves, a system to rapidly, reliably and automatically propagate updates system to rapidly, reliably and automatically propagate updates (e.g., patches, software installs, compliance checks) in a data (e.g., patches, software installs, compliance checks) in a data center.
In this work, we propose ImageElves to rapidly, reliably, and automatically we propose ImageElves to rapidly, reliably, and automatically propagate system updates (e.g., patches, software installs, propagate system updates (e.g., patches, software installs, compliance checks) to dormant as well as live virtual machine compliance checks) to dormant as well as live virtual machine images in a data center.
Since ImageElves is designed to be content-oblivious (i.e., does not use expert is designed to be content-oblivious (i.e., does not use expert knowledge about the actual actions performed by updates), knowledge about the actual actions performed by updates), discarding the PoVs or random attributes while classifying discarding the PoVs or random attributes while classifying files is challenging.
This process applied on dormant VMs involved booting up the VM, copying necessary dormant VMs involved booting up the VM, copying necessary files over, running the update installer or script over an files over, running the update installer or script over an ssh connection, and then shutting down VM, similar to the ssh connection, and then shutting down VM, similar to the Microsoft Virtual Machine Servicing Tool [14].
The related work to ImageElves can broadly be classified The related work to ImageElves can broadly be classified into semantic mining of virtual servers, online system man- into semantic mining of virtual servers, online system man- agement tools, and offline updation tools.